Role Queue Launch Times

Maybe he/she looked at Overbuff stats, which are not up to date. It’s an honest mistake.


That would require foresight

Role queue is so stupid. Queue times skyrocket more and more every time you queue. You can’t even ask team mates to switch roles in game, flex comps are gone entirely, literally confines you. Terrible addition and needs tweaking. Also why is there 3 ranks one for each category. It’s stupid as there is not just one thing to work for, why am i working for 3 damn ranks. Get a leaver? You can’t switch out of your category as the rest of the roster is blacked out. Terrible terrible games. It endorses worse games because of people playing heroes they don’t even know to zero consequences by queuing for DPS. Only good for solo queue*


The recommendation for eons has been to learn a few heroes in each class. I personally like hit scan heroes and heroes with high mobility.

My best, most fun time in OW is in QP and the ability to swap from say Winston to McRee while others are doing the same.

Players consider QP as a casual area, but also a practice ground.

So now instead, on a control map, the “practice widow” want’s to change back to Rhein, they can’t?

Also, in QP, there are good players who like to change classes during a match, or even a series of matches. I often base those decisions not on class, but on the type of Hero, e.g. hit scan, health, mobility, complexity etc.

So now, we need to perfect a class of Heroes, such as all tanks? Someone can excel at Rhein but they suck at Hammond and can’t switch to Lucio?


Of course, role queue is not perfect. However, I think it’s a lot better than what we have now. You can literally choose the role you want to play, and you are sure to have 2 healers and 2 tanks in every game. It makes games a lot more balanced, and if you feel like practicing heroes, you can still do it in quickplay. Even better, you can now choose the role you want and only one other player can “steal” the hero you want to play instead of 5.


But you can’t change class … that’s a big problem IMO. The former wisdom, master a few heroes in each class is gone …

It’s not gone. You can still be good at a few heroes per role. Even better: you will have different MMR/SR for each role, which will make you play the role against players of your skill level. For instance, I’m a support main, so I usually prefer not to play other roles in competitive because I would probably ruin games for my teammates. With role queue, that issue is gone.

True, you can’t switch role during a game, but you can switch between each game. I prefer that to having my 2 healers switch to dps because they feel like “nothing is dying”.


what? &)(&(* you blizzard, you are messing with OUR game,. &)(&(* you again. i love overwatch but your stupid ideas are ruining the game.


fair enough (20 char)

If different MMR for each individual hero helps with matchmaking, I might be ok with that, but I will miss changing classes mid game. But maybe it will solve that problem. I’ll stay open minded about it

Thanks for favoring our experience over arbitrary deadlines! :smile:

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Why do we need role queue in quick play I think in my opinion that quick play is a way to met new people and have fun using any comp you desire like goats or 4 dps and 2 heals. This is just me but I like quick play without role queue. (I love it on comp but my team always picks a role they cant play well)


Sorry. Completely baseless statement. You might have no skill, that’s more likely. Learn to counterpick young man.

Triple barrier lacks a lot of counterplay, though. That is actually why it is meta right now.

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Please make Quick Play Classic a Permanent thing in Arcade Mode please!!!:sparkling_heart:


Please do this. Everyone will know ppl will leave the skirmish type game when their actual game starts. Create a ffa and qp lobby.

I agree. No more variety. No more GOATS. Comp is going to be boring zzzZZZzZ

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This took me so long to figure out what you were talking about. No one wants people in queue to be able to browse custom games and only pick ffa. He’s asking for instead of a skirmish to have a real gametype like ffa, maybe even SR based. I couldn’t possible imagine people being able to ruin ffa games just because theyre waiting for comp.

boi this is awesome!!

Can we PLZ start Fresh w Ranked mode? On my initial placements I had a few unfortunate issues w my internet and leavers for a cpl games. For the longest time now I have been stuck playing with players who DO NOT have similar knowledge or skill in the game. Also, I went on nearly a 20 game win streak on tank and was only receiving 18-22 sr, but for random losses, nearly 3x the amount of sr lost. I think we need a blank slate or a 1 time Placement redo. I feel like this would make the game feel fresh and give people a chance to get themselves to the rank they should be.

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