Role Que as healer is SO BAD

If you had silver damage as ANY support, it either that BOTH your DPS were bad, or (more likely) you were out of position and not actually supporting your team.

Now, Tanks often get more damage simply due to their kits (for example, Reins hammer dealing 75 damage and firestrike dealing 100 means he’s just dealing tons of damage whenever he engages). But supports? no.

You can do damage while supporting your team as lucio…

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im trying to start fresh on switch i dont even want to touch the healer role que tbh i had issues with it on pc and other consoles

I only Play Quickplay Classic in Arcade.

I gave Quickplay Role Q a fair chance for a number of months and found myself NEVER happy playing Tank or Healer. As well as I didn’t appreciate having to wait in line for the DPS pool that was 5-10 minutes.

it sounds like you are claiming that 222 is more played than role-less queue mode

the apples to oranges nature of this comparison aside, if this is indeed what you are saying, can you point me to the data that supports this claim?

I pretty much have to echo this experience. Healing is so bad when playing a Tank or Damage-role hero. As a support, though (at least one that can moderately fight back), it’s a lot easier to get through all the crap. But you’re still dealing with passive Tanks, inattentive co-supports, and sometimes, very questionable Damage-role choices. (Widowmaker and Sombra on Hanamura/Horizon attack).

Wouldn’t really know, but the quality of matches in QP ques are pretty bad. And at least it used to be if you have bad healers or tanks, you could flex over to a Tank or Support and just clear through or carry the sagging members of your team, but you can’t do that now, and it’s especially bad as Damage-role hero, where you’re so limited in being able to do much of anything.

Game wasn’t really balanced for 2/2/2. In coordinated and experienced match-ups, you could make it work, but for the general populace this just… doesn’t do much for anyone in casual play. GOATs really did highlight some fundamental balance problems, that the majority of the players tended to ignore in QP, but 2/2/2 didn’t really fix the problem, other than creating a situation where removing 2 defensive power-house units for 2 heroes in a role that struggled to find value.

Not really sure if it’s a placebo effect, based on my notes and findings, I do see more wins when playing Tank and Support. Which just further proves how underpowered the damage-role is in actually carrying or having an impact.

Everything else is… well… pretty correct.

Ehh… if you’re getting 4-5 DPS (which is a common thing, not going to argue against that), you’re kinda literally playing a classic FPS-style game, and I don’t really see anything wrong with it. You and the rest of the team know what they’re getting into and if the team is really the competitive sort, they’ll flex into more team-friendly roles.

In my anecdotal evidence, I get better healing through Classic than the current QP. Which only highlights how bad basic attention skills are, and further drives home the point about the western playerbase.

These aren’t cons.

This is.

Only difference in loading is rather dependent on your hard drive. Either way, the odds of someone taking your character are pretty low, unless it was a brand new character.

Not really. You’re still given a choice, no one is putting a gun to your head and saying you have to pick X-role. The only difference here is that you’re pre-setting your choices and once in the game, you’re locked to that specific role you’ve chosen out of three. It’s not as flexible, sure, but that’s limitation with RQ; you can’t flex to another choice mid-game.

You can still get this in Open Queue; the player who wants to be the team player will flex to the role most needed. Role-queue would force the choice and lock it, so if someone is underperforming, they can’t flex to that role and shore it up.

OQ does have its downsides - no one is denying that. But it was lot better than the current setups.

If you have the time and patience for it, there’s no real reason why RQ or OQ would restrict you, either way. Damage-role wait times on RQ are considered fairly excessive, even with the tickets.

What if Overwatch started with RQ in the first place?

They’re not picking a role prior to RQ…

Many players may not be aware of it. Overwatch and Blizzard do very little in communicating modes of interest to the playerbase. Not to mention, Arcade changes frequently.

Depends on what your Damage-role players are playing. Typically, the hardest role to deal damage with, is actually the Damage-role. Support-role damage, isn’t that difficult comparatively to Damage-role heroes. Moira, has a thicker beam and is regenerating health while having limitless damage off her right click, compared to Symmetra’s primary beam (though, functionally, they serve different roles).

And as illustrated here, Lucio’s quite good at knocking targets off cliffs, registering a lot damage too.

There’s some old data that indicates that most western players tend to play QP a lot more often than Arcade. Though, in fact, QP is the most played mode throughout Overwatch’s history. Ranked did have an initial popularity climb to being more popular than QP for a time, but that eventually faded.

Here is the link again:

(The post itself mentions caveats, and I understand that it’s old data)

I don’t think anyone can claim apples are objectively better than oranges if hundreds of thousands of people prefer oranges, possibly even outnumbering apple enjoyers. Or, well, they can if they don’t know what “objectively” means.
And for the record it’s hard to say if oranges are objectively better either. But lots of people have the subjective opinion that it is.

I see nothing goes over your head either. Your reflexes are too fast and you’d catch it.
(The point is that anyone can make a list about anything where the cons outnumber the pros. It doesn’t necessarily prove much, because it also matters what those pros and cons actually are - as you kindly just demonstrated by poking holes in my obviously bad list. I guess the lesson is that I should remember to use the /s tag even when I write something like “insulin is bad”)

This is valid. Although I will say that QPC never leaves arcade as far as I’ve seen, and competitive OQ doesn’t suffer any underrepresentation in the menus. The game actively makes you choose which mode to play. But yes, the image I linked is from before they implemented that.

And never play dps. Team players like dps heroes too, you know. Are they supposed to cross their fingers for it every time, or beg? Enforcing roles with LFG or RQ is the only way a more selfless person can realistically get access to dps heroes (two thirds of the roster) in a civilized manner. And apologies if I sound a bit holier-than-thou, calling myself selfless and stuff, but it wasn’t hard to observe how few times “filling” actually required some dps play. I like playing what’s required, but I also like a bit more variety than that.

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Well, if you already have 2+ people playing a role and you also want to play that role, you couldn’t really do that pre - RQ, if you wanted to not sabotage your team, that is.

Yeah and that’s extremely alarming. If someone is not being actually sincere and is being in denial because of any personal bias or similar subjective reasoning, they shouldn’t be in the discussion to begin with because of how toxic it can and usually is for the discussion. We know that it’s been officially confirmed and it shouldn’t even be a surprise considering how many more DPS heroes there are relative to the Tank and Support roles. Which is another thing players here are in denial about because they believe that players play roles, not heroes, even though when the majority of the playerbase was formed that was exactly what happened since RQ wasn’t a thing. This is also something I’m sure they never thought about in the development phase while making heroes and now they’re just doubling down on it by suggesting the going to be failed 5v5 format and making tanks the weakest role in the game by overall value

And here’s the worst part: I don’t think that 1900SR vs. 2700SR tank is that big of a deal tbh. If the 1900SR tank player plays Rein and holds the shield up in front of the team most of the time that’s enough value for the team that the 2700SR player will struggle to even reach with other tank heroes. Which is why Rein is so popular in the lower tiers

But let’s say they don’t: I still don’t think it’s that bad. I regularly get games where my tanks are around 2500SR while the opposing tanks are at 3500SR. A few days ago I even saw 2100SR vs. 4100SR setup because apparently when you’re an extremely consistent high MMR player the only way the game knows how to “balance” your matches is to throw an insane amount of DDA in your games, which almost always entirely ruins the match. That’s why I don’t really play solo anymore since DDA doesn’t seem to work or is limited with groups so the match quality goes through the roof when you stack up. So does the fun factor which flips around to so that you get 4/5 proper games/wins and 1/5th of trolls throwing your game, but that’s an inevitable evil while playing this game

Sadly, not many players play the game anymore so stacking is not an option more than often :frowning:

I regret making this thread. The notifications won’t end. :upside_down_face:

You should be able to disable notifications if it bothers you.

Anyways, my 2 cent on healers being miserable to play in role queue is that I think tanks are far worse. Every time I try playing tank in both QP and ranked, I always get rolled by the enemy team because I don’t know what I’m doing. I think playing a tank requires a lot of thinking and I’m probalby not smart enough to be able to handle tanks.

DPS and support on the other hand, are more straight forward when it comes knowing what you’re supposed to do.


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You can turn off notifications by muting the thread. I’ve made dumb threads before where people just debate like crazy, so don’t feel alone.

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Took you long enough. I mostly ditched RQ once it came.

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this is apples to oranges when it comes to supporting the point that was made

this is usage data, not popularity data

Are you saying usage and popularity of gamemodes in a videogame have nothing to do with each other? People will just choose a gamemode they like less because…? Why? Why would a less popular gamemode be used more?

Usage and popularity are different things and measured in very different ways

Usage can be measured by the game servers directly

Popularity can only be measured via attitudinal surveys

once again - the data presented in this case is usage data, not popularity data. Apples to oranges.

So you cannot think of any relation between the two? None at all? Was role queue played more only by the evil statistics faeries specifically to muddle the conclusions we can draw from usage stats? Yes, silly me, I forgot Overwatch is full of people going “man I hate role lock, I guess I’ll queue for it anyway, despite non-role lock being right here as well”. You still haven’t answered why you think people are apparently doing this and skewing the two stats so far from each other. If role-queue is indeed less popular, for what mysterious reason is it played more?

You played TF2? Remember TC_Hydro, the least played map/gamemode? I remember Valve saying, “usage stats and popularity are apples to oranges, this is actually a pretty good map, we’ll make more like it”. Except wait, that’s the opposite of what happened.

there you are, in your own words…usage, not popularity

given that this matter is now fully clarified, I wont be responding further to this side conversation

No, it’s not clarified. You only clarified that the two stats are different, and I am even willing to agree on that. But there’s still a question that you’ve dodged twice now:

I can think of a few answers myself, to be truthful with you, but I’m curious what you think.