Rigged matching rewards mediocre players

Reason to buy second account for forum posting is a lot more ridiculous reason than buying it for playing btw.

And I climbed every single time! :slight_smile: , i like rigging.

Exactly, thats only important thing. Thats why we play video games. ::grin:

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Maybe you want new players to quit, after they get repeatedly crushed by more experienced ones?

It’s especially “great” for non-DPS roles, that rely on other teammates to work.

you openly admit repeatedly smurfing and use that as an argument?

you literally keep playing against much worse players while trying to validate your statement?

it‘s like beating up children and stealing their candies while bragging about how easy it is to get sweets for free.

your definition of fun is obviously beating up weaker players until you „climb“ to a point, where you get stuck yourself.

with a little bit of responsibility and maturity you would acknowledge, that that is definitely not the way the game is meant to be played. you are just exploiting a grey area here (alt accounts).


Anyone who is climbing is playing against worse players in majority of games.

I do what many others do, using alts to challenge myself, to learn new heroes… Not sure what do you mean by being stuck. I am not stuck. I like to play in my elo too. But i like lower ranked player base more as they are not so on the edge all the time as plats. And about being stuck. I started in silver and over the years I made my new career high many times. Usualy I push my limits from time to time. I just dont try to push my records nonstop as its draining a lot of energy and i want to play for fun, not as job after i made it home from job.

Ok? Not sure why are you telling this to me. If you want more strict rules for creating alts, ask blizzard. I didnt design game and its systems, i am just using it.

And at this point, you just point the finger at Blizzard for “allowing” that abusive, exploiting behavior.

“I Do WhAt OtHeRs Do!” - “BlIzZaRd MaDe Me Do It!”

You literally don’t take any responsibility for your own actions and sportsmanship.

This is the definition of an immature, defiant and childish person without any arguments of value.

How old are you? 16? At least that would explain your thought process (hormones and stuff).


Any evidence for your largely unscientific claim? Anything besides your hopes and feelings, of course.

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You should read again what i wrote. I didnt say anyone made me do it. I simply play the game and do what is possible in it/allowed. Nobody made me do anything lol.

I am not pointing finger too, i just explaining to you that if you have problem that players play game in wrong way its your opinion and if you have trouble with it, ask blizzard for changes like idk higher req lvl for comp.

I am not making new accounts anymore ever anyway. I only using this one for eu, second where i am learning some heroes in eu too and one for occasinaly playing in US.


I know my actions and i do take responsibility for them. And i think i am actualy pretty good team mate in most of my games so sportsmanship is there too.

Endorsement lvl 4 btw :slight_smile:

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Dude, you are even older that me. How can it be that you argue at a teenage level?

This is LITERALLY what I said. You are still blaming Blizzard. You know, that you COULD play it fair, but YOU decided for yourself that smurfing on alts is more fun for you. Hence your “constant” climb. Are you still constantly climbing on your main account?

What was your highest SR and why didn’t you push further? Too exhausting? Too tedious? To many smurfs? Too many GM-Zax’s on their learning alts, that don’t want to gimp their main account’s SR?

Is THAT your justification? That you were also beaten up by smurfs and that you can offend even weaker players because of that?

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Lol i am not blaming them, you tell me that i talk at teenage level while you have troubles reading yourself. Again, I AM NOT BLAMING Them. I dont even know what for in this case. They designed game in certain way, i play it base on that, period. Thats not blaming them, come on dude …

Personal attacks? It shows me what kind of person you are. Sorry that i dont write on your royal level with excelent english.

No, you have troubles reading. Its you who has problem with something, not me. I dont need to blame anyone because there is nothing to be blamed for in this case. I am not the one who is complaining about players using alts. You are! If anything, i am offering suggestion as i am able to aknowledge that smurfs might be problem for some players or for balancing the games. I just dont care about them that much really.

Over the years when i tried, yes I am/was. I started as mid silver and made it to diamond over the years, peak like 3300 dps, 3190 tank, 3034 support.

This is my main account btw, it started as alt but i will to make new career high on it. You can watch my progress in my special topics related to every role.

Why i didnt push higher? Not for reasons you wrote. Biggest reason for me was loss of my hero pool as i would not have so much freedom to play more heroes higher. I might get frustrated about occasional smurf in match, but usually i dont care that much. Smurfs are not reason why anyone would be stuck anyway.

Also I had some troubles with aiming in relation to wrist injury, i am not youngest too so my reflexe are worse too. Thats probably all. But as I said, I am trying to climb highest as possible on this account. I am just trying to do it on all roles do it takes time and i am recently not playing that much of overwatch.

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Ok. Let’s say you are diamond.

That makes you more or less “better” at the game than 87% of people, because Diamond and above make up 13% of the player base (Kaplan, 2018).

So every tier below that rank is not supposed to be your playground. Every time you play in Plat or Gold, you are basically smurfing and probably getting ez wins (if not matched against other smurfs or fullstack premades, which is quite common today).

Of course there can be meta problems and hero reworks that will impact your SR from time to time, but generally speaking it shouldn’t be a problem for you to play around that SR ±200.

The problem is not ONE alt account in the same range of your “real” SR. It’s the continuous inflow of NEW accounts that get pushed through gold and plat all the time, kicking regular players down. You know, because much better players can get “ez winz” and “ez climbz” there.

So if you would actually play at your skill ceiling, you would definetly NOT experience a steady climb, but TRYHARD matches against even higher smurfs and really good players. That is exactly the experience EVERYONE “suffers” from at their skill ceiling. Hence the 50% winrate. Good enough to maintain the rank, too bad to climb any further.

So you are either talking nonsense with your claim of a steady climb - or you are just smurfing around low Elos for ez wins.

What’s your playstyle?


Hmm. Creating a game that intentionally irritates/addicts its users into playing it more and condones players routinely buying alternate accounts to reset their MMR?

It’s actually more than rational. It’s Genius.


What exactly do you mean by that? I usualy focus one role and one hero for certain amount if time u till i climb something, then i go different role to keep my roles at ± same level.

If you want to know more, you need to be specific what do you mean by play style.

I think that my peak would be mid masters or possible even higher if i kept pushing myself and never used alts and focused only on improving of few heroes. Question is if i would be still playing the game.

When I talked about steady climb i mean making new career high every season or two. Improving above gold is not fast process unless you super try hard with coach and scrims.

Why wouldn’t you? Serious question. And please keep the implications in mind for all other players.

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Because constantly focus myself to play at peak performance would feel more like job than playing game for fun. I like challenge, but not nonstop.

And i dont feel like its worth to push higher than diamond. What is there for me? I am not sure, i have no aspiration to be pro, i am too old for that.

Are you aware that playing as a smurf or alt forces OTHER players to even play ABOVE THEIR peak performance (personally and elo-related) to have any chance - at all?

A gold player would have to beat you, a Diamond player, in order to get to plat.

Is this fair? Acceptable?

YOU can cherrypick your fights and Elos. Lower players don’t have that “privilege” and have to face you and your kind in every match. For THEM it is ALWAYS ultra-tryhard, to even reach a tier way below yours.

And now imagine the result and consequences.

Edit: In a game where arcade modes and unranked are available for relaxed gaming experiences, smurfing is even more despicable and by no means justifiable.


It astonishes me that people like this are so delusional that this actually happens to people. I have given lists of how the majority of my matches go not to mention all the SR I lost from leavers yet the other team never has a leaver unless it is in the timeframe of the match to close. Yes in the past couple of seasons I am over a 45+ leavers to 1 leaver on the other team.

I have no problem taking responsibility if I have a bad game but when I am carrying a high majority of my matches and lose for all the reasons I have given before, there isn’t much I can do except enjoy my losing streak until the game can give me a couple of competent players.

I wish Blizzard would fix their LFG system because it actually wasn’t too bad awhile back until the “Throwing Groups” “Looking for E-Girls” etc. groups took over.


I hope you don’t think that was even slightly compelling.

Without evidence I can easily and rightfully claim you’re suffering from confirmation bias. This is a perfectly justified assertion

Yea I sincerely doubt that

If you are carrying a high majority of your games then you will climb. You just have an inflated perception of your own abilities

LFG is still fine. You see those groups, but just report the group title and find one you like. I still use it all the time and can almost always find a fun group to join

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Yes, i am.

Well not exactly. you dont need to beat smurfs to climb ranks, you just have to win against team mates where there is no smurf. Sometimes you will even beat smurfs. Sometimes smurf will be on your team too. In fact, chance to face smurf is actualy not that high.

Explained above. You will not face smurf in majority of games. Chance to face player who is actualy way above you like thousands of sr is even lower.

Is it fair and accept able to face smurfs? No i dont think do, its just way of how things are.

Survival of the fittest. I had to face the same when i was climbing from silver to gold, from gold to plat and from plat to diamond. And no they dont face “my kind every match”. They dont face my kind in majority of games.

You have to realize that not every alt is smurf. You asked about my play style. This is example how i play on alt which might be lower ranked. Accounts where i am learning new heroes.

it’s more of a “does your team use VOIP” problem…

if for one struggle with oversensitivity so having a team scream through the mic isn’t realy ideal…

but this game doesn’t care… so if you get matched with a team that actualy knows how to play and communicate, you’re pretty much screwed.

i’m gold with support and easy to keep in gold/high silver without the use of VOIP

tank however… nobody notices when you rush in, don’t get healing when you need and DPS is all over the place

Do I really have to quote my text from earlier again?

You are still pointing fingers at others, the circumstances, Blizzard, other smurfs. Still making excuses.

You are Top 13%. Are you really sure that you can guess how it feels for a gold player? Do you really have that little empathy?

Theoretically a gold player can face up to 37% of the player base as a smurf in his elo (plat & above).

A diamond player can only face up to 13% of the player base as a smurf (diamond & above).

So the odds for the gold player to face smurfs are MUCH MUCH higher than for you. Because plat smurfs in gold are actually not a real threat to YOU. So you probably wouldn’t even recognize them as smurfs, at all.

Currently the majority of games is decided by smurfs/alts. At least in gold and below.

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