The question you should be asking yourself here is what problem does this system solve or what even is the purpose?
All you have done is to create a system where there is a guarantee that each team will have 2 people locked into tank and 2 people locked into support.
Why don’t damage players get to only focus on damage heroes as well, why is there an expectancy that they should be able to flex everything that might be required? We are talking about the role with the largest amount of heroes and they are also expected to be able to flex to other roles? Meanwhile there isn’t even an option to pick main and off tank/main and off support?
Again, do you expect full flex teams to be queued against role enforced teams and add a voting system to unlock roles if necessary?
If anything, the only logic I could see is that a RoleQ team might have the advantage over a 6Flex team, when the 6Flex team can’t pick an effective team comp.
This is actually not how it works at all, playing unconvential team comps vs. people playing convential, the people playing the unconventional can have a significant advantage, simply because people playing conventional have no idea how to deal with it and it usually also requires unconventional methods to beat.
Because the system is designed around facilitating creating effective team comps.
And rarely ever need to force people to fill a DPS slot. And even if you get a DPS hero that plays something different, the rest of your team can always adjust to bring in more damage.
But one of the main points of having a role Q is to allow people to play the role that they want. You are taking that aspect away from damage players.
2-2-2 is effective enough, what we want to do is to teach people how to play properly with restrictions so they can play creatively effectively once those restrictions are gone.
It works on attack most of the time, too much damage to shield/heal and from too many different angles, I have seen quad dps steamrole on attack on different game modes, it usually doesn’t do well on defense but they cap nearly as fast as possible.
The problem it solves is getting too many people on your team all of which only want to and know how to play DPS, frankly. When you get too many of these on your team the only thing you get is 10-15 mins of bickering, you lose SR but more importantly it’s just frustration and a time waster.
You VERY RARELY get this sort of bickering from tank players being asked to try a different tank, or support being asked to do something like swap because we need a defensive ult; this typically results in a discussion. I’m a very even tempered person so my perspective may be skewed by the fact that in most games I’m 1 of 2 supports; giving me a bit more control over this situation.
I literally never get teams with people who are on DPS that are willing to swap off and play support so a support can flex to DPS and fill a role we need (or the same example with swapping to tank). This never ever happens man. You must play in some magical bubble where everyone is a great team player. Often times we need a hitscan DPS which as someone who plays a lot of Ana I can fill, but you go ahead and try and convince that gold/plat DPS player they should go support so the lowly support player can help with DPS. So usually I end up having to shoot pharah down and heal my team, because why would junkrat swap to help?
I’ve never had a team with too many people trying to play support or people arguing about who’s going to play Reinhardt/Winston/Orisa; never ever in the entire time I have played this game has this happened to me in comp.
Please take a moment to read some of the discussion, this has been addressed many many times now. The team can simply vote to unlock roles if you need some special team comp that fits outside 2-2-2.
If you have enough coordination to want this, you definitely have enough for someone to initiate a vote and people hit Y on their keyboard.
You’ll only find that out a minute into the match, then you’re going to start spamming for votes mid-combat? Or, you’re just going to accept it by default because it’s absolutely necessary not to screw up your match.
I have seen 3DPS work, I’ve never seen 4DPS work in gold/plat unless the enemy team is also running something like this and then it’s really just deathmatching. Against a 2-2-2 with actual tanks/supports you can forget about it.
I have seen 3DPS devolve into people shouting at eachother far more than I have seen it work.
The main problem I have with your idea overall is that it’s going to be as ineffective or even less effective than current LFG, because there are too many ways work around it and even cases where you have to opt out of it.
I’ll leave it at that.
The problem is the added expectation added to that role. If you call a role Flex, isn’t there an assumption that people who pick that actually do flex?
But yeah, I don’t see the point of continuing this discussion.
It’s simply too loose like we currently have and because of that, it wont work.
I have seen this work in Diamond and Masters.
I have literally played games where we were the ones who did that with a full blown toxic and tilted team and we absolutely destroyed the enemy team.
If you’re in a situation where you need to swap comps you’re also probably regrouping…unless your team is just endlessly feeding?
So when you all die and regroup and the decision is made you need to deal with genji through the use of a third tank, you vote. people press Y and you move on with the match.
If you lack this level of coordination, you lack the level of coordination required to do things like group up for pushes and likely identify that you need a swap in the first place.
Or they get railroaded into Tank/Support constantly anyway because that’s what happens when you Flex. Then they pick Support, go 3rd Tank to deal with Genji/Widow, then get screamed at anyway?
All of this can be avoided by communication, not some convoluted system of votes where you’re always going to vote ‘yes’ or else screw up your match by locking people in.