Rigged matching rewards mediocre players

If you think when you lose many games, dropping SR, you will start getting worse teammates.


It is opposite. You will start getting decent players, few smurfs here and there, and suddenly … you are on a long winning streak.

That’s our rigged matchmaking that balances bad playes with good players on the same team. So why trying hard when you can just loose few games and your SR will jump back like magic.

That’s why we all have smurfs, they are built in the system, rigged matchmaking prevents them from climb up, they are not going anywhere. And Blizz happy too, more money coming from those sign ups.


Can you even begin to show how it is rigged?

I’ve yet to see anyone do it


This ones for you Delta.

Here we go again on our ownnnnnnnnnnnnn.


Yea just wait for REPORTS to come in here and give his usual shortsighted take on this

It astonishes me that people can be like this. They are so afraid of taking responsibility for their own actions, life, rank, etc, that they fabricate an entire conspiracy…

As if the developers are literally intentionally killing their own game… that they rely on for their well-being…
As if they haven’t hired mathematicians that are smarter than anyone on these forums, myself obviously included…

It’s just crazy to me


In his last thread (about 2 days ago) I asked him to explain the patents because, it’s not my point to prove. The 1st one, which I did read, had nothing but ‘fairness’ in the text. There was no reply.


Yes and no. The mechanics are unknown, but they exist, it is a fact, even if some people on this forum try to deny it, it is a fact!
MMR is a mechanism, no? What other algorithms lurk in the darkness? Blizzard collects a plethora of personal data, look up their TOS, maybe match-making revolves around making easy to trigger people trigger? Do you know, they are not?
All I know is this: Blizzard is evil


Interesting reasoning.

I know right, if I wanted to make millions and millions of dollars, I would create a game system that annoys everyone intentionally, totally rational.

Incorrect. Blizzard was a glorious gaming company before Activision got involved. There’s a damn good reason that Blizz VIP’s have all left.

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Well, you have swallowed the capitalistic narrative hook, line and sinker, congratulations!
You have to improve, not the system!
The system is good, you just suck.
Try harder and if you fail, it is you.
The system is fair, you suck, you must improve, it is you.
Pray it every night friend, lest you forget.


So, you deny the existence of the MMR and ELO system? interesting reasoning.


Nope, A LOT of games use it. SC2 has had it for it’s entire lifetime. And I got out of gold and went to masters when I corrected the way I play.

Seriously, how can you be so deluded?

Do you believe every rank above/below you doesn’t exist? There’s a reason you and everyone else are in the rank they’re they are in. Why do you think, per chance, some people seem to be in GM and others in bronze? It’s because they are better/worse.


Networking: All I have to say to you.

Darling, I wish, I were devoid of doubts and empathy like 30 - 50 percent of our business leaders ( look it up: Psychopaths as high echelon manager) and could hire 200 people like you, I would be rich in no time and you would be thankful for the breadcrumbs I would pay you.
But, alas, I am not…alas

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Ok nice, so no response whatsoever, i’ll take that as my point hit home.

Empathy? You know what empathy is yes? There is no understanding your feelings (which are irrelevant by the way), because we are experiencing the same thing.

On the plus side, if you WERE a psychopath, then you would take irrational and meaningless personal emotions out of your decision making. And threads like this would disappear. So alas, I wish you were more like me too :smiley:

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Did you know: when you hide milk in the attic, the night is dark.
This statement is as valid and reliable as yours.
Farewell, tool, have a nice day at work tomorrow.

Another non-response, fantastic, Byeeeeeeeeee.


Sorry, didn’t get around to noticing that.
The patents are self-explanatory if you read through them.

Each of the patents covers a different level of rigging. There are 3-levels of rigging (L1: in-match via dda, L2: mmr towards 50/50, L3: dampen mobility with pseudo forced wins/losses).

Each of them is designed with the intent of improving the user experience - pop-off moments for content/excitement and close fights (L1), close matches for engagement and inclusivity (L2), and gimped progression i.e. grind/retention (L3).

The “fairness” notions they mention are at odds with one-another, and anti-competitive. They spit in the face of esports. They aren’t impartial, they intervene, handicap, and rig. The process is navigable (you can change rank), but erodes competitive rank/ladder integrity for the sake of in-match “fairness”. The systems diametrically oppose each other. And the main drivers are “engagement” for the sake of profit.


I see. No problem. Appreciate the response now.

To clarify myself:

1 - I do not agree with in game ‘popping off’ rigging via adjustments;
2 - i have no issues with 50/50 rigging for consecutive fairness in games; and
3 - i do not agree with this either.

However. There is NO evidence that 1 and 3 exist within OW. Infact I would argue there is evidence against them existing.

1 - I dont see this as being realistic at all. People would notice. Damage by each character is measurable and doesn’t change whether you’re winning or losing. If people were being nerfed/buffed in game there would be 100’s of replays proving this. Likewise with any other statistic.

3 - Again, no evidence. The matchmaking system isn’t ‘gimped’ to halt progression. As i said above, there are GM’s, and there are bronze players. Why they are good/bad are for many social/personal and time contraining reasons. But the different ranks exist and work well in separating players. There is a clear ‘average rank’ - gold, and the top % is in GM, just like every other game with an MMR ranking system.

While I do not agree with you on rigging in this game, if you’re argument is purely from a ‘moralistic’ view of rigging then (1 and 3) shouldn’t exist IMO. However. There is a shocking amount of players on the forum who claim smurfs/rigging/forced losing streaks because they aren’t learning from their mistakes. That is my issue here.

Most people are average at cooking. People that practise 12 hours a day get on tv. This is no different.


If that were true people would just drop and stay at that rank. Again how do you explain sudden easy games and quick climb after a long loose streak?

I just dropped two days ago and suddenly my team mates are not bots and play with common sense, lol. If I listen to you - it should be opposite - team mates should be getting worse and worse.

Keep making yourself look foolish. I’ll watch


They seem to like me a lot. I get a lot of head shots on Ashe/Hanzo and just can’t help boosting accounts from Gold to Diamond.

I get the feeling the system purposely selects me to have enjoyable games and climb the ladder to where I belong.

In that case, the system is operating pretty good in my opinion.

Edit: Can’t seem to boost accounts past 3600 for some reason though. Guess the system doesn’t want too many low elo players in high elo.


Another rigged match making post…drink!