Zax climbing journey with MY worst heroes

Hello, some of you might already saw my other topics with my climbing progress on my main acc for all 3 roles +. I decided to do something interesting on the side and use my alt account for climbing on heroes I am worst at or heroes I practialy never played competitively. Just like on my main acc, I would like to share my progression and experience here with anyone who is interested. I will be collecting data from my games in same way as in my previous topics but I will use this one single topic for all roles. And I will be updating this initial post after every game session.

TANK - Playing Wrecking ball and Sigma

Starting SR: 1473 SR
Highest SR: 1516 SR
Current SR: 1516 SR
Games played: 6

DPS - Playing Junkrat, Doomfist, Hanzo, Symetra, Torbjorn Pharah

Starting SR: Probably gold/Unplaced
Highest SR: Probably gold/Unplaced
Current SR: Probably gold/Unplaced
Games played: 1

SUPPORT - Playing Baptiste and Moira

Starting SR: 1752
Highest SR: 1771
Current SR: 1771
Games played: 4

I do this to challenge myself and to learn new heroes I didnt play before or only very briefly. So please if anyone has any tips or want to comment my games play, do it, i will really appretiate that. My goal is to climb to plat on all 3 roles.

I have already played some games and my wrecking ball skill is off the charts bad :(, playing with others heroe was fine but I really struggle on wrecking ball big time. I fear that I will even drop lover than 1500, I wa sonly able to keep myself above 1500 with BPSR which is kind of weird considering my horrible gameplay.

Here below is info about my games which I played in two sessions. Also you can find link to my streams with both sessions at the end.

SPECIAL column:
X - Nothing special
L - leaver, E.L. - Enemy leaver
S - Smurf, E.S. - Enemy smurf
T - Thrower, E.T. - Enemy thrower
C - Cheater


1 1473 +0 DRAW 1:1 Hanamura Ball T EU
2 1501 +28 WIN 4:3 Blizzard World Ball E.S. EU
3 1484 -17 LOSS 3:4 Route 66 Ball/Sigma X EU
4 1508 +24 WIN 4:3 Junkertown Ball/Sigma X EU
5 1489 -19 LOSS 3:4 Kings Row Ball/sigma X EU
6 1516 +27 WIN 1:0 Eichenwalde Ball/Sigma X EU
1 - Support throwing?, lucio ulted and jumped off cliff.
2 - Enemy team had dps complayining about my ball, but i was horrible :smiley: I just focused him.
3 - Normal match, I had to switch ball to Sigma because they had Sombra+Bastion.
4 - Normal match, nothing extraordinary happened.
5 - Normal match, I probably fed big time.
6 - Normal match, nothing extraordinary happened.


1 Placement +0 WIN 2:1 Nepal Hanzo T EU
1 - I popped off in first round with Hanzo, second was not good and our Lucio started complaining about not killing pharah and he wanted me to switch. I told him he can switch too to help with pharah as she was pocketed. And I said that he can help with her by playing bap ana or Moira too. He didnt like that and started throwing. When call out, he said he doesnt care anymore. We won anyway.


1 Placement +0 WIN 2:0 Nepal Baptiste X EU
2 Placement 1752 WIN 3:1 Watchpoint:Gib Baptiste X EU
3 1752 +0 CANCELED 0:0 Hollywood Baptiste CANCELED EU
4 1771 +19 WIN 2:1 Dorado Baptiste X EU
1 - Normal match, nothing extraordinary happened.
2 - Normal match, nothing extraordinary happened.
3 - Match canceled right at the start.
4 - Normal match, nothing extraordinary happened.

Great post, i will bookmark it to see the future results.

Honestly i dont consider Torb a bad hero. Hes just not that popular to be picked that frequently. Hes worth to try and master.

I think you’ve left someone out :smile:


Thx for noticing, it was supposed to be “and Moira”.

Its not worst heroes in Overwatch, its my worst heroes a and heroes I never play or I suck at :slight_smile: For example I had like 1 hour playtime on baptiste wrecking ball and sigma when I started. Maybe even less.

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I find this to be a great challenge :smiley: I envy you honestly, I am always afraid to do the same. Wish you all the luck and keep us posted. Always love to see such topics.

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I’m not trying to diss you Zax, but I’ve always said there’s no such thing as “worst heroes” in this game. Sigma, Ball, Junkrat, Doomfist, Hanzo, Symetra, Torb, Phara, Baptiste and Moira are good heroes if you know how to properly play them. But with the exception of Moira, I pretty much suck playing all the others.

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He said that he did not mean “worse heroes” in general, but heroes that he is bad at and does not know how to play and want to learn. Worse heroes for him, heroes he never actually played.


Thats my point :smiley: I dont. they are practialy my worst heroes :slight_smile: I am not saying they are bad. of course. Btw I edited topic title so its more coresponding with what is this about :slight_smile:


Hope that you are having fun, Zax.
Especially with Hammond!

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If you watched my gameplay with Wrecking ball, you would know that I really dont :smiley: I am terrible. I am having fun in a way, but its really frustrating with ball so far.

ha ha ha!
I am watching your attached vids now.
Just got into your 2nd game. =)

P.S. i sub to your YT channel. So that i can watch when i am away from the forums…which is pretty much, a lot.

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Hey thanks, so far I am very poor mechanicaly with ball, he is very hard to learn to be honest. I dont think I was clueless on any hero so long as on him. Its not just mechanical stuff, I kind of dont know what is my role. What to exactly focus, because it feels like way of how is ball played is unique amongst all heroes. Distraction, farming ult+ult and stalling. Is that it? I dont think any other hero has similar role. So I think that why it is so hard for me as I cant tranfer any of my skill set/playstyle from other heroes to ball. I few times noticed that I am trying to play him as which is definitely wrong.

I could look up for some guides, but I would like to get better and find out way of how to play him better for now myself just by playing the game. If I will get stuck I will try to watch yeattle for a while to know what to do :smiley:

I am definitely glad that I play him on the edge of bronze and silver, because thats where I belong with him. I am not exactly throwing as I sometimes get some value and I am definitely not smurfing either.

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My pleasure, dude.
You will get the hang of him eventually.

IMHO, Ball is one of the few characters in this game which i fully endorse OTPing in order to learn him effectively and as you mentioned, about his positioning, roles and interactions especially on defense.

This is the reason why i play and suffered through learning Hammond via QPC because QPC offers the worse conditions to play Hammond but the best situations to learn him especially since i am always playing with players who are Gold, Plat, Diamond.

Ok, bearing in mind that i am a Bronzer, officially.
For what it is worth, i am 61% on Hammond alone in QP and 51% on QPC.

From what i can tell, you are playing Hammond as a fat Tracer → his cannons are crap for dmg, reload is horrid → focus on utilising his Grapple + Fireball + Pile Drive. That is where his dmg comes from. His cannons are just finishers and maybe, for some poke.

Use his Adaptive Shields more and especially in the midst of Reds.

If you noticed, in this clip below, i was able to survive ignoring Mei behind me and Ana focusing me by hitting Adaptive Shields with the 2 of them in proximity. In this QPC game, the Ana was carrying the Reds on Offense hard. So i isolated her to get her away from her team.

Do not be afraid to use your grapple to fireball away from the fight to get health packs or in the case of Hanamura 2nd point defense, back to spawn to get 100% health. More value that way because it takes less than 10 seconds to be back in the fight with full health and allow the Supports to focus on other team mates. One of the most under rated value of Hammond is that he is almost 100% independent of needing the Supports to heal him because he is able to get to Megas really fast and return to the fight really fast (and grapple, fireball, piledrive). So healers can ignore him and just focus on the remaining Tank and DPS.

Strategically, Hammond’s role is easy to understand on KotH maps (which he shines), Offense and 2CP Attack

On Defense, his main task is to push the Reds away and in the process, Dive behind their front lines.
The thing about Hammond, is that because of his mobility, Reds would ignore him at their own peril.
Imagine this scenario. Defense on Hollywood, you position yourself on the 2nd floor on the building facing the 1st choke.

Reds engage, you wait 1 second, move and Piledrive from 2nd floor → Grapple and Swing/Dive through the Reds towards your team. Think of the Damage and Ult farmed.

Move towards the Mega, self heal, and return to choke, Grapple to slam Reds away and look out for the Supports or Hitscans and then Pile Drive them again → Adaptive Shield, pew pew, maybe take one of the hitscans or healers out. Maybe not but this would delay their push because they are all low on HP. If they push, your team kills them. If they do not, more time off the clock.

If the Reds ignore you as Hammond, you can do this all game long and watch as you farm elimins and ult. I can easily farm 3 ults in aout 5-8 minutes like this. The Reds can only beat you by focusing on you and that means that all their CDs, stuns, 'nade etc would be gone and that puts your team at an advantage.

P.S. Hammon can fly & walk on water btw. xD

Yeatle is great to watch because he is a great person.
He never screams and is always totally zen…

That said, his play at T500 is only as useful for non-GM Hammond ballers insofar as observing where his grapple points are, areas to get environmental kills. Roll outs can be useful but imho, not at bronze to gold because team mates do not really follow up on them effectively enough.

P.S. sorry for the overly lengthy post…

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So this dude hard picks certain chars despite enemy and team comp?

Is this dude in Europe or SA, or Asia? When is the play usually and at what time zone?

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He’s EU, forget the time zone, and is currently hard locking heroes he’s bad on, learning them, and climbing to his main rank.

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Ahhh and using qp would not give the same experience as comp?

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It doesn’t, competitive is the best place to learn imo, hes not throwing games, nor is he carrying, the current rank is probably best suited to where his skill set is on current heroes, some of us, myself included, are just better/worse on certain heroes, and learning them against players of that skill level is far better than QP where the ranks are mixed from Bronze to Top500.


Oh no doubt, Jeff approved hard locking and one tricking.

But is it throwing if he has the skills to pick a tank/dps/support that could counter or work better with current team comp?

I guess that’s the ultimate question. It’s just that this dude is somewhat grandstanding and making one trick a norm. But I suppose the game is 6 years old and not going to change so why lead by example.

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This has nothing do do with the current topic, as hes not one tricking.

This I half agree with, while hes admittedly high plat-low diamond, his skills on said characters are not anywhere near the level needed to play where he normally does. Playing something hes familiar with would effectively smurfing, playing on his main account on what hes bad at playing would be throwing.

Once again, he’s not one tricking, hes picked 2+ heroes from each role that he personally doesn’t have the skills on.

On another note, while I would technically consider this smurfing (game sense mechanical skill) if you watch his gameplay, it’s very clear the skill isn’t there… Yet. Even you have more than 1 account, most of us do at this point, learning heroes you obviously suck on in a rank lower than where you normally play is the norm these days. Yes it sucks facing a smurf that doesn’t want to lose and switches to his main, but at the end of the day, it’s still just a game, did you enjoy your time? I know I do.


The only different between me and other Smurf’s, my alt account is placed higher! What’s that called? I only responded personally because you called me out.

I’ll watch a couple vids! Yay cool thread can’t wait to see the next installment!

tbh my alt account is also placed higher, but about 800 on each rank, and honestly most of the games feel the same. Zax is ONLY picking heroes currently he doesn’t know how to play, if you watch some of the video, it’s quite clear (no offense Zax) that he can’t play them. Sure he’s not getting killed as often as some other people, but from what I watched he’s getting ignored like he isn’t even a problem.