Roadhog, what to do?

He’s clearly not working as-is. Only the most effective Roadhog players can make him work, and even then he’s barely viable without the correct team composition.

Any ideas?

Hook cd decreased to 6 fixed random spread hook now does 50 damage

I just want to feed less.
First 200 hp grants ult charge at a reduced rate. I’m think 50%?

The devs would never do that, the point of the damage nerf was to discourage Roadhogs from flanking by making the hook combo inconsistent.

More damage would be a wonderful thing.


Grey Falcon has an interesting list of proposed buffs. I summon him to post it here!

I would fix the random spread first.

Then, i dont know. The easy thoughts: A tiny buff to wholehog would be fine, or one more clip (although recently wholehog was buffed to reload after use), or allowing him to cancel wholehog (together all chanelled ults).

I also do like the buff propossed by Dr Riku about giving more utility to Tale a Breather, so he could tank better.

Didn’t the latest patch make his damage output more consistent and effective except for shield breaking? I played him again a few times this weekend and he felt more consistent if nothing else…

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His hook seems a bit more consistent, but the rest of his kit is the same.

I mean because of his damage nerf a while ago. I played Hog for a while before the nerfs, and he’s never really been the same.

Most recently they actually NERFED him, which mostly only affects his utility against Reinhardt, Orisa, and sometimes Sym barriers. In effect though, they had to respond with what appears to be a buff to his range against barriers, practically negating the nerf, making him about the same of what he used to be.


Are you referring to this:

“Developer Comments Previously, Roadhog’s Scrap Gun alternate fire didn’t have damage falloff which sometimes made it too powerful against far away targets. To balance out a slight power decrease, especially against barriers, we decided to push his overall weapon’s effective range out bit further before damage falloff begins to take effect. Note: The alternate fire falloff begins from where the scrap projectiles are formed, not from Roadhog’s firing position.
Primary fire falloff range changed from 10-20 meters to 15-30 meters
Alternate fire now has damage falloff, which is the same as the new primary fire falloff (15-30 meters)”

From the sound of it overall he gained a bit of damage ability at in-between ranges despite a loss of shield breaking and far damage…

Fix the hook. I lost the count of people escaping the hook by miracle.
Also give him a little more damage.

Before his right click had no falloff, meaning it was full damage at any range. Left click having falloff at 10-20 meters is barely helpful, as this is about the same range you can effectively nail a target with about 20-50% of the pellets (if you’re incredibly lucky). 10 meters isn’t far enough to matter, and 20 meters is too far for most of the pellets to hit (sub 10% of the pellets hit).

No this is, basically nothing to his utility at all. He effectively gains nothing, and loses nothing.

I guess he loses the RNG chance of winging pharah with a decent amount of right click pellets.

He’s in the same zone right now as Bastion and McCree… everyone knows they need something, but for whatever reason Blizz isn’t taking any action, possibly because they are considering interactions with upcoming heroes 29, etc…

Great idea, more cc.
^^ and that’s coming from a hog player.

I’ve been playing too much Tekken I think, but I think this might make him a bit more survivable, while still making him a threat to the enemy, and allowing his ally teammates to help him kill enemies.

Perhaps Roadhog should snare players for longer with the hook button held down. While the enemy players are snared, he could gain a sort of damage resistance like his healing flask. While snared he cannot fire, but he can move himself and his hooked victim in the same fashion as his normal hook walk. Once released his shot comes out normally.

The time held can be between 0 seconds and N amount of seconds, I’d really suggest upwards of 2. Generally speaking people can react within less than a second, but any sort of helpful gainful position switches take longer than a couple seconds, unless the teammates use a movement ability.

This allows for 2 major things, which would otherwise not be present in the Roadhog gameplay.

  1. His teammates can use cover more effectively, and only poke out when it’s time to assist with a pick. Which is something current Roadhog has no application for, unless he snags someone around a corner.
  2. He can have more effective use of his hook, allowing him to tank damage while he’s using it. The hook should still be interruptable and stunnable.

I dunno, just a few rantings on a thought.

What do you think of a tighter spread for his weapons, would that help? The biggest thing I notice is he seems to do weird damage output, it’s either killer, or nothing… no in between to feel like you are hacking at the enemy effectively… he feels like a crap shoot in play.

I really don’t like the idea of a tighter spread. He still suffers from the same problems as the tanks, without any real way to manage them in a similar fashion. He doesn’t deal enough damage to be considered DPS, he doesn’t tank enough damage to be considered tank. Tightening his spread, is only giving more damage to his DPS side, while still making his off-tank job replaceable by the other off tanks in a higher effectiveness.

What he really needs, is something to claim ground, and to stall for time.

So, what’s the fix? Just saying, if you are very familiar with him then I would think you have a distinct feel for it.

More survivability (life/shield/armor), or a team-oriented ability like the other off-tanks (which i suggested hook stall, being a hybrid of claiming space and dps), or some sort of change to the way he functions entirely (rework him into either DPS or Tank specific).