Roadhog nerf? ??

That statistic is my total playtime, I’ve been playing since launch. You’re making an aweful lot of assumptions about how I interact with the game and forums. Can’t attack my arguments so you attack the person?


Whatever, stop trying to deflect the main thing that you main roadhog, ugh.

Even if I did continue to main Roadhog, which I don’t because I’m not a fan of sitting behind an Orisa shield to just follow up on her Halts, it doesn’t make anything I’ve said incorrect. Infact, it means I’ve experianced Roadhog from both perspectives and gives me more information with which to form an opinion.


Honestly, at the end of the day you’re going to stick onto your side thinking roadhog isn’t overpowered, but in reality you’re jusut a waste of my time.

Unlike you, who are completely unbiased and definitely aren’t sticking to an opinion regardless of arguments to the contrary. I commend you.


Your just some guy trying to rub people the wrong way on a fresh account.


kk . . . . . . . . . . .


that’s why they bronze

hmm that depends, mostly you are not 100% on hp for that to happend

Reading your posts honestly… Hurt.

You have an obvious bias against Hog. Like we get it, you can’t figure out how to counter him with the countless option before you because apparently his hook is a magnet that’s never off cooldown and he constantly heals.

But other people know how to exploit his weaknesses. He’s only seeing playtime because he works with Orisa, that’s it. Orisa being meta means he can see play time.

Plus, there are a bunch of things that can counter him especially in your rank.

Is Hog healing himself? Pitch a nade at him, hack him, sleep him, CC him out of it, etc.

Are you getting hooked? Don’t. Bait the hook, use corners to your advantage, use the countless abilities that counter hook, use heroes who will survive his hook, headshot, melee or can escape it before death (Heroes like Reaper, Mei, Moira are ones who can left shift and survive, but you still need to know how to live after using your ability)

But most importantly use the heroes who counter him. Reaper and Hanzo come to mind right away. Headshot headshot headshot. Unloading storm arrow into his skull alongside Widowmaker headshots / using a Reaper / Mei combo can be brutal for Hog.

This isn’t taking into consideration his team, but like take a step back and realize that Hog himself isn’t strong. Accept your bias and realize you’re being bias because of your hatred of hook combo.


This is the funniest joke ive heard in a very long time… Nerf RH… There are plenty more heroes more broken then he

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You can’t just bait the hook, this isn’t gold where roadhogs can’t aim. In higher rankings they can aim their hook, and guess what you get picked off. He counters every healer… EVERY HEALER IS AT 200HP.

This means he can put your healer out of position, oneshot them AS A TANK? Then proceed to contribute to the TEAM KILL, because you now only have your zen healing.

Roadhog can easily one-shot a reaper + moria, just because when he hooks he stuns? I don’t understand the tactics you are explaining.

He is a problem, people can say whatever they want but he’s a big one. Put him into the dps slot then? Why is he a tank?..

Roadhog is supposedly getting a rework. That’s probably why.

All of that is false.

You claim to play in Diamond which is where I also play. You can indeed bait the hooks if you pay attention to how a Hog plays. You will know when hook is on or off cooldown if you pay attention.

The stun doesn’t last for as long as he has to do the combo. You can survive by a sliver of health, spam shift.

Why is your healer in front of tanks? Unless Hog is flanking (which you should be punishing and forcing him to play with Orisa) he shouldn’t be getting your healer unless they’re already out of position.


Honestly I’m starting to doubt OP is anywhere near that high as a Hog/Sig main in high diamond on this account and a midmasters Junkrat 1 trick on my main. It ia very possible to both bait and dodge hook. OP just seem to lack the skill required.


Look its obvious that you refuse to take any advice on countering him and you have a blatantly obvious bias against him, I’m just going to go ahead and flag for trolling


It is not 1 hook dead.

It is 1 hook, leftclick, w, melee. or leftclick, hook, leftclick.
You also have to hit all of those.

Hook can be canceled by cover, dash or any skill movement.
You actually have a few miliseconds to activate your own CD before the melee.

RH also has no armor and is an easy ult battery for at least 40% of the cast.

His most effective fighting range is melee and in that regard loses against any capable Mei or not capable but still winning Reaper.

He is a slightly peeling mid range champ and pure fodder on long range.

He has a good synergy with Orisa and was therefor “meta” for a short time.
He is actually quiete bad now compared to how he was in the past.

Actual 1shotheros are Hanzo, Widow, Doomfist. Since Widow and Hanzo need one headshot to kill any Squishy. And Doomfist needs 1 Skillshot.


Show video from 2017, thinks thats proving anything.


nothing in overwatch has changed since 2017, nothing at all its the exact same game


The Reaper leechbuff actually made the whole duel obsolete.
He is leeching so much HP from RH that hooking him without team support is sucide.