Roadhog ow2 nerf ideas

Dear diary

Today another nerf hog thread appeared, that makes 87. Why are randos so bad at shutting down, a loud, planet sized hero?

hey you said it not me. Don’t get aggressive because I called you out.

Just accept the loss on this one, and move on.


They want the easy way out.

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There are a MILLION things that can interrupt a hook instakill stop being dense

Because the game is not designed for a tank to oneshot a ranged target while also having a ability to walk through the entirety of hanzos ult with half the HP left.

Dear diary, this guy doesn’t understand why the hero is meta.

You people keep saying this as if the hero isn’t meta for a reason.

Hog cant leave the spawn area in order to make a fun game for the rest of players, thats it my nerf idea

Sounds like a bad Hanzo. I don’t have that problem with him.

No dude you’re saying that it’s a oneshot and that there’s nothing anybody can do against it when that’s just not true

D.vas can no longer clip their 2 button POTGS. That my “good player” delusion nerf. (Not directed to maybe you in particular, your icon reminded me.)

The point flew right past your head. Its not about skill. He’s the most self sustained tank and the only one that can instakill someone. Doesnt matter what hero you play you cant outdamage a hog and you cant just walk past him because he will kill you.

He’s meta, because he doesn’t die in milliseconds. Nothing more.

It’s a combo not insta kill. Hook doesn’t kill them instantly. There’s more that goes into it, they have to adjust to player hitboxes, and even the slightest bit of movement messes it all up. More than likely need melee at the end.

I said the person GETTING HOOKED has nothing they can do. Once you are hooked, that’s it.

Ive played this game for over 1000 hours i can kill any 200 HP target with hog without fail and they can do barely anything about it. Its really not that hard to learn. I taught a friend how to do it, took him not even a weekend and now he can do it to.

While there is little the HOOK target can do, I said there were outside factors like boop or even a little bit of healing. Glad your friend can do it, tell them I wish them luck on their piggy journey.

We are talking about hog nerfs tho dont derail the thread :wink: winky face


So do other tanks. Wrong. Try again.

Against focus fire? I doubt it.

Im not even certain im for taking the ability away or rework it because its such a big part of roadhog. But the fact is that theres not one single ult that can kill a hog even if he aint getting healed and thats pretty insane when its so easy to kill wih him.