Roadhog nerf? ??

How are you losing 1v3s against a Roadhog? He can’t hook all 3 of you so at least 2 of your team must be voluntarily walking into his kill range (which is about 2 meters in front of him).


I’m not talking about the bronze roadhogs you play with, im saying diamond roadhogs.

Yep, that’s my rank. If you were playing in bronze I’d understand how Roadhog was doing so much work. In diamond he’s usually run with an Orisa and stays with his team so it makes even less sense for him to be in a 1v3 situation.
I can understand if you find that particular team comp annoying, I don’t understand why you’re singling Roadhog out for a nerf when he’s average at best?


well there are about 20 abilities that make a hooked target able to escape death so maybe try using one of those, considering your picture is ana you might want to look at her sleep dart, or look at mei’s walls and cyro freeze, maybe if there is a zarya on your team there is a bubble, or any kind of CC which moves hog makes the hook miss, so maybe try using one of those abilities :stuck_out_tongue:

and that is just a few abilities there are plenty more abilities which counter it

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pick a reaper then maybe.

Bronze hogs can’t hook?

hook and then dead. wdym

don’t get hooked. Wait for it, bait for it, dodge it. There’s only one thing i can say here, but i’m not going to, cause mods don’t like it.


We are back in 2016 aren’t we?


Road hog needs to stay exactly where he is. If a widow is rewarded for clicking heads then hog can be rewarded for pulls. Also you aren’t always guaranteed dead from a pull. He’s so easy to kill and has so many counters.


Let’s be real here, nobody actually thinks Roadhog is OP. You just don’t like getting picked and feel frustrated when he uses TAB to survive and break LOS. Instead of learning his many weaknesses you’d rather complain to try to get him thrown in garbage tier, well the devs did that once and he was terrible for a year. Now he is actually viable in some situations like he should be. If you think Roadhog is so strong why don’t you try playing him and seeing how much value you get?


Just putting this here, generally the only targets hog will consistently one shot at max hp upon hooking is zen tracer and mccree, everyone else lives with some hp leftover unless they were already low upon the initial hook.

That’s 56 likes in the total thread, nobody has liked your original post…

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I wouldn’t call hog low dmg…
With potential one shot potential.

Not to mention the hook shot meele combo. :sweat_smile:

Remember when his gun and hook first got changed and everyone said he was garbage cause he “can’t one shot hook 200hp targets” anymore? Man, people’s opinions really change even after a character received no buffs to their kill potential

Oh you withdrew that post, probably a good idea.

Well I used to be a Roadhog main, now I mainly play Zen and Bapt. I’m not sure how any of this invalidates my opinion.

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I don’t spend most of my times on the forums, sorry. I play the game, not pay for it and then 90% of my time is on the forums. YOu still play the character, what do you mean? LOL. He’s dominating ur played characters.

Reaper is literally meta right now. Roadhog is a death blossom FARM.