RIP Ana (Really frustrated at the neglect)

A good Ana can take down moira pretty easy though if she anti heals her. Ana can win 1v1 against all supports except Bridgette now. But that’s not Ana’s problem, is the flankers that is the problem that she faces.

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ana’s lack of a reliable self heal is what will get her killed lol SOMETHING will take her down and moira will have wounded her too much

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I think Ana could use some minor tweaks like perhaps a bigger clip size or maybe some self regeneration. Other than that, I think shes an extremely powerful healer with still the best burst healing potential in the game. Not to mention she can be far away and still provide heals unlike Mercy & Moira. She also has Nano-boost which pairs really well with certain dps ults, and a sleep dart to deal with enemy ultimates. I actually still prefer playing Ana if I’m tasked to solo heal, its easier to keep tanks up with her.


There really is no excuse at this point not to do something like that for Ana; Healing passive, more ammo. Give us a reason to swap around supports like the other classes can.

Also Brigitte and Zen both have semi-long ranger auto lock heals; The only map that Ana has the ranged advantage is on Junkertown.


Ana’s in a difficult spot. When she was too strong, she completely defined the meta. Similar to Mercy, but with Mercy it was Resurrection which was too strong, with Ana, it was her entire kit. And now, with her entire kit being a little too weak, it’s difficult to find the balance.


I have no idea what Blizzard is doing. Just releasing Ana alternatives who are more effective left and right.


Then you know what that means?

Re-work time!

If we’re being honest the concept of a sniping healer is good in concept…but in execution it’s sort of bad.

A sniper relies on being away from their team in order to function and survive…but a healer relies on being near their team in order to function and survive.

Ana’s kit clashes with her rifle and it shows.


My thoughts exactly! If anything, I think Brigitte makes Ana more viable! :slight_smile:

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A little dramatic, but you’re not wrong. You won’t be seeing Ana for a while. She needs a complete overhaul now. She’s really only useful when paired with Lucio, which isn’t saying much, since Lucio increases the effectiveness of every hero in the game. She is my favorite support, but at least the devs have given us Moira and Brigitte, who are also really fun to play. At least we’re not stuck playing Mercy every single game.

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We aren’t declaring Bridgette DOA. Ana is dead on Bridgettes arrival. Why pick Ana when Bridgette does most of Ana’s job but better?

But sombra is getting a buff. Like, a massive buff. Everything about her kit is being improved from her Weapon spread to her hack time to her EMP not being blocked by stupid things like signs.

Meanwhile, the last updata Ana got was when they finally buffed her damage after a year of her sitting there useless. Now, the entire Meta has left Ana behind with no buffs or changes in sight. First it was the fact Ana hardly get’s recognized for everything she does, now she will hardly get to play because there are better picks for nearly every situation.

The meta hasn’t favored her for a long time.


Ana was op because she could defend herself? Don’t make me laugh. That’s just what *diots said because they couldn’t stand a support defending themselves. The damage nerf was a kick by Bliz while she was down.

She needs self sustain. She needs passives. She’s has the least survivability out of all the supports which is extremely detrimental to being a support and using any of her utility at all.


They should make Ana magazine at least 30 or remove the ammo requirement for her all together, she is so bad even Jayhong is not playing her


She needs changes regardless of Brigitte. She’s the only support to not have a self regen, when she’s the hero who needs it THE MOST.


I have considered myself a support main since launch, and while there are some support heroes I enjoy playing more than others and some that are more useful in certain situations, I have never played much Ana. For multiple reasons:

  1. She requires good aim. I’m better at aiming now than when I first started playing, but still not as good as a dps main. If my main job is healing, I’ll do better with someone who doesn’t require good aim.

  2. She has no mobility. I will never understand why they made a sniper who is incapable of getting to good sniper spots. And no mobility means that not only does her healing rely on good aim, but her survivability as well. I can’t aim, I won’t survive an attack.

  3. Nanoboost isn’t fun for me, as an ult. You’re giving all the fun to someone else.

I respect people who like her and play her well, but to me, the only awesome thing about her is her grenade. As someone who ends up solo healing as Mercy a lot, the other team doesn’t need to counter me with a flanker or something if they have a good Ana who knows how to use that thing.

Which leads me to think she needs a major rework. Buffing her healing, mobility, or ult to make her more viable would likely make her OP because her grenade is so good, and I would hate to see her grenade nerfed cos imo it’s the best thing about her.

I know a lot of people love the sleep dart and it’s a big part of her character, but I feel like it should be replaced with a jetpack she got from her daughter (with no hover, just like a super high jump). It would let her escape and get to good sniper spots. Maybe it shoots out a sleeping gas or something so that if someone walks through where she was within a few seconds of being there, they fall asleep?

Then I guess they’d have to nerf the healing increase of her grenade or something. I dunno.



Moira and Brigitte offer the healing and utility

Easier than Ana.

Even Mercy who people say is “dead” sees more playtime than Ana at this point. She’s the least picked healing support in the game as is, adding another who is super powerful and can fit amazing with the other supports isn’t going to help Ana.

Also BRIGITTE DOES NOT HELP ANA; Brigitte needs to be in melee/ close range to be effective, her bursty heal ability is targeted and only effects one person. Ana is medium range, where Brigitte offers nothing. Ana already takes enough focus away from other supports to be topped up, this is no different


I disagree, shields are supposed to be Ana’s weakness as she has a huge range, and infinite ammo would force them to lower her rate of fire to compensate. More ammo then now? Sure, 15 would probably give her enough not to have to reload in the middle of an intense fight, but giving her unlimited ammo would just lower her skill cap and possibly make her OP if she’s given other changes.

Agreed with that

We don’t want Ana to be a must pick (Being the only long range healer who could heal through barriers); we just want Ana to be level with the other supports.

15 ammo would be a BIG boost to help be less punishing on the Ana player.

Brigitte helps and works well with every other support EXCEPT Ana, even Symmetra can work wonders with her. As the only REALLY Medium range support, putting Ana deep into the fight isn’t going to help her.

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As a fellow Ana main myself, I think Ana should get a buff. I really like how she can get into the thick of the fight and still perform well, but Moira stole her thunder in that regard. In my opinion, the problem is that Ana does mediocre with the current state of the game, but she requires tons of skill to play, whereas Moira can perform leagues better but requires little to no mechanical skill, while Ana requires a lot of it.


Aww, yeah, Ana needs help. But if you ask me, brigitte actually works really well with ana, so hopefully we’ll see some good synergy there that will bring Ana back into the spotlight as well. Also i think rein will come back into the mix, which is also good for ana.

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