So the occasional joke comp is more important than making it so that the vast majority of games are played in a way that makes people want to continue playing Overwatch?
I figure those are healthy. Because if someone switches to go heals from that, they are choosing to do so. Instead of being forced to do so.
Who says the majority wants a role limit? As far as I’ve seen an equal amount of people are just as against it. Do you want to make half of the people not want to continue playing overwatch?
If people can’t play what they want then that will kill the game. Whether that’s bad for competitive or not it’s the truth.
Allow me to interject, our colleague didn’t say a majority wanted role Q, he said a majority of games would benefit from it, whether a majority of players want it or not.
Characters. Overwatch has very unique and different characters. That’s what made TF2 stand out, and that’s what made Overwatch stand out. People get attached to certain heroes. As cheesy as that sounds, I’m sure the devs would agree.
And I have to disagree with you saying role limits are an uncommon idea because I have seen countless role limit threads. There’s literally like a new one every day. 2-2-2 is the most popular one everyone seems to obsess over.
Kinda a tough situation for a game to be in. Though there’s no way to know for sure that it’ll be beneficial until it’s actually tested. And even if it is, would it be worth it if no one even wants it?
Considering Jeff himself has commented on how poorly 4-1-1 plays, plus how players feel about 3/4/5 DPS comps, I don’t think it’s a crazy assumption that role locking would benefit the competitive environment. But you’re right, one cannot know until it’s tested.
No one but Blizz can test it however, so there’s nothing we can do about those assumptions.
I tend to think if players knew they would always have two tanks and two supports then more players would be willing to play those roles in the first place.
Tank and support have heroes that are really fun to play… unless you are tasked with trying to do so solo.
and keep in mind as you mention a time line for changes, that I really doubt we would see any sort of big sweeping changes until OWL S2 is over. Regular season runs until end of August and then we have play offs. S3 starts back up in Feb 2020. I’m thinking Dec/Jan is the soonest we might see changes, if they even happen at all.
Just being realistic as to changes? I would like to see locked 2-2-2 + role queue + per role SR but blizzard moves at the speed of a glacier. We barely get patch changes every few months. How long did moth meta hang around for example and everyone hated that one.
I’m thinking we maybe get a max 2 support hero limit. Just to remove the 3 support metas from the OWL and get more DPS on stage for flashy DPS like plays.
Then maybe a soft role queue without any sort of hero lock? I really think it’s all or nothing at this point. They either go all out with huge changes in early 2020 or we get next to nothing.
I prefer 2-2-2. The sooner it comes, the better. I don’t really see the point in wasting resources to implement a system like this for the short term when you could just direct them all into making the role-queue / 2-2-2 system they’ve already started working on.
It’s nice to see the pickrates per role stats though. I didn’t expect healers to be the highest percentage picked in comp, but I can’t say I’m surprised. Maybe now certain support players can stop acting so self-righteous when it comes to picking that role…