Role Que as healer is SO BAD

[quote=“Megadodo-11847, post:19, topic:642046”]

Yeah I’ll second that. My experience in 222 has been absolutely horrible, I keep trying to give it a shot and every time I go back I end up quitting the game altogether for a few weeks out of sheer frustration. I can’t believe THAT is what the ‘main game’ of Overwatch is these days, it’s absolutely pathetic IMO. The game used to be so fun, and now it’s… eugh.

If it’s not someone who’s ruining your game on purpose, it’s the fact that the teams are poorly matched; there’s no reason that the three-to-five clearly very skilled players on the enemy team couldn’t have been more evenly distributed, but no, each game I get is a hard roll one way or the other. They are not real fights, they’re snowballs; either we’re winning the entire time and it’s boring, or we’re losing the entire time and literally have no chance of getting a foothold, because our Rein charges in solo and swings his hammer until he dies over and over and over, or we have a Torb that does nothing but stay in the back and hammer his turret even while it’s not taking damage, or a Sombra that’s just off in her own little world - usually it’s all three on one team making it such an unwinnable fight that it feels pointless to even play!

The game isn’t fun anymore in 222 for a lot of reasons, the matchmaker being a big one, but the restrictiveness of not being able to swap to Mei so I can at least heal, wall off damage, AND do damage myself, or switch to Ana so I can nade the team and negate their clearly superior heals - it removes any and all strategy in that avenue of play for me, and it sucks. It just really sucks. It’s like fighting with a hand AND foot tied behind your back.


Nothing wrong, and I myself can’t speak about the current state of things because I quit the game over a year ago. I was trying to understand your advice.

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No it’s actual 100% truth. It’s not a bold claim, it’s in your face flat out bottom the line.

The que’s are worst, the people who pick the roles aren’t optimal. You’re locked into positions and aren’t as flexible. In all of my games, there are more fun, more experienced and a better community in QPC arcade. Which is where most of the original overwatch players go anyway.

Blizzard doesn’t balance the game anymore and thus 2/2/2 suffers.
Blizzard doesn’t balance comp anymore, and 2/2/2 QP is comp light. The game literally sucks right now (you’re going to convince me it doesn’t, ok sure), and 2/2/2 and comp are suffering.

Step aside and keep dreaming about what you think you’re right at, because in this instance you’re 100% wrong.

“You do you I guess…” this is the common tactic of people’s argumentative skills these days.


Tank and Support is many times more fun and bearable in QP classic and OQ. Mind you it’s still much worse than the early days of OW, but not nearly as terrible as tanking or supporting in current RoleQ OW. RoleQ will get even worse as we lose another 50% of the playerbase over the next year, too.


Yeah, winning means you generally have people who care and enjoy giving you a excellent experience. Losing in overwatch usually means the sub optimal players like trolls and throwers are part of your matches.

so for you balanced and fun game = you winning most of the times, regardless of how well you play and what heroes you play?


I suggest going up to beat a candy pinata, or steal candy from children, those should also be activities you consider “fun”.

i agree. i’m really starting to wonder what kind of otp moira i need to be to get out of the bottom500. like bottom1% skill moira is my current rank, so what should i try and work on to be a bottom3% skill moira and play with the gods at 800sr.

Solo queue role queue is REALLY hard to get a fair rank.

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You’re the type of person who reads two pages in a book and wonders why they failed the exam.

Quite the self centered post, but as a Support main I’ll give this post a thumbs up for just one point.

As support in role queue, you’re stuck dealing with the imbalances from smurfs and throwers as the OP says. At least in QPC you can swap out of Support into something else to help cover up for those imbalances. But as others have said many months before, role queue is pretty good but only sucks when smurfs abuse them.

This pretty much. 20 char

I guess it’s a great thing OQ exists for people like you then.

Matchmaker complaints are irrelevant in the RQ conversation and aren’t exclusive to RQ, as the matchmaker has been a mess since long before RQ was even a thing.

It doesn’t remove all strategy, as you can still flex inside your role, but that’s certainly a valid complaint, contrary to the other one concerning the matchmaker. At least switches from Tank/Support to DPS that would end up handicapping the entire team, a situation which Flexing would so often devil e into pre - RQ, is also gone.

As I said in another post, stop including me as a recipient in your replies to Megadodo.

Its the placebo effect. Some people can see it, some others cant.
You are getting the exact SAME bad players in RQ, they just are locked in a different role, thats it.

Here is an intensive list of all the “issues” that RQ solves:
“Well … at least we dont have 4-5 DPS”

Thats … basically it. The rest are problems it introduced:

  • Splitting the playerbase, creating different queues
  • Destroy Queue times for anything that is not Tank
  • Encourages lack of versatility and OTP
  • Matches are more uneven than ever, 3-4 different ranks on the same team

There you go. This has been proven true and unrefuted so far so , enjoy :sunglasses:

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Strange, support queue QP is my comfort mode of playing :man_shrugging:
I’ve encountered crappy matchmaking/smurfs in the small hours on every role.

You really shouldn’t make sweeping judgements based on a few hours. And by the way, if you lost only 5 games in 5 hours of arcade, isn’t that also bad matchmaking? You just happened to be on the winning side? Bit biased, dontchathink?

The problems you mentioned (except for very bad matchmaking) are a price I pay gladly just for not having “4-5 dps” (it’s actually about me, a “fill player”, getting to play dps if the mood strikes, something I, and others like me, could barely ever do before)

I understand, but the issue is, as you can see, many others dont. And objectively, its not worth it. Specially when you force choke 222 modes on the entire playerbase, only to reintroduce it as Open Queue like 1year and 3 months ish after … and in “Arcade”.

You could “pay the price” with your time and play forced 222 using the LFG and leave the rest of the players alone but no, apparently it all had to be in 1 button so here we are.

We all paid the price. Like it or not, worth it or not.

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It’s worth it to me. You can’t state that without knowing how many people there are for and against. On the one hand, lots of people like playing DPS and they get the long queues, so you could be right. On the other hand, some of those DPS might be glad they get guaranteed healing and tanking. And there’s quite a lot of support players as well, who probably don’t mind role queue. The scales probably aren’t as one-sided as you think, if at all.
Didn’t Blizz release data on what modes were being played? Iirc only south koreans were playing more open queue than role queue. Makes ya think.

It was considerably slower and had worse matchmaking.

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Don’t worry they’re busy trying to hide Bobby’s scandals

I sincerely hope each one of your teams reports you off the face of the planet, and I pray to never have you on my team in a game.

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Its not about people’s opinions, its about objectivity.
Facts are 3-4 problems are worse than 1 problem. So yeah, objectively worse.

This has been debunked already, and by Devs nonetheless.
It might be slower to make a group (this is not tool related) but once you queue, is just as fast as any other group of that size. Matchmaking is the same. Theres no distinction between a 4 stack from LFG or a 4 stack made from friends list or people that decided to stack together after a match. Again this has already been proven.

What people wanted is make an LFG stack and ultra destroy/stomp on solo queuers … thats not how the matchmaking works :sunglasses:

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Why on Earth are you playing at that hours?

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