Roadhog - So glad

Even hog takes skill

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-This and other lies you can tell to yourself for being boosted

If hog takes no skill you shouldnt have a problem getting rank 1 eh?

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You know, professionals have standards
And self respect, something hog players apparently doesnt know

Of course cuz youre not good enough:)

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Okay, if you say so…, now go on your mother is calling you

I’d rather face Hog than Doomfist.

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another reminder why hog should exist- it makes symm less relevant, which is good for the game!

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how is ruining another character for others is a good thing? plus symm is prettier smarter with better design and most of all, she is not a pig

don’t worry, i know the plight of being cannon fodder in a masters match one second and the kinght amongst peasants in a bronze match the other

yeah, stand outside the point and shoot the roadhog- don’t let him shoot you, but keep focus firing him to push him off the point, his job is to make space, like any other tank, if you are capable of dealing with widow holding down half the map you are capable of dealing with a hog holding a room

hog wasn’t a problem in overwatch 1- he’s only an issue now because of kiriko, but since she’s a shimada untouchable and blizzard wouldn’t nerf their wagemaker we’re stuck in this position

i can hear his ridiculously loud fart-steps over gunfire, you can’t, i think you need to quit being so ignorant of your surroundings and pay attention more

his size indeed does matter when you can wait his heal out and focus him down during it’s huge cd, stay out of his, again, range of 20 metres, tiny compared to the likes of the map-denying widow, who’s got the downtime of a rabbit and the hitbox of a pencil

because symmetra is braindead and makes every match she is in worse

besides, sym’s got an obnoxiously uptight attitude and is probably hiding a woodchipper under her robes- if you want a real wasteland philosopher, hog’s your man

Call me when youre more mature

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How any one can take you seriously is astonishing. You know people in top 500 get hooked too right? They get hooked too because ultimately every fight is over control of some portion of the map, you don’t just yield to him for just existing in an area.

Hog is braindead and makes every match he is in worse. But you won’t find that convincing.

So why is it right for you but wrong for everyone else? If you want to find common ground is maybe we shouldn’t have heroes that have designs that are inherently unfun, and that requires admitting that maybe your favorite hero has the easiest one shot ability in the game (dont u fking dare argue that, i can wake up in the middle of the night and land hooks easier than i can land widow headshots)

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Then why is the number 1 tank player in NA often Cyx, primarily playing Hog. Even before the Kiriko/Hog combo became popular in OW2, Cyx was already up at GM1 mostly on Hog.

Hog does not require bad positioning to get value. He can simply walk round a corner within 20m of an enemy and insta-kill them. GMs are constantly being hooked in Cyx games - I mean constantly. If they can’t avoid being hooked there is little hope for the rest of us.

He is talking out of his butt. He is making an argument on the grounds that hog cannot, for reasons unknown, get closer than 20 meters to people.

I feel like Mugatu in zoolander. Am I taking crazy pills? What are these people seeing in their games? Maybe the hog players they find are using a steering wheel for an input. IDK.

If hog is a no skill because “one shot” then so is widow.

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Fine by me, BUT at least widow can be punished by bad positioning unlike hog and his free out of jail card breather with dmg reduction

He’s literally the meta tank, get a grip.

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idk man works on my machine

every match i play, i roll over hog, outside his effective range he cannot do anything- go any sniper and just start picking his teammates, whom he can’t protect, off and pressuring him out of areas, simple as that- if you decide to run orisa or god forbid, ana, he’s a walking ult battery that needs kiriko- the actual busted hero- to take care of him like a high-maintenance obese child

hog has to aim his hook/shots and get near you to do anything, symmetra waves her glowstick in your general direction and spams turrets at doorways, they aren’t comparable

widow can control the entire map, roadhog can control a 20 metre radius in dozen second intervals, they aren’t comparable

sorry man, still disagree with the reddit nation

don’t know who cyx is and frankly not really concerned with finding out, although it comes as a shock that a hero i regularly stomp is a problem in paid play

i hear the whole “hog can just walk forward” spill constantly and like, you know you have legs too, yeah? you can walk away from him, hell, you can probably do more than that with a press of shift, e, or whatever your bind is

i am able to avoid and stomp hogs almost every session- i don’t see why anyone else would have trouble with him

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