Role Q isn't solving anything

Right? I had a DPS Q in quickplay, last week, that took 35 minutes. By the time I actually got a match, I almost didn’t want to play anymore. Only reason I even stuck out the queue was for a loot box.

I’m a console player, and I don’t own a tablet or anything like that. I have a phone, but as you can imagine, it’s not the best viewing experience for something like Netflix or YouTube, when you are doing it constantly.

Also, i dont want to watch/do anything too engrossing, for fear of missing out on when the Q is ready. Also, it’s really not fun to watch something, like Game of Thrones, 10 minutes, at a time.

I always hate that as a response.

“I want to play DPS (in 222).”

“Well, wait 20 mins, or play Tank/Support, bro.”

Well, I hate to tell you, that most people don’t have the patience of a bloody Buddhist monk. Waiting 20 to 30 mins to play a match that lasts half the time (or less) is no one’s idea of fun or enjoyment.

I think that’s a good way to put it.

Here is the thing, though, role Q created its own issues and exacerbated others.

Q times, except for the very tipy top, was never an issue, but now they are. And, because of this, especially for DPS, I have noticed an uptick in Damage Supports.

Did things like Battle Mercy happen in pre-222? Of course. But, it seems much more frequent now, as DPS players are trying to dodge the long queue times. And, because you can no longer swap roles, if you get one or two of these battle supports, on your team, it’s pretty much GG.

That is your opinion, based on your experience. That is not been true for everyone.

I even just gave you an example of that. I’ve seen more battle supports, in 222, than I ever did before. And, believe me, when I have those players, on my team, my match quality is definitely poor.


For gods’ sake, it’s ‘queue’. This isn’t hard.

Personally, I like it. It’s one less way for people on my team to throw. I know the people playing tank are willing to play tank and won’t swap randomly. Ditto support. Now if we can just address the fact that about 1 in 3 DPS I encounter are one-tricks that need to be carried, we’d be perfect.

I love waiting 12+ minutes to play DPS only to play on Paris and face the same mirrored comp over and over again.


Add a popup people need to accept when your queue pops. If someone doesn’t accept then those that did get put at the head of everyone else in queue.

This will give one less baseless “excuse” people can use to say role queue is bad.

It solved what it was supposed to solve. No more GOATS and 4-5 DPS teams.

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If you’re leaving, cancel your queue. That simple. If you queue and are inactive, expect me to report you. Your reasons for being inactive don’t matter to me. Unless someone is literally dying and you’re saving their life… I don’t care why you’re not there. I’m reporting.

Meanwhile I’m living my best Overwatch life spamming DPS in QP with 2-3 minute queues.

This is just so grossly exaggerated. The ONLY dps with big wait times are GM while generally it’s 6-10 min for the entire time
I’ve been playing 2-2-2.

Just catastrophizing to try and buff your point.

Agreed. The queue times for DPS have been super blown out of proportion for what it is. People are acting as if its an eternity, for QP it’s in the range of 3-5 minutes, and plat level comp is 4-6.

If one doesn’t have the patience of a goldfish, it’s not that bad. I still play DPS all the damn time.

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Yes DPS queues are the longest
Let’s talk about solutions that actually make sense instead of the sky is falling.

Nope. Ive actually had these queue times. And I’m not GM.

A lot of things affect one’s Q time, man. Platform, rank, region, time of day, role, etc.

A Gold Support on Xbox in Canada, playing at 3 pm, is going to have a different Q time VS a Diamond DPS on PC in Europe at 9 pm. There are a lot of factors that go into this.

In short, just because your Q times are fine, doesnt mean that its fine for everyone else.

People that don’t have the money for it? What kind of privilege *** comment is this.

So what does it really fix. Goats, hard-dives, I mean I didn’t like goats either. But the problem falls back on. Should it have been ran on COMP only. I find that DPS on the Quickplay are ALL bored and just want the games to be over with. I shared my feelings in chat on quickplay and players had the same feelings as me.

They were sitting in a Que so long. That they lost the energy drive from the LAST match because their focus was shifted, AND the fact that they were just out-right bored :rofl: . No to mention if que times are predicted at 5 minutes. Im gonna make myself some food, take care of pets, watch some videos online and even listen to music or play my Nintendo Switch. Then im LUCKY if I can even re-focus on the game, since I was going from controller to KB-mouse. Then team mates complain “where is the team”.

The gold standard for an online game is to build a match in under 2 minutes flat. That really is where it is at. Otherwise players lose interest.