#reworkMercy | Any Thoughts?

This is sorta kinda what I am saying (even though I dont agree that Mercy is in a bad spot right now)

Said another way: If my favorite character was in bad shape, I dont know that I’d want to advocate a rework, knowing that things could actually get worse, based on how other recent reworks have gone.

Out of the frying pan and into the fire, and all that

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right - so given that experience, knowing that a rework made a character (as you see it) worse, you want another rework?

Blizzard probably doesn’t care about a bunch of nobody’s starting a “movement” for a video game character.


I don’t think they ever said anything about D.Va becoming a symbol of the Korean feminist movement either so I mean

Is that true? If so that’s really interesting.

Way more interesting than whatever this is… >_>


It’s called the national d.va Association :ok_hand:


That reminds me of the time I’ve seen some people refer to Ashe’s announcement as Mercy’s actual buff, which I found to be quite amusing lol. :yum:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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I’ll check it out now. Thanks for sharing :slight_smile:



That 20 char thing messed up my exclamation

I like where Mercy is atm, and I don’t think a rework is necessary.


IMO, hopefully not much. IMO, there are other heroes who need help more, and there are only so many man-hours available to the dev team per patch.

IMO, Mercy needs to take a rest for a while so that other issues can have resources assigned to them. Eventually she needs some kind of “fun button” added or worked into her kit, and I do want to see that happen.

Just not right now. I’m tired of seeing all the mercy-spam, but I’m even more tired of seeing my heroes in the dumpster. There are characters who have never, ever been meta, and their players deserve a turn just as much as Mercy did.

Only they’ve been waiting for nearly 3 years now, and mercy mains have not. It’s time someone else received a turn.

You can keep posting about Mercy all you want. You are free to do that. However, I think the movement and the cause is loud and selfish.


Can someone plz actually, legitimately, explain to me the reason why she was changed in the first place? Why was mass Rez op? Why weren’t small changes made to it rather than it getting completely Why do people not like Rex as a mechanic in the first place?


The funny thing is, Mass Rez wasn’t OP. During the time where it existed, Mercy was for the most part either niche or a troll pick.

The main reasons why it was reworked was due to it being “unfun to play against” by the enemy, and “Hide and Rez”. Arguably, both of these issues have pretty scarce evidence outside of various YouTube videos and Twitch streams, from what I’ve seen.

In my opinion though, I feel that the reality is that pretty much every Ultimate can be seen as “Unfun to play against,” most heroes benefit from hiding before ulting, and many have done so (which also have been proven in videos and twitch streams), and the issues with Mass Rez could have been solved simply with a LoS and cast time tweak, instead of a rework, but oh alas… Here we are.

That’s just my opinion though. I think it’s fair to say that after her initial rework, the many nerfs following, she’s in a state now where many would say she is lacking in terms of agency and impact. And I’m inclined to agree. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


They definitely seemed to just give up on rez. If they had reverted the invuln window, added LOS, and then either let it be instant or a 1.5s cast time with 50% damage reduction on Mercy during, it could have worked imo.

But current Mercy is balanced, so non-support mains are happy and don’t care that she’s a complete snooze to play. XD Unfun for Mercy doesn’t matter.


It was extremely hard to balance. If you don’t kill Mercy at the beginning of the fight, she’ll resurrect her whole team. If you kill her too early, she’ll run back then get a big chunky resurrect on her way back. I feel like no nerfs or changes could solve this problem without making her underpowered or overpowered.

Blizzard probably toyed with this for a while then decided to rework her instead.

It felt incredibly unfair and unfun. That’s really the gist of it. You felt like you had no control over the battlefield because Mercy could be hiding anywhere and it promoted bad gameplay.


That’s my point, it wasn’t op so idk what everyone was crying about. Literally all of those reasons are arguments that I use in favor of mass Rez.


It was extremely hard to balance.

but it wasnt tho. it was balanced as an ult. kill the mercy before she can revive or pay the price. if you kill her early and are afraid of a last second rez from her running in, go and kill her before she gets back, not that hard. you have 6 people on a team, if none of you could find her before she got back then thats your team’s problem, not blizzard’s.

It felt incredibly unfair and unfun.

what ult does tho? is it fun to get slashed by a dragon blade? slowed to a halt by mei’s blizzard? caught off guard by a reaper ult? pushed off the map by a roadhog ult?
the point is, the “unfair to play against” argument is complete bs. u can apply that to nearly every ult in the game so why only change mercy’s?


Because you shouldn’t be punished for wiping their team except Mercy. That’s all I’ll say on the matter. We obviously have different opinions on this so I’ll just leave it at that.

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The main fault is that mass rez was so weak it had to be absurdly buffed with invulnerability.

It created 0 counterplay, and going in for the big rez had no risk. Once Ana was severely nerfed Mercy was in the spotlight, and well, a Mercy hiding was really the main way to play her in higher tears.

Before the invulnerability though? Hide and rez wasnt a thing, Mercy players kept getting killed when trying to rez 5 people. The strat scarcely existed.

They only needed to give her damage reduction and a short cast-time to make it more fair to play against. And due to her Ult being less powerful, they couldve given her an e that further incentivizes the Mercy to stay in battle.


But you should be punished. Mass Rez was in the game for over 2 years. By that point everyone should kno about Rez and how to save ults for after it. That’s not an unfair mechanic, that’s bad game sense on your part.