Role Queue Launch Times

In addition, the hero pool and the game itself has changed so much over the last few years. I feel like this would reinvigorate the game in countless ways.
I do feel like Role Queue is a step in the right direction though.


Great idea. They might require additional servers to avoid the problem MoonFrost mentioned though.

Except that those who enjoy DPS or is their playstyle now get twice as less games played due to queue times, thus will rank slower as they get less games in.

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You should add feature to switch role between 2 players who agree to switch.
Please think about this idea.


I hope not. I mean it’d be good but we already get 1 card used up by Mystery Heroes + another ~2 with Deathmatch stuff.

If anything, we need the old brawls back! :heart_eyes:

Thrower spotted.
Havr fun.

Comp classic is in Arcade already. It’s called “No Limits”.


Role Queue is an absolute dumpster fire. I’ve never encountered so many toxic people in the 3 years I’ve played this game. Hate mail, racism, sexism, hate speech, throwing, leaving, etc. I’ve had more of all that in 2 weeks than I have in 3 years. That’s not a good sign.


Again a disappointment for not having roleQ in quickplay,
while looking forward to it, I don’t play anything else :neutral_face:

I think this is a shame, but you will have a good reason for it.

ahh ok. :smile:

BTW, nice you did add this topic to the launcher!!

Your experience is nothing like mine. I’ve had far fewer leavers and abusive people in my games than previous seasons.

I’ve also had far more people actually in voice and giving good comms. In fact, in at least half my games I’ve had at least 4 and very often all 6 people in voice.


I would strongly assume QPC will be permanent, and I hope it is.

But I certainly don’t want it to replace MH as that’s actually my most-played game type. (RQB notwithstanding - I’ve played more of that than anything else this “season”.)

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If there is enough enthusiasm why not, somehow I want all the options! :slight_smile:

But I do ask myself whether no-limit is almost equivalent to classic.
Not to dump people, but whether it meets their game expectations.

can i just have my money back? I’m tired of going against raid boss Bastion and his infinite dame and all does is sit there! I am also tired of going against reaper which is another raid boss due to the fact that all you have to do is press w and hold down left click and the game practically gives you kills and the RETARDED amount of life steal he gets makes him pretty hard to kill! And now the whole “Role Que” is a thing im just gonna wind up going to play against more vegetables playing those two characters! That being said this game doesn’t please me and i get more stress from playing it then joy and would rather have never gotten it!

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i have 2 words to say to th overwatch team, “nerf mei”

Sigma and orisa are balanced you’re on crack


so…don’t play?

Seriously tho, while I have noticed an uptick in Bastion picks (especially desperation bastion), he is definitely not a constant pick. So… not sure what elo/mmr you’re seeing that in.

But. Even if it is true. Learn. To. Counter. Ppl switch when they can’t do anything with that hero.


Can we not talk about this till 4 september :clown_face:
I only want team play.

What Griffin said, queue FFA should be separate from the normal FFA.

It doesn’t matter if people join and leave those queue FFA:s, they don’t even need a leaderboard. All I want is a mode with quick and close spawns so I can keep aim and movement warmed up while waiting for upwards of 10 minutes.


It’s the best achievement of mankind since the moon landing.

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In role Q at least team member could change role to different position.