Roadhog - So glad

OW2 tank heroes in a nutshell.

Disclaimer: Hog was my most played hero in OW1

The issue with hog is that he has a 20m 1-shot (combo). You can play around other tanks and position away from them and if they rush or dive you you have escape options often and they take time to kill you while you may get heals.

Hog effective TPs you to him from 20m away. It’s like if Orisa did her spinny spear and instantly TP’d to your location or DVa jets covered 20m in 1s. You basically feel helpless against it.

You can position all you like, but hog is on the move and will always find a place to get to you from. If positioning was the problem then GMs would not get hooked and the No1 player would not frequently be Cyx primarily on Hog. So those that say you are just positioning badly are blowing smoke through a small hole.

I love playing hog (well I did in OW1) but when I play him I am well aware of how bad he is for the game. Just like widow is fun to play but terrible for the game.

I’d love to see him reworked so he is not dependent on 1-shot combos from his hook and a bit more fun to play against (and widow too).

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The gold take.

Most of the points you made apply to every tank. ReInHeArDt Has 1700 eFFeCtIvE hP?!?!? AND IT REGENERATES?!? Psh.

Punish hog when his hook is on CD, engage at good ranges, play characters that have a chance of wasting the hook (Reaper wrath, Mei iceblock, Echo dash, Tracer recall, Genji deflect), use wasted hooks as an opportunity to push and get a kill or two. Hog without hook is a shotgun bot, deadly at ranges 1-4m and 10-14m and not much else, farm fatty for EZ ult charge. Brainless hogs win versus brainless players. Of course a DPS player running at a hog is going to die, thats hogs job. Punish mistakes.

Lower level plays make lots of mistakes. Higher skill players pressure their opponents into making mistakes. Stop playing meta bullcrap and counter pick him if you hate him that much. Any displacement can waste a hook, i’ve countered bad hogs with brig by whipping him every time I see that hook go out.

Honestly, we’ve been having the same conversation since 2016, its OK to hate him because you don’t like his playstyle or what he forces, but stop saying he’s unbalanced. It ain’t friggin true.

He’s refering to the 50% damage reduction hog gets when he huffs his breather. Using it at full health would give you 1400 effective health whilst it lasts. Apart from that fact that most hogs do not use it at full health and it lasts 2 seconds. Thats highly misleading, but I wouldn’t deny hog can be tanky as hell though.

Before Kiriko, the T500 ladder was full with Zarya and Winston.

Now with Kiriko, the ladder is still full of Zarya and Winston but now also with Roadhog, but less.

I can see some minor nerfs to his Breather, but getting rid of his combo would destroy him and nobody in their right mind would play him anymore because his combo is the fun part of playing him.

yeah, they do

if you are in t500 and hog’s managed to get a jab in at your throat then either the stars have alligned or blizzard’s matchmaking coders are on strike

he has no movement abilities, he’s about 7 feet tall, louder than a millwall match and is the size of the average american housewife, if you somehow let him get in range and score a hook you need to git gud

if kiriko is the problem, nerf kiriko- she’s not blizzard’s wagemaker anymore so she can’t even throw that out as an argument

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so glad someone’s actually saying that cuz im tired of complaining for 4 years now about him, he is disgusting with no skill, 100% counter to my 2 mains mercy and symm and honestly the whole game but guess what, they’re not gonna nerf him bcuz ppl like his one shot


Except soujourn and hog

I still stand by the POV ive had on this matter for years.

1 shots in and of themselves, dont bother me. But within the “hero” aspect of overwatch, a by all means power-driven game with complex ability interactions, i feel all 1 shots should have wind ups, telegraphs, and appreciable down times,

Rein can one shot with a pin, but theres a big wind up. You know its coming. You know its on cooldown and have time to play around it. You have a lot of opportunity to interact with it. Many ults follow this as well. You get the global announcement, and then an appreciable “wind up” where you can respond.


When characters have one shots that go off instantly, or quickly enough that you dont have a realistic “reaction window”? Thats where I have problems.

Ive long been fine with roadhog having a one shot, but ive also always felt it should have more wind up than it does. For example: Have him charge it. Have him begin to spin his hook at his side, with the charge relating to the distance he can throw the hook. Visually have the hook spin in a bigger loop until its at max charge. Have it make a super distinct whirring sound. Now you have an ability that is telegraphed, you know its primed- and no excuse to be surprised by it. Obviously he would need other changes to go with this. You couldnt do this “as is” and expect him to be good. Id still love to see his defensive gas cloud during take a breather returned, and i feel this change could pave the way for that

But something like this. And i feel this way for all other 1 shot heroes. Whether thats hanzo, or widow, or whoever.

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You need the team to kill the tank even without supports on them and 1v1s will always go for the tank unless you are several skill levels above them or they are new (or the tank is designed really bad like S1 doom) . With dps 1 shotters (Snipers mostly), you can kill them 1v1 as any role depending on personal skill.

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Counter point: blizz matchmaker hast been awful these 2 seasons mixing silvers with diamonds and all in between

Yeah just let me stand outside the point cause if i get anywhere near to contest it im suddenly “oUt oF poSItIoN”

Kiriko just makes the problem worse but even in Ow where (you guessed it) kiriko didnt existed, hog was still of a problem and an annoyance to play with and against, meaning hog is the root problem


ALSO They buffed his one kit weakness: he had exploitable or punishable ult

Now its no longer channeled and he can hook/heal during ult…

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Devs seem to be allergic to changing him in any way and I’m sure they still are. Idk why. AFAIK he’s the character with the least changes.


I could live in a world where he gets removed from the game and forgotten forever


Nah bro, it has always been a problem. Getting oneshotted by a character with 2000 hp isn’t balanced, believe it or not. it’s terrible game design.

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Hog still shouldn’t have a one shot because he has so much health, His hook should just drag enemies instead for a couple seconds, that would be actually balanced. Maybe also make his heal like a defensive buff for his team, and maybe make his gun do less damage and have a slightly smaller cone.

This just speaks ignorance, you can’t hear him walking in the middle of a firefight, his size doesn’t matter when his heal grants him 350 extra hp plus 50% or so damage resistance making him invulnerable, and his range is so large, its practically RNG dependent on the Hogs aim if he hits you or not.


That’s more the entire sound system than the character. You can’t hear any enemy footsteps while any other sound is going on. I’ve been smacked in the behind by enemy Reins and heard absolutely, literally nothing until I turned around and saw him.

What is your IQ? Can you imagine an apple in your head?

Did I hit a nerve? Looks like it.