Roadhog ow2 nerf ideas

I see the problem now. None of you are making crit hits. Tanks go down laughably fast, if you shoot them in the head.

You can’t complain about tank survivability, if you only shoot center mass.

Again, if it was that easy… the hero wouldn’t be meta. This is just either horribly misguided or terribly ignorant.

Just curious, what rank are we talking about here?

Who said anything about easy? That’s why it’s called skill. If you have skill, he’s “easy” to kill, if you can’t aim, he’s a nightmare.

Instead of nuking viable tanks, just learn to aim.

Except the best of the best and masters + can aim and he’s still meta so again. Hilarioudly ignorant or misguided you can choose.

Let’s see a replay with your alleged 100% hook rate.

Masters+ are just diamond players on comms, boosted by teamwork, not skill.

All that proves, is that even at the top, there a weak links.

Did you forget the hog player is also in the same rank they’re playing?

That’s so wrong it’s insane. They are better mechanically, they have better game sense, they have better teamwork. They have better literally everything. You’re just making up things to fit your argument and it’s just wrong.

Yes… you know why they are playing hog? because he’s meta…

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