The funniest part here?
We agree with you.
You are still rather uninformed, but… i’m not going to tell you how to play Tracer, now am i!!!
the thing is… Bastion doesn’t need straight “Buffs” Or “Nerfs”
Firstly, you need to get that “Binary” Out of your head.
But i’m serious.
It’s not either or, and if you would allow, i’ll Try to explain it as calmly as i can, without my blood boiling off. (It’s not you… it’s the devs)
Here we go…
Bastion’s Spread holds him back from being an aim intensive hero, And… without the reward that most heroes get through headshots, Bastion mains and players alike are essentially LOCKED At a skill cap ceiling… Beyond which no skill matters when it involves his gameplay…
SO. Lets get to the meaty part…
Bastion’s MAXIMUM Damage, from a full clip, (Which takes time to fire the entire thing, i might add) Is 450, That is… Calculated with EVERY BULLET HITTING THE TARGET. As in… Only 450, if you Do. Not. Miss.
NOW. How often does Bastion miss, and at what ranges?
I now refer you to this:
[Bastion's real damage output (kinda)]
THAT^ Is a chart of sorts, showing the near exact (If not totally exact) Calculations of what misses where.
Bastion does NOT Need mobility.
Bastion’s playstyle Mirrors Mobility heroes… As in, He’s the stationary target, that is easy to fight when moving, and hard to fight when standing still.
Aka, Bastion doesn’t need to be an unkillable MONSTER When in Sentry, but a Glass Cannon.
You Are A Tracer main… Yea?
Take a moment… And try to imagine being a Tracer, unable to move, And unable to land headshots. And now, you have roadhog’s hitbox.
Oh… and you have a head on your back.
Sound fun?
Bastion needs to lay down Suppressive fire.
Do NOT Get this confused with “Spray and Pray”
Here’s the descriptions of each:
Spray and pray: Spray and pray is a derisive term for firing an automatic firearm towards an enemy in long bursts, without making an effort to line up each shot or burst of shots. This is especially prevalent amongst those without benefit of proper training.
Suppressive Fire: Suppressive fire usually achieves its effect by threatening casualties to individuals who expose themselves to it.
And outside of suppressive fire, when actually hitting an exposed target, the damage needs to high. Why? With the ways to attack and punish a stationary target, Bastion is meant to Commit to being in sentry (I personally loved the old transformation times… the longer ones) And in that commitment, you are either punished… Killed or forced to move away, Or you are rewarded for Tactics, timing, and overall gamesense…
Not to mention… Bastion’s sentry mode is a PURE Aim, mode.
The aim should matter 100x more than it currently does (Reduced spread) And that aim should be rewarded more as well (A headshot modifier… maybe not full, But some)
Edit: allow me to add this in here…
Ironclad: And why i want it gone. At least… mostly.
Most Bastion mains don’t like it, and don’t see much of a need for it…
It reduces a Tiny Bit of Damage, but… Also promotes Pocketing.
And i would love to see it go. Mostly.
My preferred way of dealing with this?
Only have ironclad active, during healing.
(Like Roady!)
He’s not shooting while he’s healing, It has a resource limit that can be exhausted, and would only help to save him when he Needs it.
NOW… Uh… Let me catch my breath…
I’m typing this, why would i have to-
Bastion’s Sentry gun, does not at ALL Need to Support The spray and prey behavior… Before, it only had 200 rounds, and if you spent them hitting the wall, Now you had to reload, Putting yourself at greater risk…
I would LOVE To see 100 ammo removed from his Magazine.
Please… If you would be so kind… Read this post… And maybe we can discuss Bastion’s balance?
I’m truly sorry for my anger… and i wish to apologize for my aggressive nature, towards this subject… Please forgive?
Pharah… i can only hope i’ve done you justice… I will NEVER Give up on Bastion, and i have you to Thank for that.