Remember, theyre a small, indie company, after all /s
Again, would be nice, but:
“Wish in one hand…”
They should rename the mode, at the very least. There’s going to be nothing “quick” about it.
Pretty much.
You could limit it to a certain SR range. Hypothetically, let’s say 250. So, if youre in a gold game on DPS, and your Tank level is bronze, you couldnt swap with either Tank player.
It will be a problem. After the game starts every player is locked in their role. There will be players that want to try a role and may not be doing well at it. You may say to yourself “this role queue does suck”. At least when someone admits there bad at healer or DPS they can fall back to a role more comfortable and let some other player try healing or DPS. Roll queue…your team is locked into their roles with no hope of “handing off” the role to someone else.
What a shame on the QP delay, but to be expected I guess. At least it’s not a significant delay, more time for me to do other things or play other games I guess in the meantime!
True, well, one only has to remember some of the various forced megathreads for heroes like D.Va and Mercy to realise that a lot of community feedback seems to fall on deaf ears.
Maybe not for those in the ‘damage’ queue, however the duration of the match remains unchanged. It’s still ‘quicker’ to finish the match in Quick Play compared to Competitive Play.
In all honesty, I feel like this is quite the great feature that is being added. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wanted to join a competitive game many seasons over and over again, only to be shut down as just getting through the ranking system was a drag, with people queueing for all dps, no support, no tanks. This will actually give a chance for people to do what they want, and ensure a good team composition most of the time other than Widow, Ash, Symmetra, Soldier, Sombra, and that one out of place Mercy or Lucio.
If you want funny comps and creativity you will always able to experience that in the classic quick play, you’re losing nothing, on the other hand, this is the best troll-proof system for ranked play, and… that might be the best thing that happened to Overwatch since launch to be honest, and with all due respect, if you don’t think a troll proof system for ranked is a big upgrade, you didn’t spent enough time playing ranked.
2-2-2 cripples creativity a bit.
2-2-2 enables a troll-proof system for rankeds.
Crippling creativity: -10 points to Blizzard.
Making a ranked system with roles (finally ffs) that’s troll-proof: +999999 points to Blizzard.
On the other hand, enabling Classic Competitive… would be nice, but the queue times might get affected more than you thought and come up as a bigger problem.
Clarification: Statement above suggests that 2-2-2 will prevent “trolling”. Author of this post (HULK) strongly disagrees. Author has experienced an increase in “trolling”.
Game’s more than 3 YO, I don’t need more time to tell if I suck at a specific role, and if I see that I suck at all the DPS’s for example (which is hard being the variety of characters and styles that OW offeres), it takes me one game, to never queue at that role again.
Clarification: 2/5 troll players < 5/5 troll players, and those are facts.
% of a dps of being a 12 YO kid who’s mad or trolling? around 40-60%
% of a tank/healer of being a 12 YO kid who’s mad or trolling? absolutely not zero, but from 10-30%
Last time I checked 2/5 cases with a 50% prob + 3/5 cases with 20% prob, were LESS than 5/5 at 50% prob of trolls and getting your game ruined.
So… I don’t think the point needs to be more clarified.
Devs…you really need to do at least a cursory balance pass of the ENTIRE hero roster now that you’ve fundamentally changed your game. Realistically, you should be doing a deep analysis of all damage, health, shielding, healing, armor, and cooldowns to ensure your vision for 2/2/2 pans out - and honestly this should have been done prior to launching the change.
No one in their right mind should have believed that you could shoehorn all your old balancing into the new mode - including buffs and nerfs that were reactions to other stuff you did along the way - and call it a day.
You should communicate whatever plans you have in the balancing department, even if it’s just a timeline for review or a statement that you’re happy with balance as-is.