In thinking back to the 2-2-2 video Jeff literally said when role queue beta was introduced Role Queue that stats didn’t actually transfer over, so we put our faith in that. With FIVE days left friend you say “oh they do count and we are halfway through the season”. This was reinforced by Sigma going straight into comp at start of beta. I don’t know why I believe anything Blizzard says anymore because you change your mind and screw us over repeatedly. I would NEVER have used my main account with this broken system if there were long term ramifications.
You give us 4.5 days to fix your mmr/sr mistakes when they wernt supposed to count. I did it to improve the game… Well i got cucked.
Reason 1 million 99995 reasons ppl hate Blizzard and OW, you lie to your player base. Fix the sr system, admit the beta failed and make it better… don’t just expect us to play through the dog feces storm you created.
I ended in GM+ game (im top 500 since season 5 and because because we will have diamonds with top 500 sprays from this, so they mean nothing) with a damn plat player on my team, not his fault, he placed plat, liberally placed play and in a 4.3 game… I’m high GM how am i supposed to work around that? The top500 leader board is full of diamonds, not because they are good flex players but because most actual good players got sick of trying to carry 2-3 ppl who were silver dps last season and suddenly hit GM after placements. This ruined our stats. To keep the mmr from comp games is pointless data, its fundamentally flawed. in the real world this type of data collection would fail the most basic research methods course.
To say I’m pissed is beyond words… I hate the dev team, I hate the lies, Ihate cs and i now am starting to hate the game after 3 years. GGEZ Blizzard.
Oh and your bigh announcement is OW is coming to switch… no one here cares buddy we are pc players.
Idea… scrap the beta, work on it harder and then try again… we waited 18 seasons, I think the bulk of players wouldnt mind you taking another 1 or 2 to get it right and not be your test subjects, we are your customers… treat us that way, not like an annoyance to your precious game.
Oh can i also just add here i contacted CS beause my game was logged in, i have authenticate and my sick child spent 3003 comp points on a Junk Rat golden gun, when I rang Cs support they first though i wanted a game refund (its a play 4 star account) and was then told it way MY fault. A 4 year old cant play the game, how can they buy a gun and it ws less than an hour after the purchase and I compromised to “can you just put it on a hero I used” and there should be a mandatory cool down period ( a day) that’s not being followed. You can’t fix it, its no buyers remorse obviously. I have 35 minutes on Junk in my entire career…
You killed the game because 2-2-2 flopped (dps moira, reddit lucio) and those players are rife. You are not punishing them. Yeah they have all the golds but that’s because the rest of the team was dead all the time. Thanks for fixing that. Asshats