So is this confirmation that personal performance stats no longer matter in initial placements? Only W/L? Several people on here suspected this already, so I guess it’s not a huge surprise.
if you ask me you should be able to role queue but all the SR of every role needs to be together and not separated like it is now. just queue for the role that you want to play in and not a whole different SR and skill level
Whats the f**** point on make people play a BETA if you will force them to carry the same MMR?
WAS A BETA FULL OF TROLLS, THROWERS, CONNECTION PROBLEMS, AND WE KINDLY PLAY AND WAIT, AND NOW DEAR DEV, YOU ARE TELLING ME I WILL HAVE TO CARRY YOUR, YOUR MISTAKES??? If you are too lazy to do a good work, then please don’t ask us for feedback and don’t lie us with the “Is just a beta guys, play” trsh
I paid around 30 euros FOR THIS KIND OF SERVICE???
Why the devs loves ignore the normal players feedback…?
TLDR, Dont place our roles based on each other. I cant aim, i dont play dps. dont make me play dps at the same level as my other roles. Its cool seeing that shiny rank for the first time, but i have essentially thrown for the last week.
Blizzard explain this to me real quick.
Why are you allowing our highest placed role to determine the other roles placements. Dont tell me you dont, i have 4 accounts that all placed next to the main roles SR from gold to diamond. None of those accounts have ANY playtime on any role but support. And like magic all the roles place right were my support sits try hard or throw.
You guys dont see the flaw here? A player like me who has over 300 hours on support but less then 10 across tank AND dps on my main Placed dps and tank right at the same rank as my best role. guess what THAT RUINS THE GAMES. I AM NOT A DIAMOND DPS. but now i get to Derank for over 400 SR worth of matches. I have not won a support game in about 4 days because my dps are all boosted moira and mercy players. That story is as old as the game, but now its the game doing the boosting.
If this hits live you guys will see a nose dive in players even harder then role Q already brought.
They are not separated.
All 4 of my accounts have placed all 3 roles at what ever SR the best role currently sat at last season. Im NOT good enough at dps for that tp happen, but it does. and thats why games feel so trashy RN.
This is how Silver dps players hit diamond and the nruin matches for a week. Private profiles were added for this i bet. its to convenient. im done with the game personally. im gonna give my high rated account to my younger sister, She can tank its rank and ruin games just like i have been all week. and NOBODY WILL KNOW THE DIFFERENCE.
Do you have any plans for changing the system so we don’t have to play our off roles just for farming points for golden weapons?
The sr adjustment is not as fast as it should be and there is a lot of people wich only dominates one role at their normal SR ruining games playing offroles.
he said sr isnt affected only mmr, if your good it will not matter
Which I don’t fully understand, please explain.
Why does someone care about something that is not visible?
I wouldn’t be surprised if they already collect stats in quick play and arcade, hence I ask myself what is different with some season that got the name “Beta”.
In the end you will get more and more where you belong.
In the beginning, the matches felt a lot more even, now the past two days the comp games have felt off - like the old stacking concerns where it felt like a group of silver players got stacked against a team of golds with one plat on board and easy rolls. Maybe its coincidence, but the tuning now feels off with the match making.
To be honest we are tired of that shi.tty excuse. Stop to protect the ow team, they are doing a bad work, even if they don’t want.
Even EA is doing a better work with Battlefront 2 (in 2 years?) than Blizzard with Overwatch in 3 years.
C’mon even Bethesda is doing a better work with F76 than Jeff and Blizz with ow
I’m curious about previously-highly-ranked players being placed much lower after their role queue placements. That’s what happened to me (3900-4100 season high in every season for years and placed at high 3400-low 3500 on all three roles this season) and I’ve heard of it happening to several other players. Is there any indication that there’s an issue with the matchmaker that caused that? I am a flex player but I find it hard to believe that I’m within 50 SR of actual skill on all three roles. Beyond that, I haven’t touched diamond in years. Why am I being placed there now?
try over 1 hour wait time. Only to have a player on the team that loses the first fight leave the game so his friend doesn’t lose SR.
i’ve played this game as much as i’ve always have this Beta Season. I’d call myself fortunate if i even played half the games i usually do.
except for the majority of the games i’ve played where someone is clearly underperforming in said role because they’ve never played it before. One where both the player in that role and someone in another would have no problem swapping with each other but they simply can’t do that now. Resulting in everyone getting frustrated.
2 dps players specialised in projectile and/or close range heroes go up against a pharah. 1 of those dps players can also play a good tank.
1 of our tanks is good at both tanking and hitscans.
these 2 players can’t swap with each other.
Great! Except “hey you’re not doing too great on dps can you swap with me”, even if it’s said in a toxic way, IS STILL BETTER THAN “Hey you’re not doing great on DPS but we can’t do anything about it so i’m just going to keep pointing it out!”
There hasn’t been a single game that i’ve won this season where I’d see us lose because we didn’t force 2-2-2.
There have been A LOT of frustrating moments and losses because nobody on my team could switch out of forced 2-2-2.
I’ve never been “great” at aim or mechanical skill. Still consistently reaching top 500 in every role i played. Why? by switching to things that can work around mechanically better players. Finding things they can’t deal with, even if that is 4-5 dps.
But this season, more than ever it’s simply been “can the majority of my team outperform the same role on the other team mechanically?”
Sometimes you get the mirror matchup, and it depends on which team has the better player on that.
Sometimes you get the direct counter matchup, where 1 person almost wins to their “direct opponent” by default.
And thanks to this system, it’s a lot harder to work around those 2 scenarios.
i’ve uninstalled, this isn’t the game i bought. 2000+ hours, every golden gun and plenty of top 500 finishes. Won’t be coming back till this is out of the game.
For those that do like it, good. Have fun.
Alright I’m done. Been a constant top 500 flex player since the game launched. Been playing less and less competitive since the metas are getting worse and worse. So I’ve been playing some quick play to get over my itch of gaming.
I usually pick who I play according to the map and team comp. And instead of leaving the game whenever someone struggles, I switch over to that role and try to win anyway. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.
I don’t wanna deal with long queues whenever I just wanna play some games. I don’t wanna wait forever only to have a QP game last 2 minutes. I don’t wanna be resigned to a loss with underperforming players on my team, with my options being leaving or waiting the game out.
Forcing 2-2-2 in comp was already something I was against. This protects one tricks, forces people to further play around them and kills a player’s ability to play around enemy team comps and being able to flex. I can imagine getting underperforming players and being resigned to a defeat, without any other way of playing around it. For the “old” quick play mode being in arcade, it’s not the same. Arcade queues are long with very unbalanced games.
So I guess that’s it for me, I’ll be enjoying the games before this QP 2-2-2 is forced and then I will be uninstalling. I guess sometimes you grow out of games and sometimes the game makes the decision for you.
I have to wonder, Overwatch was around 40 million copies sold. Give or take.
What’s the weekly login average? Better yet would be an SR/MMR for the people logging in.
I’m lucky to get in 2 matches in an hour, that’s about 15-30 minuets of play time. The rest is watching YouTube hoping I don’t miss the match start. Not that it really matters when they go like they do now.
I mean seriously you get things like two entire teams in a hallway barely larger than an Orissa and your lucky if either team gets a single kill or pops both shield barriers. GOATS was way more fun to try or watch than watching Symetra’s try to microwave shields.
To be honest I hated QP since they made it behave like Comp with hero’s locked after pick.
If they wanted a casual version of Comp that should have been a different mode under arcade. When I get told a game has QP it usually means it’s just trying to get you a match of any kind for the shortest wait. You can sometimes filter acceptable modes but it’s shortest wait to enter.
Honestly, the community as a whole should be better human beings and not throw games regardless of whether they think their performance counts or not. Even if it didn’t, they are ruining the experience of others who actually try regardless.
Blizzard does not intend for people to be toxic. I mean, they can do their best to encourage people not to be that way. But unfortunately people who think they can get away with stuff do crappy things.
MMR is an internal metric they use to place people. It is not visible to the user. And Blizzard has already stated that the initial placements, while base on the MMR calculation, would be loose and rapidly adjust after placements if the initial placement is off.
Even if you argued “MMR is a stat Blizzard! You are not clear!” – When have you known Blizzard to ever do an MMR reset or throw data at. It has never happened. You can quote the dictionary all you want – doesn’t change anything.
The beta placements were based on general queue. The beta games will make those numbers more accurate. If you threw, it will rapidly adjust.
I tend to focus on Blizzard’s track record and what they have done time and time again. What they say can either be misinterpreted by the community, a staff member can get something wrong, or they will straight up change their minds (which usually still falls in line with what they usually do).
I mean… Jeff Kaplan said Sigma didn’t eat Zarya’s grav on stream. He was wrong. Are we going to beat him over the head with that? He’s human. He’s wrong sometimes.
Moral of the story… just assume everything counts. Blizzard never throws data out. And don’t throw games. If someone is throwing, report them. It’s not Blizzards fault someone is throwing, it’s the thrower’s fault.
Great post, only one thing: Judging by the queue times for DPS now, Top 500 has a lot more DPS players than Tanks and Supports, yet when you watched any stream you almost always had a balanced teamcomp, which often meant enough Tanks and Supports. The only way that could work, as far as I know, is if a lot of DPS players flexed to Tank and Support. So, in the old system, people probably faced Tanks and Supports a lot, that don’t main them. Someone who does on that level though, is still likely to be better. In the old system it was enough to play tank that way, I’m pretty sure it won’t any more soon. Not to mention that Top 500s have great gamesense, I think their realisation of when they’re feeding is better than the data Blizzard has, considering my first point and that stats don’t mean much at all in OW anyway, of course I don’t know how exactly the stats look. I’ve also had heavily misplaced players in my own games.
You guys (in the comments) are hilarious.
Ranked is a way to try hard, beta or not. Since a few years in EVERY GAME you people think that Ranked is the NORMAL way to play our favorite games and just don’t cared about the other modes, but you simply don’t understand that ranked is a way to push you to the limit and not for training BETA OR NOT.
YOU chosed to play in Ranked and as soon as you decided so, that’s your responsability to play at your best.
(I’m sorry for people who did try hard and ends up with trolls, but that does not change from before the role queue, we had those before, we will have them now too anyway)