RIP Ana (Really frustrated at the neglect)

Ana was “op” for a shorter time than she has been the worst support. 6 months. Ana has been the lowest winrate of any support/ most heroes for 13 months come March.

Of course she has a higher pickrate, she is a healing support which there was only 4-5 of for that time.

She’s also the 3rd lowest Winrate in competitive, and this is before the Sombra buffs and Brigitte being released.

Other than Torb (Who is getting looked at), Sym (Who is getting looked at), Hanzo (who is getting looked at), Bastion, and Reaper have it worse?


I think we’ll have to agree to disagree. I think the grenade and sleep dart are both strong enough to justify having an Ana on your team. The sleep dart is extremely hard to hit reliably, which is why I think her win rate is so low below GM. She’s perfectly balanced around the highest levels of gameplay. That unfortunately does not translate well to most of us, which is why I can agree to the argument about giving her something small, but overall I don’t agree with your assessment that she is underpowered.

No oher healer brings a hard CC, no other healer can stop all healing done to a target. I think if they gave ana something small to make her better for the average player without drastically effecting her top end she would be in a perfet spot.

Also, I have to disagree about moira not being strong. Her healing currently feels insane compared to the other healers. She provides the healing an ana or mercy can put out, she has absurd self reliance in her escape and ability to fight back as well. The only thing she is really lacking is a big emergency heal (which ana also lacks).

I think Moira’s healing should be brought down a tad, as she currently is outshining everyone. If I’m not playing rein or another tank in comp, I’m usually either her, zen, or mercy.

Edit: For clairty’s sake, I am not against the idea of looking at ana her helping her out in some way. But I’m fairly conservative in what I think the scope of any changes should include.

Ana can heal someone whenever she wants (barring reloading). Brigitte has to wait for her 6 second CD or deal damage to an enemy. Brigitte could never replace Ana. Brigitte is an off-support. Ana is a main support.


Ana needs to be able to shoot through shields and have infinite ammo. Mercy can’t miss and never has to reload, I don’t see why we can’t give Ana some love. She’s pretty fun because she actually requires aim, but she’s hot garbage on console. The only way she puts up decent numbers is by standing behind a fat tank and shooting them up non stop. If I’m a small hitbox character with an Ana on my team, I assume I will never get healed unless I run to her and stand still.


If she was so bad, she’d have had a low pick-rate. You don’t need 8 different alternatives for people to pick a stronger replacement.

Hog went from one of the most picked heroes, to the lowest or second lowest picked when he was nerfed. Now he’s back up to a popular pick that he is balanced. And there are only 6 tanks.

Win-rate is basically worthless. Sym has the highest win-rate by A LOT, followed by Torbjorn. Should we nerf those heroes at the same time we buff Ana?

It sounds like you don’t want to play Ana. Ana gives you the best of many things. She’s the only real ranged healer, every other healer but Zenyatta is close range, and Zen’s heals are significantly lower than Ana’s. She is the best burst healer, and she provides the best non-heal utility. Sleep and anti-heal are stronger than anything any other healer provides. A big bio-nade (hitting 3+ enemies) is a fight winning move. It’s as strong some ultimates.

For all that power, she is non-mobile and vulnerable. That’s the trade off. Similar to Zen, who provides immense offensive damage, but is vulnerable. Ana can’t have the strengths and no weaknesses.

I have to agree, Ana is hero and patch after patch becoming more and more useless. She has such a high skill floor and little reward, the only thing still going on for her is the sleep dart (but you need to be a beast to actually hit someone with it) and the heal denial from the nade, but still is weak in comparison to other healers kits. Her abilities cooldown takes forever, her healing output is small after Moira and Mercy and her ult is a joke. Sooner or later Ana will need a full rework if she still can have some use on the hero roster. I really like the heal denial with her nade, but is so rare to be able to use it as a offensive mechanism because Ana needs it for her own protection and self heal. As a healer Ana is in trouble and that’s why she can’t solo heal anymore.


Ana needs a passive heal for starters. That would free up her nade to be used on others or an enemy. Second is she needs a better ult. Something that buffs herself as well


Are you joking?!

She’s literally designed to protect the back line from flankers. all her mechanics are meant to protect, and push away the enemy. She’s literally Ana and Zens’ protector!

It’s a team game btw, no hero is completely viable by themselves. Any has a lot of benefits, and still one of the strongest abilities in the game. I think you’re being too hard on this situation. My suggestion is to find a friend and hit the ptr. Play your Ana, and let your friend get bridgette down and try to work together and see how it goes.

Just stop being pessimistic.

i know i said this already 5 times…


let ana heal through barriers …
and change her to 125 health / 75 shield


There are currently 5 healing supports; Ana is the lowest picked one in every single rank. Every healers pickrates are inflated because again, there are only 5. There’s not 8 dps, and 6 defense. There are only 5. ANY healer is going to be higher than a DPS/ Defense when they have more options to be spread out on.

Tanks offer different things; Roadhog wasn’t a Tank like the others, they removed his damage without making him tanky. What he offered was pointless, the others tanks did what he did better or easier (Same issue with Ana); BUT they actually went back and fixed the problem. There’s also been 6 Tanks LONGER than 5 supports.

Sym and Torb have the lowest pickrates; if a character is picked more, the should have a more middle winrate (IE, 50%) Moira and Mercy are almost double Ana’s pickrate yet sit around 50%

I want to play Ana; it’s just they continue to push a character who is already in a bad spot further down. It doesn’t matter the numbers, when you can’t use them. You can’t use Grenade for offense when you need it to heal yourself, you leave yourself too open. You need to save Sleep Dart for perfect moments, 12 seconds is still one of the longest cooldowns in the game.

Ana has more weaknesses than Zen, and is punished FAR harder than the other supports. You say she can’t have strength’s without weakness, but there needs to be a clear strenght that Ana offers with Brigitte in the game. Moira heals more, safer and easier; Brigitte doesn’t have to worry about being dove or flankers. Ana could heal 100 health a shot, but she’ll still be killed just as easily as ever


Brigitte and Ana are going to be played in very different situations. Brigitte is very reliant on being close to melee range of enemies, so she will play terribly on open maps like numbani. Bridget’s kit seems to be focused on either highly aggressive first pushes on maps like Kings Row or Eichenwalde, or played as an anti-dive healer who can continuously output melee heals and armor to prevent tracers from running over her team. Ana is rarely run in these situations due to range being her best friend.

Ana has by far one of the best playermaker kits in the game, and that comes with needing to play extremely well to compete with the other supports. That is just the nature of her abilities. When you think about it, what really has more value. An ulting Brigitte or an Ana landing a 6 man anti-grenade. Looking at the numbers I’d say the grenade will likely have a higher chance of resulting in a team wipe than the ult.

Ana has an incredibly high skill ceiling and she scales exponentially the better you are on her. An Ana who plays perfectly will usually be the best support in the game, the issue is playing her on that level.

Just wait until she is actually in game. I think you will find her to be a lot more one dimensional than her kit makes her out to be. It should be very easy to read into the actions a Brigitte player will want to do.


Bridgitte could really pair well with Ana though, nano boosting her would do great things for example. Zenyatta and her wouldn’t pair much well. Ana and Rein always had more synergy for me and with her added in it would be great. Sombra is cancelling Lucio now.

The only competition to Ana on this potential new meta would be moira but she doesn’t provide something extra for the team besides the ult passing through rein and Brigitte’s shields, but an ana can keep those tanks going against that ult.

Don’t get me wrong, i do think Ana needs something more like some mobility or some change on her numbers but I don’t think Bridgitte will make her less played, and be more of the opposite.

I do

That’s not even close to true; she’s a brawler. Everything she does is 100% benifit for close combat characters.

Reinhardt, Reaper, Lucio, Mercy, Moira, Mei, etc. are WAY more worth being in the fight with.

I know it’s a team game, but no other support NEEDS a second like Ana does. They can all do their jobs, what the need to do, even without a second support. Sure they might not all put out the best healing numbers or whatever, but their is no downside to how they work on a base level. If they take damage, they all have tools to fix that;

Mercy waits for 1 second, gets healed
Zen waits for 3 seconds, shields regenerate
Lucio swaps to healing aura
Moira life steals/ Biotic orb
Brigitte attacks people/ Ults

Ana NEEDS to use her grenade; and using it on yourself helps only you.

THAT is my biggest problem. Ana is SO greedy for a support that at this point it’s just dumb. Maybe Ana would be in a better place if she could use her abilities for the TEAM.

Ana doesn’t want to be close, Brigitte wants to be in melee range. Their kits and tools don’t mesh well together.


It’s actually hilarious that people think Brigitte is going to affect Ana at all. You wouldn’t even run Brigitte in the same situations you would run Ana.


I mean, any healing support indirectly affects the others. You can have an ana on your team and a bridget on the other team and she would be affecting Ana. Picking a bridget on your team will also discourage having ana on your team, effectively lowering ana’s play rate.

Now, how much she affects Ana is debatable.

Which is the problem

Why run Ana at all at this point? Every other support has an easier time doing what Ana does.

Zen/ Lucio
Mercy/ Zen
Moira/ Brigitte
Brigitte/ Lucio
Brigitte/ Zen

They all offer what Ana does, or more without the risk of running and Ana on your team and having to peel for her every fight.

This is the same thing people said when Mercy was nerfed; Oh Ana’s going to jump right back to being meta just you wait! No, she isn’t, because she’s still flawed baseline.

Not to mention adding Brigitte is ANOTHER barrier that stops EVERYTHING in Ana’s kit; so you wouldn’t play Ana into her either.


Brigitte’s shield is the least of Ana’s worries and at worst will only reasonably protect herself and it’s incredibly easy to destroy.
She’s also screwed over by range (which Ana isn’t), doesn’t have a nade, isn’t particularly strong on highground defenses, and doesn’t have sleep. She’s also worse than Lucio as an aoe deathball healer.

It’s perfectly fine and reasonably to say Ana needs a little buff, but to say Brigitte is the final nail in the coffin or anything of the sort is asinine.


Honestly Ana is crying in a corner because of that crazy E heal on Brigitte, it’s on a 5 seconds cooldown ffs and it heals WAY more than what nade does, it’s aim assisted and all!

I don’t think it’s OP or anything considering Brigitte’s whole kit but man, the Ana main in me is JEALOUS

Not to mention that her E should have been Symmetra’s but whatever


imagine them working together??? oh wait moira will own ana with ease lol

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Even still; You could run a team with Reinhardt, Orisa, and Brigette; 3500 hp worth of barriers without cooldowns or uptimes.

But that’s thing thing; you can run comps that can do that WITHOUT Ana. Zen/ Brigitte have heals that can reach almost everyone on most maps, the ONLY map I can think of that Ana has any range over the others at this point is Junkertown. Brigitte/ Lucio is AMAZINGLY powerful; and since both their ults aren’t effected by Antiheal (Armour and Shields) gives them more room to play.

It’s just me being frustrated that AGAIN Ana is forgotten about. She’s already struggling to find a place, to keep knocking her down is really depressing.