RIP Widowmaker [MEGA Thread] </3

You can’t balance for a single skill tier, when the heroes in this game have a massively different skill requirements…

we all like Overwatch the same as it is.

I dont think there is any OP hero in Overwatch right now. if youre a good Widow u will carry, if youre a good Tracer you will carry… there are heros that require skill to be good with… and if youre good with them you carry with them… im pretty fine with that.
there are people who hates Tracer because how powerful she is in the right hands… same for Widow.

How are you not GM if you have more experience than GM widowmakers!?

In your games, you are mostly trying to find a good angle to shoot, not hide behind your team 100% of the time and shooting in one angle, right? Or are you trying to hit those ridiculous hard shots where they spam crouch ADAD because they know where you are?

Look, have you asked yourself why those GMs become GMs in the first place? Even Surefour says that he hits like 10-20% hard shots successfully if he has to, which includes mercy spam crouching. You don’t hit hard shots, you take EASY shots. I’m almost certain that you don’t make use of positioning to get easy shots when you write something like mercy adad pistol shooting.

How do you make use of positions? When the enemy’s front line is paying attention to your front line, you try and set yourself up in a flanking position to hit like 1-2 easy shots when the enemy IS NOT paying attention. If they try and find you, just go back to your team and wait till your cooldowns are up and set yourself up again.

If you look at the recent OWL maps, Junkertown for an example, the widowmakers actively switch positions for the first point to find an opportunity to pick off heroes. How many times do you see them shooting hard shots that kills everyone even when they know where she is? All the time? Or only a few times?

Edit: Add in the the dots for the below clip. See how surefour does it.

clips twitch tv/SpotlessUglyCakeDatBoi?tt_medium=clips_api&tt_content=url

A character being difficult to play doesn’t mean it isn’t overpowered.
If a character requires too much mechanical skill for lower tiers, then so be it, they shouldn’t be punishing the players who can make better use of a character by having one of them be completely busted because it was balanced around plat.
Widow has 1 counter, and that is Widow. It’s far worse than the Tracer meta. Tracer was a fairly high-risk hero, she had to get close to the enemies, Widow can sit so far back that the only other character that can even touch her is Hanzo, who’ll be dead before his arrow even reaches her, unless you think that having a Winston leave the teamfight to go fight the Widow half-way across the map, leaving the team without their main tank who also happens to lose 60% of his HP to a single shot from her is a good idea.

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Exactly not, Mei will be new widow, and better than widow. So i think ill try her.

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I didnt say GM Widowmakers. I said the GM u were talking about which are probably some Genji mains that plays Widow in specific maps because shes meta.

What I was trying to say about the Mercy that spams crouch is that when a Mercy wants to counter Widow, she will counter Widow. means… when Mercy shoots at u non stop by spamming crouch and moving right to left, shes able to stop u from sniping her team mates… if any hero simply shoot u, ure not able to snipe. if u stand scoped to snipe you will be dead because its super easy to aim on u when ure in scope mode.
with the new McCRee Soldier and Mei, Widow will have to deal with high dmg comes from heros she were never dealing with mostly. thats why I think she doesnt needs any hook nerf at all.

I know that u dont hit the hard shots, I know exactly how to use Widow, believe me… I know exactly when to stand behind my team and when to be sneaky. I am not getting GM because im not flexible enough, my other dps heros are not in the Master lvl and thats why im not able to switch from Widow to another viable dps that can help me win the match… so I basically queue with a player that able to switch from Genji to Tracer to Soldier etc… to make me be able to 1 trick my Widow =)

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Actually, no, if a character has too low of a skill ceiling, players who can make better use of characters, shouldn’t be forced to play the easy ones, because they have been buffed to make up for the fact that other heroes scale better with skill.

This is a competitive game, the better team should win in a match, and you are against this basic principle for some reason.

Better team, yes, not the team with the better Widow player regardless of the other players. It’s a competitive team-based shooter, not a FFA deathmatch.

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And people complain the best way to deal with her, is as a team. Thing with Widow, is she needs her team to let her and facilitate her doing her job. The moment they start screwing around, she becomes hopelessly exposed.

You’re assuming forcing her to reposition is going to always put her in a better position, when normally the opposite is true; and in effect she’s taken out the fight for almost as long as she might be respawning.

I see it often in Gold, I can be against a very good Widow (smurf), but their team doesn’t work with them, so I just sit behind my Orisa shield and just spam fire at her to force her to keep moving; the rest of my team can then work around that.


Widow is either too OP, or complete garbage. There’s no true balance to a hero who completely relies on obnoxious one-shot mechanics.

She was pretty well balanced for those months between her 8 second cooldown buff, and Hanzo’s buff/Brigitte’s release. Arguably she was maybe a little weak in that time, but still very playable.


They just want to dive again. Quit this game.

Did I fix that for you?

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No divemeta. It’s dive meta!
Nerfing snipers without buffing turrets. That’s dive again.

It’s not Widow’s fault that most of the meta heroes have a really low skill cap.
You have to pick certain heroes because they are strong, but they don’t allow the player to outplay the enemy team’s player ob the same hero.

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Look. She’s a sniper, right? Why the heck isn’t she supposed to be vulnerable to flanks and harassment? It’s not like the heroes can find you every single time.

Also, Zerg is a one-trick widow, Kephrii is a one-trick widow. I don’t particularly see them getting shot at or flanked as though it’s 100% of the time. Instead, I see them getting 1 or 2 picks in team fights with aggressive placements (or even hook air sniping, almost too effective on that 8 seconds CD), which is a huge thing. According to one of the overwatch coaches, a 4v6 team fight is a >90% chance of winning statistically. If you manage to get 1 easy pick every single team fight, that’s already a high chance of winning. Even if winston or some flanker comes running to you, just hook away. Then your frontline becomes 3v5. In fact, if you hook away and shoot at the front line, that’s 3v6.

The sniper meta that we have now is partly because of Brigitte countering genji and tracer hard. Since Brigitte is here to stay, she can still assist you enough to offset the 2 seconds disadvantage for any flanking issues, even with that shield bash nerf. The only question is hamster hero coming in, feels like it’s going to be a tank meta.

IMO, it feels like you’re not doing enough tactical research to abuse positions even though you claim to do so. If you can hit easy shots, then why the hell are you not abusing it to the limits? Why even give the opponents a chance to shoot at you?

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Sorry, but,
Change in the game =/= widow nerf

a team with a better Genji will win aswell, a team with a better Tracer will win…
so whats wrong if the enemy Widow is better than your Widow?

do you really think that a Genji main using Widow in a match supposed to kill a Widow that plays widow hs only daily?
if your Widow is better than the enemy Widow, the enemy Widow has to understand that shes getting countered and she should switch to something else to deal with the Widow. dive hero, triple tank… there are options. if ur Hanzo is better than the enemy Hanzo it will work the same way…

its not the Widow problem its simply the fact that people hate snipers because they hate getting sniped but its too sad that those players cant appriciate the fact that those snipers that carry games play the hero a lot, practice daily… warming up for at least a hour to do what they can do in comp…

I wish I could open Overwatch and start comp… I always gotta play around 1 hour to make sure im good for comp. and sometimes… when im tired or idk… im simply not joining comp cause I know that my aim isnt consistant and I wont help my team that much.

good Widows work alot, they dont just go ingame, pick Widow and carry… it takes a lot of practice and warming.


Blizzard please, don’t apply this change to the live servers, otherwise Widow will be useless :((


Zerg isnt a 1 trick Widow, Kephrii is but his other dps can be played in GM aswell, hes not a bad Reaper and hes not a bad McCree etc…

you talk like youre always able to easy get those shots on the enemy… so no… there are tons of shields u deal with, u deal with tons of heros that simply shoots at u to stop u from doing ur job, u deal with flankers etc.

you talk like this game has no ults… if we didnt have ults I would agree with u but when a fight starts, and the enemy Genji use blade to kill 2 or 3 people, Widow becomes useless. but if there is lets say a Zarya Dva on the point still, a grav + bomb can change everything.

Widow is good when shes sniping those headshots before the team push… but at this point shes standing at the team’s position, the enemy will always try to kill her and shoot her at this time… there it no one of the team that push to the point still so the enemy will always try to focus the Widow to prevent her from sniping.
if the team pushes and the enemy focus the team Widow becomes powerful, because shes standing highground scoped to get her shots… means shes based on her team to be effective. and if the teams push and the enemy use grav or any ult she becomes useless…

what im trying to say is. Widow is powerful I agree but 8 seconds hook is made to let her protect herself abit more and escape her counters better simply because shes always behind, healers are mostly doesnt take care of her when there is a big fight on the point.
its not fair that u have to die instantly when somoene jumps on you… this why she will never be a viable dps. shes not pushing with the team and she will be very weak with no 10 seconds on her mobility.