Roadhog main here.
What do yall think Roadhog should get as a buff?
Whole Hog as a transformation ultimate, where holding down left mouse button fires the knockback scrap with infinite ammo as per his current ult, and while heβs not firing he can do other roadhog things at will for the duration (walk at normal speed, use take a breather, throw hooks, etc).
Not being an ult battery and a hook fix.
reduced spread is a priority for fixing Roadhog
Hereβs some ideas:
π [Roadhog] Changes I want
π Hog fix, without buffing shotgun
π·[Roadhog] New Passive idea
10 or 5% increase in damage and revert fall off on LMB
Fixed Pattern (or drastically reduced variation) for both primary and secondary fire pellets.
Reduce Spread of Primary fire shots right after releasing a hooked enemy.
Hook cooldown is reduced if it contributes to an elimination.