RIP Ana (Really frustrated at the neglect)

So is THAT why she’s only used on a few points on a few maps in OWL, and the least picked support in GM?

No, what Ana offers is too little at this point to be worth the effort of keeping her alive.


I’m more concerned about lucio at this point.

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The only problems I think Ana has a problem with DPS/Tank wise is Winston.

You’re able to defend yourself pretty well as Ana vs Genji/tracer/roadhog the list goes on.

If you play her enough you’re good at aiming sleeps and grenade at your feet to heal/dmg enemy flankers.

We’ll have to see with this new hybrid tank support how it plays out.

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A healing passive of some form; Less time using your Grenade on yourself gives you more room to use it on the team/ enemies getting a LOT of value out of Ana that she is lacking.

And now with Brigitte; More ammo. Ana is STILL the only support who is actively punished for healing people who aren’t low enough to benefit from her healing dart.


I really think you’re discrediting Ana here. It’s very easy to say that her strengths don’t matter, but in a many situations they totally would. The OWL was using the live patch until very recently when Sombra, Mei and DF were buffed, so I think you’re being a little too quick to judge what those changes will mean for Ana. The only potential threat I’m seeing for Ana is Sombra now, but that threat she poses isn’t exclusive to Ana, so I’m predicting that however Sombra shakes up the meta it won’t necessarily hurt Ana any more than it would hurt most of the other characters.

And the fact that Ana’s winrate doesn’t become positive until GM I think just goes to show that she is a high skill floor, high skill ceiling character. I don’t think that’s a bad thing; the other snipers function the same way.

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This forum is shockingly dumb. And with the new changes to it it’s coming down in a torrential downpour. Brigitte has absolutely nothing to do with Ana, nothing.


Requirements are met

As someone who had been maining Ana for the past two season I would really really want them to give her the ability to passively heal herself. I was a Lucio main. I know my kit and how much I heal so my health is second nature and I don’t bother with it that often unless I am taking major damage. Switching to Ana was a bit disconcerting because she doesn’t have the ability to heal herself except when she uses her nade. There are times where I died because I had to throw my nade to my team and then get killed by a random junkrat bomb because I wasn’t on full health.


Not wanting to discredit Ana

It’s just how powerful Brigitte and the other supports work together as

Brigitte doesn’t NEED them to work. It’s just always a benifit to have them.

Ana doesn’t offer anything other than range (Than both Brigitte and Zen have) and Antiheal which is the only thing Ana has.

About the Winrate; Widowmaker has a higher winrate in every rank except bronze, and we know Hanzo is getting a rework.


Ana has one of the highest healing outputs in game, and the anti heal / sleep dart are nothing to scoff at, especially sleep dart from an ana who can consistently land it. No other hero in the game has a quick long range ability to stop ults or take out enemies for several seconds in a fight effectively turning battle into a 6v5.

Do I think she is in the best postion? No, but I certainly do not think she is weak. The last time she was meta she made the meta revolve around her. I think she’s in a relatively good place right now. I wouldn’t mind if the heal from the grenade healed more but they kept the damage the same.

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Yes she does?

There is only room on a team for 2 supports

Ana is underpowered
Mercy is dull if not balanced
Lucio has been power creeped
Zen is Zen
Moira does what Ana does but easier

Adding another support with rather long range targeted heal that can give armour as overheal, a passive aoe heal, aoe armour, a barrier, a stun, heal themselves through damage, and more base health; Why would you pick the support who is already in the worst place?


Brigitte should do little for other supports against ranged damage.

Man Brigitte might be a big buff to Lucio, think about it a support who can get in close quarters and benefits from speed boost. With a super defensive ult. She might make Lucio moved deathballs viable again.

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I was actually tellng that to a friend of mine. Bridgett ult with a supporting lucio speed boost / ult is some insane engage. @Crypticcarts

Doesn’t matter how high your healing is if you’re dead or out of the fight.

Why do you think Zen/ Lucio works? What they offer is always available.

It’s the baseline issue that while Ana has some of the best abilities, she never can use them because she needs them ONLY for herself.

You use Sleep Dart, hit a guy, okay now you only have 2 options left if you get jumped.

What if your grenade is on cooldown too? 12-10 seconds is a long time in OW.

That last time she was Meta, every tank was stronger, and every dps was weaker. Remember, 76 did 20 damage bullets, Zarya got 50% per barrier, and Roadhog could 1-shot everyone.

She needs more PASSIVE assistance, not more loaded onto her abilities.


That’s true, hadn’t thought of how powerful those two could be.

The problem is that when Ana has been able to defend herself, she has been eithwr meta breaking or borderline OP. She did everything other healers did but better and prevented ults and other healers from doing their jobs.

If you give her too much back in the ability to defend herself again, we’re going to end up with ana every game again. It’s why I could see increasing the healing on her grenade to buy her some more time. I think she should have a weakness, and her teammates should account for that.

Rather than buffing ana (and it’s too early to say bridget is going to be an issue for her) I would rather bring other healers in line (namely Moira).

I really don’t think you can so easily write off the strengths she does bring to a team. Why should Ana be able to provide some of the best healing, arguably the best offensive utility, and best offensive and defensive CC in game without something to compensate for those strengths?

As for passives, I could see possibly giving her something small if you don’t think buffing the heal from the grenade would be correct. Maybe a % of the damage she recieved in the last 3 (number is flexible) is healed back over two seconds or something along those lines? It would keep the weakness she currently has while still giving her a notable boost to self reliance (and wouldn’t need to immediately toss nade at herself to not die).

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While Ana isn’t in a perfect place, this level of whining is ridiculous.

Ana was OP for months and months, and has always been in a better state than many heroes in the game. She has never been “in the dirt”. She’s literally the 8th most pick hero right now in competitive. 8th. Come on…

Enjoy your infinite range healing, infinite range stun, the only anti-heal in the game, and the best burst healing in the game. All of these are incredibly strong.

Again, I’m not saying they couldn’t/shouldn’t look at Ana, but your acting like she is the worst hero in the game when she is FAR from it.


Which is why those were nerfed; Her grenade lasts for 4 seconds and has 50% heal bonus. It used to be 5 seconds and 100%.

Now she doesn’t do anything the other healers can’t do other than Antiheal.

A healing passive doesn’t effect her in combat, only before and after; Even if it worked like Mercy, Ana doesn’t have to mobility to keep zipping around to get that downtime to heal. Giving her more power in the kit is NOT something that should be done.

Moira is balanced perfectly, same with Zen.

Moira and Brigitte offer what Ana does without the effort. Same with Zen/ Brigitte. Ana isn’t even close to okay with the other supports, you’re better off playing with a Bastion on your team has it has a higher winrate than Ana. The things she offers are SUPER overshadowed by the other supports at this point. Ana has a chance to CC someone that can be nulled by one point of damage TWICE for every time Mercy can bring back a dead friendly.

I would like her to heal, based on the healing she put into the team using her rifle. Doesn’t make her stronger in 1v1, can be used in combat at the risk of not attacking the person attacking you, rewards the Ana for healing and landing shots, and keeps her topped up when the team is topped up.


Yeah. It’s really disappointing to see Ana neglected patch after patch. Surely Blizzard can’t look at her winrate and say “that’s okay.”