#reworkMercy | Any Thoughts?

In order to make Mercy more fun and impactful, I think she needs more of an offensive capability (other than her pistol). It would be nice to get POTG, every once in a while as Mercy. Mercy is a medic. And EMS personnel use defibrillators, which got me thinking. What if Mercy’s staff housed (and cast) a wire(s) that could attach to teammates and heal them, but damage enemies? She could still fly to her teammate, or even an enemy (when attached) for a finishing melee! Also, this mechanic would give Mercy the ability to combo with teammate ults, such as Zarya’s Grav or Mei’s Blizzard. I think you could leave Valk in the game, but it would be cast down at teammates to (chain) heal or damage enemies within proximity. This would encourage teammates to really group up and “taze” the enemy. In closing, I think this would raise her skill level, because you would need to have good accuracy when attempting to heal with her staff, since there would be a casting time (much like Roadhog’s hook). And with the ability to damage enemies, you would be more eligible for POTG.

I personally find the pistol to be highly underrated, and if any improvements were made to Mercy, I’d personally want them on the movement and/or healing side of things

What if I like her just the way she is though?

Why does she need a rework suggestion?

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I would like for the numbers to be switched around.
Have valk last 10 seconds
heal main target 80 hps
50-60 AOE

And AOE knock back during take-off.It’s not OP but gives her utility.

I never said get rid of her pistol. I like using it too. Maybe she just needs a healing mechanic that requires more skill (like Ana’s requires) and with a damage ability, so that she can dish out damage mid fight, like the other healers.

didn’t you make this post like two weeks ago about reworking mercy?
Actually, this might be the third topic on the subject you alone made.

And we already have like 10 other topics on the subject.
I know you like giving us your opinion, but can’t you do it on other’s threads and not flood the forums?

I like that Mercy’s ease of use makes her a good character for people with poor reflexes and/or physical handicaps to use and be effective with

I personally like this inclusiveness

If someone wants an aim intensive healer, we already have a hero fitting that description perfectly

To be fair, this comment was made before #ReworkMercy became a thing. With the blow up of Mercy’s presence and the community’s stance on her, they may have rethought.

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I’ve never posted on here before. My psn gt is Managertim, so i’m not sure why it’s coming up as Sneezydwarf. Anyways, I’m fine with where Mercy is at. I take a lot of pride in what I do as her. I truly do like helping people, even IRL. I just thought I had a good idea that I felt like sharing, if people truly think she needs a rework.

I’m with you on that. I’m 38 and I’m not an aim God, by any stretch of the imagination. Again, I just wanted to share what I had drummed up. If you could have a way of getting POTG, that would be cool though.

i was talking to OP, sorry

Mercy doesnt need to be changed at all for this to happen…the devs could change PotG’s calculations to make Mercy’s efforts worth a bit more

Personally I believe mercy is fine where she is with her ultimate but the only change I want is her healing to be a little but faster and for her revive ability to be faster because her revive ability is too slow and her healing is also too slow. Just increase her healing by a little bit and make her revive faster. #general-discussion #reworkmercy

Why did we necro this particular thread when there are quite a few Mercy threads active right now?


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