RIP Ana (Really frustrated at the neglect)

Problem is, Ana would have to be in the middle of the team to take the bonus effect of Brigitte’s passive and ult

It’s about the size of Lucio’s aura, so not TOO big, but Ana struggles in close combat.

Brigitte works WAY better with the other supports as they can all play close to her without much issue.

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I think if Ana keeps to the medium range and Brigitte keeps an eye on her they can work really well. Still want that wall climb though so I can actually build a sniper nest and actually play a sniper-healer…


Yeah, she REALLY needs a mobility option. Mobility and self-heal are the two things I think would make her stand up where she belongs.


The self heal doesn’t even have to be much, just enough that I don’t have to use my nade to heal the annoying 40 hp I lost taking some random fire from a Soldier…


Waiting for her to hit live for them to even say anything

Once they see Brigitte doesn’t actually work with Ana or help her

Hopefully they actually suck up their pride, and understand that Ana needs a buff


I agree on this. no mobility, boring ultimate, No healing over time, just a tiny dart on a 12 second cooldown.


The worst thing is people just don’t see it and think that a CQC Hero like Brigitte is going to help a Medium range hero like Ana.

Let’s try to stay positive! We’ll see how she looks on the ptr, and I promise if it looks like Ana isn’t benefiting from her at all I promise I will join forces with you. :slight_smile:

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Disagree. She’s still strong and Brigette shield isn’t even that big.

Still strong?

She has the third lowest winrate in the game.

You have a higher chance of winning a serious game with a Bastion on your team and not an Ana.

And it doesn’t matter how big it is; You can Run Orisa, Rein, and Brigitte for 3500 hp of health not to mention ANY barrier blocks EVERYTHING Ana can do.


I mean, you’re welcome to your opinion but thanks for the insult. It really makes your claim seem a lot stronger. /s.

Anyway, she was self sufficient, brought the best heals in the game, brought good damage, and brought arguably the strongest utility in the game out of any of the supports. I don’t think a healer with the amount of utility and healing she has should also be allowed to easily kill genjis or tracers.

We never saw the argument of “zen can defend himself, please nerf” because while he can defend himself, he’s not also providing some of the best heals in game snd best utility in game.

There are people actually saying this, though in different words, and want Zen’s damage, particularly the charge shot, nerfed.


She was only self sufficient because of Lucio + her 100% heal bonus. Lucio could heal Ana from 30 metres away, with her grenade at the time would be getting close to 50 hps from a Lucio across the map.

She also had an easier time with Genji/ Tracer because she had better protection with Zarya, 76, and Roadhog being stronger and in every game with Ana.

Also people never wanted Ana’s damage nerfed; they were happy with the last Grenade one, it was the forums that cried she was still too good, even though Zen/ Lucio was on the fast track to being the meta picks


Eh, I don’t think it’s nearly as prevalent as it was with ana back when they nerfed her damage, but noted.

Ana needs the ability to heal herself from a portion of the healing/damage she does with her shots. Allows her to keep doing her job and get far better usage out of the grenade.

Brigette isn’t going to impact Ana. She doesn’t have the healing output to sustain a team like Ana or Mercy can and she’ll be more of an oft healer to help take the pressure off the primary healer.

If Brigette does become big it does actually help Ana because her anti-heal grenade can completely throw a wet blanket on Brigette’s ability to keep a team up.

The way Ana and Brigette could work is Brigette helps heal on the front lines and Ana is back hitting critical health teammates and chucking a grenade in the mist of the CQC combat will help Brigette heal and deny healing to the enemy team.

It’s hard to tell right now how the meta is going to shape up with Brigette as you can build different approaches around her. But I just don’t see anyone saying “can you swap Ana for Brigette plz?”


I understand that. The post was specifically addressing another poster who was ignoring what led up to her damage nerf initially in favor of just calling people who agreed with the change “idiots.”

As I said earlier to you, I’m fine with trying to help Ana out, though I am of the opinion we should start small and go forward from there.

Edit: Agreed, not disagreed.

I really think Ana needs some love on the healing side. Maybe allow her to heal through barriers with primary, but not do dmg through barriers. or make it heal a fraction of normal if it passes through a barrier. Have to be careful with Ana, she can become really op if they make the wrong move.

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That’s the major buff I want for Ana. Just let her use her abilities for the TEAM.

Brigette mixed with another support offers enough healing that even Ana’s number aren’t really going to be too much importance. Same issue as right now on live with Moira’s healing numbers.

The problem here though is that Brigitte add’s another barrier to have to worry about, not to mention her ult is armour and thus isn’t even effected by Ana’s grenade.

The next issue here is that you COULD do that with Ana, but the risk of Ana is still there, easy to jump, or do chip damage and then dive. Brigitte works WAY better with the other supports as they can all stay together in the same ranges, Ana is the only odd one out.

We’ll have to see, but I don’t doubt Ana is going to see a lot less play

just give ana passive self healing like any other healer.



Such an easy fix and it drives me up the wall that they don’t do it

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