If you have that coordination, you simply don’t need any of this.
What the hell happens when your team say no, you can’t go counter Widow?
If you have that coordination, you simply don’t need any of this.
What the hell happens when your team say no, you can’t go counter Widow?
I guess. You keep throwing out concepts like.
Your entire defense of your idea is based on “people who have enough coordination will figure it out anyway” neglecting that the entire reason that a role q is necessary to begin with is the lack of said coordination and teamwork.
Not to mention that the game has enough actively disruptive players anyway; this looks like an amazing tool for smurfs to screw games up with.
Yeah, highly coordinated people don’t play solo… they are playing in teams. What even is the point of this idea?
If you are a highly coordinated team, shouldn’t is be excessively simple to get 4 votes to unlock the roles?
Teams of 6 people with good game knowledge and a willingness to play proper roles don’t need any help, the tanks don’t need me to tell them to help with widow they’re already doing it on their own. I have never said they did, the problem is most of my teams are not this.
What happens in gold/plat when you ask your team to counter widow? Nothing for about 2 minutes until there’s 30 seconds left on your push, someone will then help counter widow. The best I can usually hope for in this situation is we already have someone playing something that can counter widow they’re just not bothering to and often times with some prodding you can get them to help. Often times I have to switch to lucio and try to bully her.
Where are these highly coordinated teams you are talking about? If it’s as common as you make it out to be then why do we need role q?
Teams that are capable of making 3DPS/4DPS comps work, without merely getting lucky.
Why do you need the UI to even ask the question?
This isn’t a hypothetical, this actually happened. I’m playing Widow, I’m doing okay, then one of their team switch and they’re a better Hanzo than I am Widow. To deal with him, I go D.Va. It’s a very simple and obvious decision, but with this, I’m not allowed to make this decision unilaterally. So, I ask, team says ‘no go Pharah’ for example, so that’s what I have to do. I’m now tilted, on a hero I didn’t want to play… this isn’t going to end well. OR I go D.Va, but vote system says someone else had to go DPS; and either Reinhardt decides its them, or the Tanks are just not happy to DPS. Lastly, we’re actually losing because someone just isn’t pulling their weight, because they want to lose, they’re salty from a previous match, whatever, and just say no because awkward.
None of these end well as simply me unilaterally just doing my thing. Unless we were coordinated anyway, when it doesn’t need these extra steps to just do what we’re doing.
It’s really not…
The argument is most teams lack the basic elements to win because people do not want to play them. You counter with “this breaks teams when people want to do things like goats” they can’t. To which the response is if your team is coordinated enough to want to do this they are also coordinated enough to do a vote.
You then counter with “this is pointless because if all teams can figure it out anyway it’s pointless” - all teams cannot figure it out; that’s the problem. You will get teams with people who will REFUSE to swap off dps. In this case you at least will not get 3-4 of them.
They aren’t working because they are coordinated, they work because it’s chaos. That’s why a lot of things work that shouldn’t.
I’m confused. 4 players in your team could go tank.
Are you talking about a Healer switching off healing, to go play Tank?
So like I said, the only reason they work is because of luck, or coordination.
And if it’s coordination, then they could unlock roles easily.
It can certainly happen, I’ve done that plenty of times as I mained Tanks for 13 seasons with occasional flex to Support.
My argument is that a regular 2-2-2 as in 2 damage, 2 tank and 2 support enforced for everyone in solo Q would be better overall. Again, if I want to play DPS, I don’t want people to expect me to flex. I just want to be DPS, same way that if someone queues for support, they wont be expected to play anything else than support.
What I’m really confused about is what is even the point of adding situations in where you have to remove the restrictions, why even have them in the first place then?
You keep talking about your rank, you know that gold and plat are the ranks where LFG works the best right? You literally already have this available to you if you choose to use it.
And how does a 2 damage, 2 tank and 2 support not fix this?
Your do realize going solo healer, in a team that probably isn’t that good at peeling, is pretty risky, right?
How are you getting luck and coordination from chaos? The problem is that your system involves scenarios where you have to opt out of something you chose.
If I feel I need to go do that, I’m obviously feeling the risk is worth it. Same going the other way.
We are making the same argument. For me the point of adding a vote to unlock is to appease the people who keep going on about how 3DPS comps can work and WHAT ABOUT GOATS. If you should happen to get 6 people that want to do these things they can come together and decide to do it, but people on their own accord can not decide to screw the team by running 4DPS.
I use this option when it is available, but depending on when you are playing it may not be; the other day I tried for a couple hours and nothing. This also doesn’t really excuse soloQ from being a wasteland
It does - it seems like you might be arguing against Flex spots specifically and not the 2-2-2 queue as a general concept?