Rigged. Yes, it's Rigged

And I think you can’t.

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Yeah, the Bastion just standing still in upright form shooting at us say otherwise.


That’s how most good Bastion players get most of their kills, didn’t you know? Or did you just assume that you know best?

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Ever play Basketball? Ever play a real sport?

Imagine you’ve played hundreds of hours of Basketball. You see players who dribble the ball, pass, shoot for hundreds of hours. You play some games with players of your skill, and you see that yeah, these guys are about the same skill as me.


Some player comes along and just throws the ball out of bounds for some reason. Some guy just walks off the court and starts saying “HELLO!” to everyone for some reason.

You can tell. And it’s the same with video games. We’re not idiots who can’t see the skill variances around us.

And what kind of player, much less Bastion, stands STILL? Ever?

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Yes, competitively.

Yes, competitively.

I don’t need to imagine, I did the thing.

People make mistakes. That’s when you know who the victims and blamers are, and who the team players are.

Yep. There are still victims and whiny people that blame teammates.

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Wait, I don’t understand did you say the bastion was standing up right shooting at you? As in your team?

That would be someone throwing, not the game matching you with someone it knew was going to throw as it’s an automated process and resources data based on SR and not a players intent.

And if it’s the enemy bastion… well.

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It was just some random Bastion on the enemy team standing there shooting, didn’t move as i killed him with Soldier. Just, the sort of thing i saw when i was away from the game for a while then returned.

No big deal. I’m just saying that we CAN tell the difference between us being all refreshed and playing vs. what seems like bots.

A few games of that, then the matchmaker seems to realize that it’s not challenging us enough. I think rank should be the challenge, not the matchmaker.

Oh well. Still fun.

Evidently, you can only see people worse than you. You don’t recognize skill.

Let’s use your basketball analogy - there’s a reason why most high school players don’t go on to play in college, and there’s a reason that most college players don’t get to play into the NBA: they aren’t good enough. Only the players with the talent and skill make it through to the next level.

If you’ve ever played with and against people who went on to the next level, you know they displayed skill that those around them did not. I could see which of my teammates and opponents were going on to play in college, and when watching them on TV, I could see which were going to go pro.

The same goes for this game, whether you like it or not. If you can’t make it to the next level, you just aren’t good enough. There’s a reason why that GM smurf can stomp your little booty while reading a book as you tryhard and still fail to contest him; he’s just that good. And yet even that GM gets stomped by the pros who are at an entirely different level.

I will admit that you are at the rank where it’s a mix of new and old players, so yeah, sometimes you get bots who are brand new. But so does the enemy. People make it out of that rank all the time, and if you can’t, then you aren’t displaying the skill needed to climb.

And yes, I do know what it’s like. I started at 1500. Gold took me 400 games to escape. It takes forever, but you can do it. You just need to get over the conspiracy garbage and admit you aren’t there yet.


If you’re gold and it takes 400 games to rank up from 1500, then the system is definitely stacking the odds against you. I would argue that it should not take that long at all, if the system were not intentionally screwing you over as a gold player down at 1500. That’s the exact problem with the system. If it were truly random, i don’t think it’d take long. But they want you to play 400 games, so they artificially make it harder.

The simpler explanation is that it simply took me that long to get good enough. Not everything is a conspiracy against you.


I think this is where you fundamentally misunderstand the system.

What he was saying is that he was NOT good enough to be gold yet. Over the course of 400 games to get out of gold in addition to however many games it took to him to get out of silver, he gradually got better to the point he ranked up out of those ranks. That account is showing Diamond/GM right now depending on role.

If he were to play Silver/Gold today, people would cry smurf and he wouldn’t take very long to get out of those ranks.


But it was him,you dont know his backround. It doesnt mean you cant do it in 50 games, or well never.


So what about me? I placed my first time in silver and I climbed to plat really quickly, like two or three weeks of casual a few hours a night.

Did I get lucky? Or did I just do better than everyone in that bracket? Now I am in 2500 - 2900 and I climb, then go down. It gets harder as you get higher and other players sifting up and down from
other ranks are going to get you a big mixed bag of skills you have to fight against or get on your team… And since you are not actually fighting bots but people the experience will very. Being there are 11 other live players to consider the consistency of moving ahead can stagnate after time and as you rise based in accordance to your own skill level… its not the game, its you and the fact you’re playing with real, live people
who are gonna screw up a LOT in that bracket and its not going to get any easier for you as you climb…

Winning five games in a row and getting that SR does not make you a better player… Its going to be just as likely you’ll get rekt too.


Its not really fair to group them together. Kapoof is an honest player and genuine guy that misunderstands something and refuses to learn for whatever reason.

Receipts is a deceptive liar who knowingly hard throws games and makes up stuff about matchmaker.

Even though they say similar things they are for sure different individuals with one being actually good inside and one not at all.


I have so much faith in kapoof! I know understanding is in there somewhere!


MMR is a handicap system. It is Intended to hold players back.

Now moving forward. It’s not rigged. It is incredibly a ridiculous way to have a matchmaker but not rigged.

Unfortunately any game with constant smurfs and no developer mentality to try and contain the problem can’t be 100 percent competitive. On top of it pairing you against these players when you are over performing to balance the game. Where the game suddenly becomes I know your plat beat this masters dps Smurf.

It’s never like the Smurf destroys you either and sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. It’s not his skill vs yours either. It’s who has better teammates.

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I suppose “rigged” is a term that people associate more with cheating. I don’t think Blizz is trying to cheat playrs. But, I agree that MMR is a handicapping system, intended to force even matches. To me, that is exactly what “rigged” means. Because it seems like you don’t earn much more SR, but you unusually tough matches for your rank each time you win a few. Maybe they just want that extreme challenge for players to rank up, but it feels more… well, rigged.

I just feel the SR system should dictate the “difficulty” of your matches. 2100 should feel like 2100, always. Instead, 2100 can be impossible, or easy, depending on how the matchmaker needs to find you an even match. Because if it’s tossing a current loser on your team… the chances that player is actually throwing seem pretty good. Well, that’s not making a fair match then. That’s an auto-loss. I don’t think they designed the system expecting literal throwers, but never quite adjusted it to make it less frustrating.

I just wish they’d skip the MMR. I would not be surprised if these suspicious streaks end altogether then.

Anyway. I guess i’ve said all i can even say about it. In a nutshell, i think they want even matches. That’s not a bad idea. But when you play a lot of games, it feels like you can do very well with teammates who are not literal throwers… and then you see a streak of leavers and throwers, just to find yourself back at the same SR.

The good thing is that i do actually watch my own play and reflect on it. I have made changes to help my mechanics, and i do watch videos to try and learn more game sense. I have noticed an improvement in my play. I should be happy with that. I wish there was more SR to be gained from it, but it’s so easy to lose 100 SR just from a streak of throwers and leavers.

Strange, seems like you can’t read or something?

That’s the smurfmatching we’re all talking and complaining about. It notices people are overperforming and instead of pushing them to the right rank quickly they counter them with smurfs or other players in the same position. It usually happens to older accounts and can be really frustrating.


Exactly. This is the only game where I automatically know I am not at the rank I belong. It is what it is but I don’t enjoy being better than those around me. I do enjoy.playing smurfs though because when I out skill them mechanically its just laughable the game believes I belong there.

I agree, character req.