Role Queue Update

I really dont like the “2-2-2 Beta” SR data being used for the new competitive season. I dont know about all of you, but I have been in games that had throwers, leavers, and people trying out for new rolls they dont play. Don’t get me started with Sigma being in this Beta.

The SR gain for wins for at least myself has been 20-23 increase and 30-40 decrease for loss. Unless you get very lucky with good teams that win, you are hosed. BTW I dropped rank on all 3 selections, and before I see “Get Good” dropped, I am a Tank and Support main (my tank hours total over 400 and Support is around 200 total hours so trust me I know what i am doing, and my DPS well I know I suck so for that to drop in rank its deserved.

Anyways with what I have stated it’s not a fair for this BETA date to be used and I think that the Overwatch team should rethink in using that data so it be fair to all players.


Personally I don’t care that they’re talking about using the data because I still played like I always did.

I am still miffed that they called it a beta. Data gathered in true “beta tests” should not be used for anything more than bug corrections. Like a Reinhardt I seen last night that recovered 75% of his health in 2 seconds from a zen (2nd healer was respawning) despite junk (me), a Reinhardt beating on him, and another unknown I just seen tracers hitting him.

^bugs are what beta is for. They abused the naming convention if it’s going to affect the next season.

I know this is a touch off topic and this is mostly for the dev’s (who I expect to miss this) but I don’t know if this season was packed with bugs or if cheaters came out in full force to test or troll the beta. Things like impossible tracking. Impossible health recovery. Knowing where you are through walls without a scout ability. I play on console.

I was in one match where everyone on one team were low level and 1, 2’s for approval rating vs a team with 3, 4’s for approval with 3 or more stars to their lvl. The long term accounts where stoned in the spawn.

This game is soo far from the game we bought that I completely understand why so many are uninstalling the game. This update looks like they are responding to complaints by 2% of the player base and they just PO’d the majority.


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Could not agree more.
I was placed as 4.1k on my healer role (which has always been my main role since there were so many “wanna be dps from day 1”), and I gotta say, things are not looking good. DPS at this level is still trash at times. Not because they are mechanically bad or they don’t have enough game sense, but actually because they are too cocky!

If I have ever notice something, is that the higher rank the dps player is in, the cockier he/she gets and try things of questionable nature, to say the least. Leaving the entire team hanging by a thread and blaming the tanks and healers for not helping…

no he avoided… Blizzard always avoid… and even if they did answer would it still be the same answer tomorrow?

Has anyone noticed NO OWL players, well very few played beta… coincidence? No, they knew at the start this would happen…

IDK, the devs seems to ignore anything that calls out their poor decisions.

that’s because Blizzard never makes mistakes… remember the mercy moth meta. “we will revert her if this doesn’t work”… it clearly didn’t happen.

More curious is i can see NO OWL players on the boards and Ive been through all four twice… What did they know we didn’t?

Blizzard, hero pick rate too low, mega buff, then mega nerf and then some semblance of balance… Look at Doomfist, Hanzo, Mercy, the new Sym, Zarya, anything in GOATS. Dva is literally useless atm

Such are the balance choices of the devs :slightly_frowning_face:

well it’s coming to Switch, so I guess they hope that brings in a new group of players… Now im off to wait for the destiny 2 expansion (all bungee, no blizzard involvement because they had to sell off to fund OWL and why they use activision, a merchant bank, to finance games, or OWL specifically)

Notice they don’t own pretty much any of their titles outright anymore? This is one reason why and 2-2-2 the “saving grace” has messed up the game more than ever. On the combined boards 3000 is top500, says it all. Meanwhile across accounts im sitting on 4.4 or above in all catagories and refuse to go in again because my mmr is high and Im not into destroying that if I ever choose to play again. Top500 from season 5 and id rank 6 on the combined boards if I had the required games played. I tried but had a plat in a high GM+ game, poor guy… that was the end of that. for support i played 5 placements, wont them all, three others and still ended up gaining 250 sr

oh and for those questioning latency, OCE servers, once you hit 4,2 you have to vpn to another server. OCE doesn’t have the capabilities to play higher than that… if you place or get to 4.2 then vpn to uk or WC America… you can play on 250 ping as long as there is no packet loss to go with it

Well, I gave the role queue beta a fair shake. I was dubious about it but I was willing to give it a try. What resulted was the worst two weeks I’ve ever had in overwatch. Support felt hugely unrewarding and like it was impossible to have any determination in your matches at all. Tank, with the untimely addition of sigma was an absolute mixed bag of toxicity. The only fun I had was exiting team chat and just grinding dps. I’m not a dps player mind you so maybe it was just the novelty of getting to play it once in awhile. Overwatch gives you no tools to help you improve in a meaningful way and amazingly this made it even worse because I’ll see my 17k heals on Bap, know we’re playing bunker and I’ve made a good call based on our comp and that we’re somehow losing to a weird Sigma Hammond comp that we can’t shut down and both teams have a spread of gold to diamond players so who knows who the problem (on either team) is, so it’s just like “guess I’ll die now”.

There’s not even any relief in lfg which is decimated now since the main reason it existed before was to give good quality team comps. I’ll give it one more season, maybe, and that’ll be it for me. Rip 3 years.


Will you guys be giving us SR bonuses for winning streaks? I feel like that’s something that needs to be done so a lot of people can move up in rank

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Why? You just wanna boost anyone?

what :joy::joy::joy::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I understand not wanting to do a full SR reset, but I feel like there are a number of players who are not in an SR rank that they should be in, whether they are in that rank as a result of bad luck or unfortunate matchmaking.

A good example would probably be ending up on a team in which at some point in the middle of the match someone either dc’s or rage quits the match, basically hanging the rest of the team out to dry. I personally have been on the wrong end of both, a recent one was my internet disconnecting me mid match, I get back in, my team wins and but I get a loss on my record for something beyond my control and as a result my SR drops.

I’m not saying there should be a full SR reset, but maybe some kind of very partial one like where at the beginning of the season everyone starts at least 100 SR away from the next rank up or something and then they do their placements to determine where their SR really starts for the beginning of the season.

I guess part of my issues with SR stems from just ending up in teams that have either throwers, leavers, or run up against teams that decide to run cancer comps(not a game issue but a personal frustration), bad internet at bad times, etc.

you say this…but I’ve just been placed in gold when I’m 3800… :slight_smile:

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owl player got placed in gold :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::joy::joy::joy::joy::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Congrats Blizzard!

You had all of this wonderful data from the beta season and apparently someone at blizzard accidentally deleted it all, because it’s obvious you’re not using it.

Everyone is complaining about season 18’s placements being complete garbage. Bronze players playing with GM’s, T500 and OWL players getting placed in Gold.

I didn’t think you guys could take this game to a new low but you’ve really outdone yourselves.


damn thats his main account too lol… Choi one of best players in the game damn… I mean when Ive seen videos of <25 to top 500> journeys from Kabaji Dafran they started in plat on new accts but ya … i mean hes a tank too so *shrug

So…what’s going on? What’s the plan? Don’t keep us in the dark please?