#reworkMercy | Any Thoughts?

I wasnt talking about the past.

I was (and still am) talking about now

I would wonder how different things would have been had they done exactly that. Valkyrie was, in my mind, given plenty of “do-overs” with it’s 14 or so nerfs and other balance fixes. Part of me wonders how far Mercy would have gone in terms of being both balanced and fun, had they stuck with her original ult. :blush:

I guess we may never know, but I would definately keep my eyes open and see how this #reworkMercy movement turns out. There’s been loads of positivity going around and good energy regarding ideas, solutions, etc. in efforts to Make mercy fun. I’ve been checking out a few vids myself and have been simply astounded with the awesome things people have come up with. Either way, I’m really loving the discussions being had. Let’s hope something productive comes out of all of this in a big way. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


I feel that if she had Rez as an ult now it would be even more balanced than it was before. There are so many more ability-stopping plays people can make now that would prevent mercy from getting a Rez off. Brig’s shield bash, hammond’s area clearing mines, doomfist’s punch; those are just a few that immediately come to my mind. If people wana make a compromise then keep Rez vulnerability out and keep the cast time, or some other elements from how Rez is today.


She wasn’t in the best of places before her rework, but she wasn’t in a terrible spot.

Reaper, Bastion, and Ana (at that time) were in much much worse spots (and two of them are still in bad spots), but she got reowrked. And reworked right before Moira was released.

Yes, Mercy should have gotten a rework eventually, I just think Blizzard fubarred the timing on it and the order of who should be reworked.

(Then again…this is the same team that kept saying that Ana was only in a bad place because she was weak to Dive meta and didn’t need any changes…yet when Hanzo was weak to the the Dive meta they gave him one.)

Add some fun or whatever to Mercy? Sure. Whatever that means as long as it isnt some great balance disruption.

Mass rez? Nah. Too gimmicky, easily too weak. At meta tiers even with no LOS and invuln it was just used to bring up Pharah.

Difficulty is what “fun” is varies wildly from person to person. I’m glad many people in that EeveeA discussion were against Mass Rez.

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Would honestly welcome old Mercy back, maybe with some upgrades


A part of me tells me that they will be open to the idea of a rework for Mercy, but another part of me says that they will say that they are happy with how Mercy is doing after the Valkyrie changes and will not change her anytime soon.

I just hope to get answer from them that is along the lines of, they will continue in keeping an eye on Mercy and will give her the necessary buffs she needs to keep her as a strong pick because I know for sure they will not straight up say they will give her a rework even if they wanted to, but they will straight up say that Mercy won’t get another rework.

please stop signing your name on every post, it’s really annoying.


Pretty sure Mozts. That the Mercy/Support players want to be able to make plays and be impactful with her. Not just M2 Ashe or Pharah.

Those that want change propose different ideas. This does not make them fragmented. Look. I can offer a third idea!

  1. Return Ressurect to an ultimate as it was usually used to resurrect 2-3 players anyway.

  2. Change Mercy’s Second Ability to Valkyrie. 12s CD, 4s of group Damage Boost or Heals. Flying thing too.

This gives her avoidance power on a 12s CD with a surge of healing. Note: All other supports have a CD that gives their healing a power Surge.

Ana: Grenade, Lucio: Amp, Brigitte: Armor Pack, Moira: Orb. Well, not Zenyatta. But hey! He has Discord Orb. Also, Zenyatta deals tons of damage. So. There. Now there is a third opinion on how to change her.


You know what, this really inspires me to say NO. :hugs::blush::heart:

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Before I am thrashed to hell with replies. I came up with this idea simply because it would give Mercy more options, the ability to make plays, and give her a second ability that isn’t a 30s cooldown which can be stopped so easily by anything.

May I possibly ask why?

didnt jeff say “shes fine” ?

i mean its been over a year since her re-work that they wont admit failed.

Out of all the Blizzard devs the OW team are the most stubborn of the bunch :confused:

you mean for valk to get removed from ult status and made a short duration E?
Valk is one of (if not the) worst ult in game.

It started as a worthy ult, but the nerfs to literally every part of it over past year have destroyed it.

also on topic: if they are working on multiple new heroes its unlikely they will bother with a rework of her anytime soon :confused:


I wish nothing more than old ult back … with LoS and no invincibility … + an E ability to help her our !

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Tbf what was basically said recently (that is Blizzcon and afterward) was they have no plans for any hero reworks. They felt people were underestimating the Valk changes (that is decreased charge requirement and the 60hps during Valk). Mass Rez was discussed as “unhealthy” (Emongg stream with Geoff I believe). They stated they want Mercy balanced and viable (that’s to say no OPness, and that “I don’t care if she’s F tier as long as she’s fun!!!” isn’t really an opttion).

All of that was recently.

“That doesn’t address OUR issues with Mercy though!” Is the argument. Any significant Mercy rework that doesn’t change her position balance wise is purely for “our funness” reasons. It makes sense it wouldn’t be much of a priority then, right?

It’s good to discuss options etc. Just wish there’d be more realism and less exaggeration and general standard forum hysteria.


Well it would be kinda nice when a movement is created that it goes further than “We want changes” and actually come up with an idea that would please the movement.

Even if Blizzard listen to the #ReworkMercy movement, what should they do?

The movement should get a coherent idea together in their own movement instead of spamming the forums with “We want changes!”

Right now, even if Blizzard decides to give in, which they probably won’t if you look at the comments they gave at Blizzcon regarding Mercy, the changes that they will make will still leave people unhappy in the movement itself. Let alone people that aren’t part of the movement.


Factually, there are far more than 3 different ideas out there for changes to Mercy

Factually, each person or or persons who want something different for Mercy - such as that represented by the set of ideas you have presented here - represent yet another distinct fragment of the already heavily fragmented group whose only agreement is that they want change (revert, rework, whatever) for Mercy


Agreed! This is my ideal rework for the hero. Alongside perhaps 55hp/s as her main healing. Here’s hoping! :blush:

That’s the challenge people are aware of and the risk you take as a movement though, right? This is nothing new.

For example, the #Deletebrig movement was created with the goal of deleting a hero. Many people don’t agree with that, and many others had their own reasons for supporting the movement (gutting the hero, making her useless, making her unfun to play, banning her from the game for a set period of time, to outright death threats to name a few). And despite the negativity, and the fact that a lot of people didn’t agree with it, something was still done to the hero afterwards. Coincidence? Well… I have my doubts.

If people are able to make progress through chaos in a toxic way, I’m confident that people are able to make progress through the chaos in a positive way as well. Brainstorming solutions on how to improve the hero is one of the best ways we can have change in a good way I believe, and with the amazing amount of positive and productive discussions going on both in the forums and outside of it in effort to Mercy more impactful, engaging, rewarding to play, while also being balanced, I have nothing but excitement as to where the movement is going.

We’ve had more than enough negative things to sling at Mercy and the playerbase over every little thing for the past few years. I believe it’s time to flip the script. They have my full support. #ReworkMercy :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


No, I mean exactly what I said.