Rigged. Yes, it's Rigged

Well yeah, majority of game in most populated elo will have everyone very close to certain mmr. But its totaly possible to have two players where one is 2300 and one 2600 and both have same mmr. Or two players at 2500 with different mmr. Its often mess because people smurf or are in elos where they dont belong.

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The Role queue forced individual mmr per role. There’s no other way it could balance.

just plain wrong. go ahead and read/watch the dev interviews.

its all about the matchmaker making „conscious“ decisions or if he is doing things „by accident“…

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you’re assuming this.

No I’m not. It’s pretty easy to look at the enemy team and see who is mirroring whom. It’s fairly obvious.

Nope. I am not wrong.

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no, it really isn’t. very often my games have grossly different skill levels between the two team’s DPS.

you’re assuming a player who clearly states he doesn’t have the answers either, is guessing correctly.

also …

if MMR = rank then how can you “within 15 games” match your primary account’s MMR and still be in lower ranked brackets? also, if in 15 games MMR matches your primary account … how again is MMR not used to determine skill?

I mean, I’m putting as much logic and reason into my post as you did yours. Seems fair to me.

15 games is 165 people. (not counting yerself)
I hate that quote for that reason.
It’s not a big deal that he ruined the skill level of THAT game while on his way to his True skill. Nooooo. Because he’s playing competitive mode being competitive and moving up the ladder, who cares how many games it takes as long as he gets there, right?

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Moving out of a lower skill situation? Creative way to say forced to carry.

Are you delusional? It’s literally from the same thread you quoted…

Matchmaking is based on hidden match-making-rating (MMR), not skill-rating (SR)6. Competitive MMR is separate from the MMR of other modes13. MMR is separate per role (tank, dps, and support). MMR has a value and an uncertainty2, and is stored in units of standard-deviations. That is, 99.74% of the population is between -3.0 and +3.06. -3.0 is in low bronze, and +3.0 is in high GM. Do not freak out about MMR being stored in standard-deviations. It could be stored in any other scaling without affecting matchmaking.

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YOU were the one that used the 5+1+2 and 3+2+3 balancing example, not me.

Today we start out 3-0. Then, like clockwork. Predictable as can be…

Game with two 1 endorsement players, i guess grouped up with a guy who kept DCing. We look at the tank’s profile. He hasn’t won a single tank game. Not one.

Next game. Leaver.

Funny thing is that we knew it was coming. When we can predict the losses, they are not random.

Just saying.

Edit: My duo partner loves to follow up on these players. She added them as friends, and found out they’re a team of 3 who’s been throwing. Act buddy buddy and you can find out all kinds of stuff. We pay very close attention to all of this, and it’s always the case. We win a few, then receive throwers or people who end up 700SR lower within a week. We follow them all!

Of course, Blizz sticks them on our team at the exact time it always does.

3rd game leaver.
4th game leaver.
Just… toss 'em all on our team. You know they’ve been losing and we’ve been winning. It should all work out huh.

Congrats Blizz, my record is now 48-47. I just lost 4 in a row, NOT due to MY play. You FORCED by sticking a bunch of losers on my team for another streak. And this happens every. single. time.

There is something extremely suspicious about how it never fails to do this.


dude at this point i swear you are looking for problems
just do yourself a favor
turn the chats off completely hide the text, auto join the team chat but set the volume to zero in the sond options

now play overwatch
be with your duo partner in discord if you need coms between the two of you

but focus on one thing
countering the enemy carry or identifying the enemy carry
and shut them down in any way possible weather it be out playing them or hard countering

you would be suprised at your sr
after a few days or maybe a week of this

but the thing is dont tilt yourself
And dont pay attention to the mistakes others make

just play like its a solo game
And the other heros are just bots

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You need to identify how yer losing the game.
If the enemy is making mistakes, yer gunna want to pay attention to those too.
We are talking comp here. Understanding mistakes helps you win games.

I was obviously referring to his teammates behaviour wich has obviously been his complete and utter focus previously

thus making his “there all throwing but me” attitude but whatever

To touch on this,

Every time I take a break for a couple days or a week from comp and I come back… I win four or five straight.

HOWEVER, those same games I play AWESOME. I am refreshed, I am sharp, I am back! It’s akin to Goku getting the snot beat out of him and then recovering for a week and coming back even stronger!

Point here is, it’s entirely possible those first four or five games are just you playing, playing strong and having fun because you’re feelin’ fresh boiiiiiiiiiii.

Once you’re five or six in and you’ve started to acclimate to your environment again you’re just not trying as hard, that’s the fact. I am willing to bet that five games in you aren’t treating it the same as the first two awesome games you had coming back… get what I mean?


Possible. But nah. It’s the matchmaking. I think i can tell the difference between me being refreshed vs. playing a bunch of lower skill players.

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