Roadhog, what to do?

Roadhog main here (with 200+ hours with on console)

I just don’t understand what exactly the point of hog is actually this point. He was DESIGNED to gravely punish anyone who was out of position but now? Eh. Literally in some cases I’ll hook someone and his current damage is so low healers will literally heal RIGHT THROUGH my hook combo… it’s dumb and honestly not very fun.

I only started playing overwatch around season 9, but I seriously have a hard time believing roadhog was EVER op.

Was his hook ridiculous? Yes, but they fixed it. Yet… he’s gone down this path of utter uselessness that is quite sad honestly.

He was ALWAYS a feast or famine hero but in a attempt to boost thar blizzard made him fundamentally worse.

It’s funny, if sym and mercy didn’t garner so much attention on this forum you could say blizzards internal handling/ changing of roadhog has been one of there worst moves ever. (Least to me)

To be honest, I don’t think we will ever see him balanced.

We can’t buff him because DPS mains will cry and spam in this forum.

Probably our best choice would have more tanks, so we could have one tank for each situation.
That’s a really hard issue that blizzard probably doesn’t know how to fix.

Personally, I like the idea of preserving Roadhog in his current job. Giving him damage would return him to police role. Giving him survivability will shove him further into a tank role.

I’d prefer if they just made him more effective at what he currently does. Really get down to the core of what makes him work, and finds a solution that benefits him and his team, without feeling overwhelming to the enemy team.

Tighter spread isn’t a genuine fix, because it’s too much weight in one direction. This is my opinion about tighter spread.

Giving him a passive that reduces ult build up seems like a no brainer and quick bandaid fix…but they can’t even do that. I think the balance people are the type of arrogant folk that like to ignore great ideas if they don’t come up with it themselves.

Do one of these two ideas:

Summarized as either

There are other tanks. He used to be OP and is now balanced. Play another character. Learn to adapt.

Ripped directly from what players tell Mercy mains to do