#reworkMercy | Any Thoughts?

Just dropping this.

One of the most respected Overwatch channels on Youtube, which constantly covers OW pro content on a daily basis, and considers the opinions of all ranks, not just the 1% of players.


They want her reworked. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

I personally would not classify this youtuber as being one of the ā€œmost respected Overwatch channels on Youtubeā€, but to each their own

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Your Overwatch. You know, the youtube channel that WorstSombra tears into almost constantly. The one that gets stuff wrong all the time. The clickbait one. That Your Overwatch. Lol.


Thatā€™s a strange way to use Double Standards.

Do you seriously want to use ā€œclickbaitā€ and ā€œwrong all the timeā€ as an argument against a Youtube channel with roughly 6 times the subscribers as Overwatch Central?

Iā€™m not sure if we want to go down that rabbit hole :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.



Their entire argument comes down to, seeking a hiding Mercy is better than current GOATSā€¦

They even say in the video that Mass Ress was unhealthy in lower ranks and bad in higher ranks

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Iā€™m sorry, I thought you were just ā€œdropping this.ā€ Have you changed your mind? :blush:

Can you give me an example of a popular Overwatch Youtube Channel that has never used clickbait and is never wrong?

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

No. Almost none of the overwatch YouTubes are reputable. However, that doesnā€™t diminish the fact that your overwatch is about as reputable as Stylosa.

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Iā€™m not hearing any famous streamers or Youtubers talk about reworking Mercyā€¦

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factually, ā€œmore subscribersā€ does not equate to ā€œmore correct/legitā€

Soā€¦ In your previous post then:

You are also referring to Overwatch Central as well, by that logic. Did I get that right? If so, I fail to understand your exclusion of the other channel given, if you are referring to almost all ow youtube channels. Care to elaborate? Or was it because you wanted to prove a point in only discrediting the Youtube channel that you disagree with, when both are just as ā€œunreputableā€?

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

The Overwatch Central video references and discusses the opinions of pro players and high performing Mercy players, not their own.


As does YourOverwatch. The key difference is that YourOW also includes the opinions of everyone else along with it, instead of just the opinions of the 1%, which makes senseā€¦ since the reality of it is, the 1% of pro players arenā€™t the only ones playing this game, and shouldnā€™t be the only ones who get to have a say. What I also like is that they are willing to include people who donā€™t agree with their thoughts.

In their other video regarding the movement, YourOverwatch debates with an OW pro Coach on the idea of reworking Mercy, knowing that they are against Mass Rez in particular (something I should add that OW Central has yet to do with regards to debating anyone outside their own little circle of pro players or atleast debating with one who likes said idea of a rework), and even though he was against that particular idea, the Coach himself said that in general ā€œReworking or making significant changes to Mercy, is not a bad ideaā€.

I believe that wider net of opinions holds a lot more weight than just the minority of players. And I think a person who teaches pro players how to actually play their own game also holds a lot more weight than the players themselves. The video is also left open ended, where the viewer is left to make a choice on their own on who is right and who isnā€™t, again, something far different than just OW Centrals scripted discussions and ā€œwell the pros said it so itā€™s set in stoneā€ style of relaying information. Besides the greater number of people who follow them, this is fundamentally why prefer their thoughts over the alternative in this case. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Idk where you got overwatch central from homie.

Oh wait you mean the post further up? Yeah, I didnā€™t see that. So no ulterior motive.

Well, Iā€™m glad thatā€™s settled then. :smiley:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Just a few quick questions for non-mass rez fans about mercy b4 she got reworked (while she still had mass Rez):

  • gif you played/still play mercy) did you ever once intentionally not use Rez because you thought it was a bad ult/ability (or stop using it after a certain point)?
  • Did you ever once get angry at a mercy for rezzing you back which resulted in your team winning?
  • where does your hatred for Rez truly come from? What about it makes it so unhealthy for the game?
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I believe that wider net of opinions holds a lot more weight than just the minority of players

Oh the irony.


Who wants to edit this Bingo Card accordingly to accommodate for ā€œRework Mercyā€ related things?
(That is, things pertaining to this ā€˜movementā€™)


this all seems veryā€¦familiar

and passive aggressive

I wish i could place it

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No doubt because it was posted in one of xavvyā€™s previous threads :wink:

=> Found it by searching ā€˜bingo cardā€™ in General Discussion :yum:
(Thanks txboyd1!)