If we hammer out all of the details on Role Q.
The #1 issue is, We have LOTS of AFK’s at the start of every match. Because of the LONG que times that people have to wait. most folks are walking away from their computer, or surfing youtube so they miss the “PREPARE TO ATTACK!” message, and I cannot get mad at them.
Everyone is bored out of their MIND, waiting for the game to find a match, so they find something else to do.
I personally find that the inspirational energy is LOST in a game. Because everyone’s attention span is shifted. To span out the mind’s engagement for this game. It appears that it has drastically changed how players react in game. It becomes apparent that people are in “zombie mode” now, more than ever… Rip
Who doesn’t have 2 monitors for multi-tasking?
I don’t think I could handle not having 2 monitors AT LEAST.
I dont think 2 monitors really plays into if a person misses the Match-start message. TBH I see it so often. That i had to post a thread about it
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There is no reason to miss it, if you have two monitors as you don’t need to cover your game with browser etc
Role que never promised to fix anything, just easier to balance (If they ever decide to do it)
Also you could always play support/tank or go QP classic.
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But not so bored they would play tank / support
Tanking or supporting - worse than being bored out of your mind.
I agree, it is generally DPS since their que times are very long. I have found that many of the matches that I play. There are the 2 dps that literally do NOT drop into the game until the match has started. OR most of them are tripping the AFK timer. SO eventually they leave the match.
I posted this because last night (and not just yesterday) . I have found the one DPS slot to not have the person drop into the match. Then once the next one came in. Same thing. Then the ENEMY team had the same thing happen to them. Mid-match. . They had a leaver and the next slot that filled for them. Had NOBODY take it for nearly 3/4 of the match.
That is where we are at, from 2-2-2.
Except it did.
You dont speak for everyone else either buddy. Im not bored regardless of what role im queuing for.
This is just one of those ‘‘222 diDnT sOLvE aNyThInG’’ threads.
It’s not the games fault that this generation has the attention span of a tick.
Hey, no need to be hostile. Dang. Im saying from MY experience after the changes the amount of AFK’s is purdy impressive now.
Amount of afk’s eh? Where?
Like afk’s werent a thing before… Stop scapegoating role q into that.
someone who doesn’t stream?
someone who knows how to use alt tab?
if you are good at playing dps and bored enough to play tank or healer for faster queues, you are going to uninstall the game soon because it is all downhill from there.
No kidding.
The real answer is not to have tanks / supports as the downhill part.
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It probably would not be if Support players played more aggressively with Tank players and DPS players followed up on picks like it was their job and realized how to create suppressive fire.
Every time I play Tank, I win 50-80 SR for a game but people always want to argue with me about positioning. Every time I play Support, Junkrat and Mei absolutely refuse to swap to do anything about a Doomfist getting free kills on me with uppercut while I spend the next however many so seconds trying to outposition his mechanics and making sure i’m in an area with a roof whenever he can uppercut and they just don’t do anything about it.
It just feels awful to play the game with people like that. Like legit lol I am not playing Support for DPS players that get bodied on the scoreboard by their Zenyatta but still manage to lose the game.
Playing Tank just makes me want to uninstall the game because I am literally arguing about positioning & engagement with people 3 ranks below my DPS rank like I don’t know how to dismantle a tank push or recognize a bad one.
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Oh sweet God yes.
My big issue is that I could heal as support or I could just headshot someone as dps and virtually heal all of.the damage they would have done until they return from spawn.
No support can even come close to that.
Why support when dps has so much more impact. If I lose it is on me, and I’m happier that way.
All day work, have little money. RoleQ no help.
its not even that for me. i can hard carry as zenyatta or baptiste and get 4k with right clicks and shut down a flanking reaper faster than most mccrees but i will still lose the game because dps and tank are afraid to rush point and brawl
it’s so annoying
like how much more can you really do lol
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The problem with Role Queur is that it was made as a cure for a SYMPTOM, not the actual problem.
The focus on rotational and indirect balancing is the wound, GOATS was the pain, and Role Queue is, essentially, just some powerful pain medication. If the balance team weren’t so intent upon buffing whenever possible, or the hard-hitting indirect nerfs that result from this powercreep.
The rotation of powerful characters, when combined with the slow balance schedule and awful powercreep, are what caused the METAs that Role Queue tried to solve. That’s why the game still feels heavily unbalanced.
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There’s still no new content and balance is still terrible but that’s nothing new and Role Queue is the only hope of it ever improving. But, disregarding those issues as they were already a thing and unconnected to Role Queue, Match quality is vastly improved and it was absolutely progress towards a better future as far as I’m concerned.
If Blizzard can just get their act together and balance properly (which 2/2/2 makes possible) and swiftly enough, then there’s hope for the game. If not…Well, Overwatch was already dead in the water without Role Queue.
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I’d like to make a motion for the return of No Limits to Competitive Play. QoL for the LFG How to Perfectly Balance the Game
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