Well I’m sure you would also find that your arguments are hard to counter as well. I’ve made the same points in the past too. The bottom line is that the reasons as to why Mercy was reworked… well… aren’t very strong ones from what I’ve seen, that is, if said argument is supposed to say that “Mass Rez is OP.” Stats can prove that not to be the case.
This is where I think the dilemma lies. The way I see it, Removing Mass Rez was great for them in the short term, because a lot of the people who were vocal about how unfun it was get what they want (particularly a lot of the pro players), and it justifies pushing forward the new rework without first trying to balance mass rez. They also seemed to have felt that Mercy mains would be thrilled about these new changes to the point where they would all just forget about the old ultimate, So in that sense, I suppose it was seen as a win-win for them.
I don’t think they expected the rework as being even more OP and game-breaking than Mass Rez ever was, and with the various nerfs, left her in a state where a lot of people simply aren’t happy with her and think she’s just not impactful enough to keep up with the other supports. And besides the whole deletebrig thing and the negativity that followed that across all ranks, along with people just getting burned out with this meta (I think seabird and other pros actually talked about this) is also why I think things with various movements are starting to take traction.
Now if you asked me if something like GOATS or Ult spam will go away anytime soon without something like a “Mass Rez” ability, I honestly don’t know. But I do wonder if these current problems people are experiencing with this game (Most Qs win for example) would have still existed if Mass Rez was still being balanced and tweaked.
~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.