✅ [RoleQ] Solution for DPS queue times

The possible solutions are pretty limited if you ask me.

We could go with roleq 1-4-1 builds what would require the rebalance of all support and tank heroes. This is still less than the rebalance need on 2/2/2 and would decrease qtimes for dps.

We could go with mirrored roleq setups with vote systems where the matchmaker makes sure the same amounts of roles are present both sides and if a huge majority of the players in the match agree they could vote in role changes, free choices, etc…

Blizzard could go and rebalance all tank+support heroes and release enough of them to be on par with how much dps we have.

The problem in all cases is that Blizzard needs to do huge rebalances, need to throw out true flexing and somehow make support and tank play actually fun.

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role que will not fix anything in this game, idk why people think it will. its not going to force people to play tanks that adhere to the heros others want to play, its not going to force people to use coms and coordinate, and its most certainly not going to make your games better.

its going to make you say things like “I waited 10 minutes for a match and got a widow who wouldn’t swap and couldn’t hit a shot, can we please have force to swap??”

If you TRULY wanted to enforce role que, you would be using the tools you have to do it, like LFG. Just like if you truly wanted Guilds and to play in a team environment you would be going through the 3rd party sites that host it already.

What you want is a solution to the things you blame for your own inability to improve at the game, which will never come.

there will always be another needed feature, another excuse thrown up as to “why im losing and my games are bad”

I actually wanted to play in a team environment, so I went through other sources.

I actually wanted to be able to play the roles I wanted at all times so I joined a team for those roles

I wanted to learn the game in a team environment so I joined teams, leagues, and scrimmed my butt off until my team was finally winning divisions.

Nobody here claiming they want these things is going through these solutions, because they don’t want it truly, if you really wanted that you would be using the resources you have to get it

what you want, is something to blame. end of story.

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So what do you think about the idea posted up top?

I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect 99% of players to play like the top 1% of players.

A small skilled minority is really great and all, but the game dies if it doesn’t maintain a healthy population.

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Agreed. I mean we all want OW to be successful, and long lived. Is it criminal to suggest we build in a framework to guide new players (and old) towards a better game?

Could work but im not sure how much time we save with this.

Jeff avaraged an increase of 10-15 minute if we go for 2/2/2 so if we take out a third of it we are still facing 6-10 minute increases.

3DPS would be 50% of the team being DPS.
And if you look at the player populations right now, Quickplay is averaging less than 50% DPS.


Roles Pickrate
Damage 45.3%
Healer 27.3%
Tank 23.8%
(Source: Overbuff, 4/23/19, PC, All Skill Tiers)


Roles Pickrate
Healer 34.5%
Damage 33.4%
Tank 32.1%
(Source: Overbuff, 4/15/19, PC, All Skill Tiers)

but that’s literally what you are asking for “give us role que so we can have forced team comps like the top level makes on their own”


I’m saying “Make the game more enjoyable for the average player, where teamplay is easy, rather than something you have to work hard for”.

Apex Legends, for instance, is really doing a good job at showing that teamwork can be made easier by good game design.

apex legends has lost 90% of its playerbase in a 3 week time frame, and doesn’t have objectives, or tanks the same way that OW does. its just a battle royale with classes.

nobody is doing team play. nobody is joining coms and trying to make it work, you think forcing a set comp will change that? its just going to make que times longer, and irritate people when they don’t get the role they want.

Think about what people do on PTR when a hero is new, or when the hero first drops, they que and drop when they don’t get the hero, forcing back fill after back fill after back fill

You really think people wont do that with roles?

Youre looking at the community of OW through rose colored lenses, and not using the behaviors right in front of you that show you what will happen if role que is enforced.

WOW had the same issue, and you know what happens? People change their class que as tank to get faster ques, and then swap right back to damage when they get in, and leave when things don’t work out.

I’m going to leave it here, and if and when it gets enforced, and the issues are the same, the second I see you talking about the issues and how we need new features with role que, im going to link you back to this conversation.


I would rather 3dps-1tank-1heal-1(tank or heal)

Matches the loadout of hero selections currently available, and i suspect isnt far off from player population role preference either.

Since “it will be easier to balance” is an argument for 222, then a 3111 would be just as easy to balance for as well

I think it’d be cleaner to try to pull DPS into other modes instead of forcing it.

Team Fortress 2 has a map called Hightower that generally ends up being an extended Death Match despite having an objective. I’d suggest Overwatch implement something similar in the arcade and only allow players to play it as DPS and have an increased number of players in the match.

This would peel DPS players out of the regular queue without forcing anyone to do what they don’t want to do.

I think the idea I was going for was that 2-2-2 might be too restrictive, and this system mostly works even when people try to “break it”.

Also as bad as say 3DPS,1OffTank,Lucio+Brig might be at low tier.
It’s still way better than 4-5DPS compositions.

4 dps is literally part of the meta right now. which wouldn’t have happened if role que was enforced, literally anything can work in this game. that’s the beauty of it.

trying to force a team environment that will never happen BECAUSE OF THE NATURE OF THIS COMMUNITY will only restrict creativeness, and create more issues.


No worries. Wouldn’t need 4DPS comps because you wouldn’t have any GOATs comp to counter.

And besides the 3DPS version where you swap the Widow for an Ana works almost as well.

Also, “Watching two teams cooldown each other to death is really boring and is going to kill OWL and Overwatch if it doesn’t go away”

name any team comp that isn’t about using cooldowns in some form or another

name any comp where ult fights don’t matter

name any comp where a certain cooldown isn’t important

name any , ill wait.

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They matter. But GOATs pretty much pushes positioning and cooldown management into being more important than twitch aiming skill.

Instead of being an FPS primarily, with MOBA elements.
It plays more like a MOBA, with FPS elements.

so youre saying that it matters no matter what?

I’m saying it’s an unimportant question that doesn’t matter.

if it was so unimportant, why bring it up in the first place

first its:

now its:

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