Rework Bastion to get rid of bunker

Already replied to this twice. lol

I’m unlucky, or something, because I’m not even joking I see Bastion almost every game.

I’m just talking about my experience not his actual pickrate.

Maybe try and keep a track of it just to see how often he really does show up. Just put in a txt file a 1 or a 0. 1 if it’s Bastion, 0 if there’s not. After you’ve done enough you can just calculate the %.

No because no other hero has such no-win-situations. Any other hero you can try to play, it’s hard, but it’s not impossible.

These no-win-situations are created by Bastion’s unique total immobility in sentry mode.

And it doesn’t work, too many create these no-win-scenarios where any single one of these heroes means you have to switch off!?!?

This is not accepted for any other hero. When people were saying “I just can’t play Tracer with Brig around” it was REALLY impressed onto the Devs how unacceptable it was to have a no-win-situation pushed onto Tracer.

Not only is he not good in those niches he should not be so good in those niches.

You’re not treating Bastion like you’d want any hero you play to be treated. You’re treating bastion like a disposable unit in an RTS game. That is not the way a hero can be balanced in a 6 vs 6 multiplayer game.

This doesn’t work, niches appear and disappear.

People are not going to pick a hero for a niche that may never develop or easily falls apart.

And Bastion isn’t even that good in bunker/pirate-ship comps, it’s a gimmick.

Too many heroes have a latency on powerful CC effects that every other hero can avoid except Bastion.

Too many heroes have damage that juuuuust hits the threshold to kill Bastion in very very short time. Unless you play like a total wimp and cower behind shield and are smothered in heals.

For example, if Hanzo shoots Bastion with the fully powered arrow into storm arrows combo, Bastion is fragged from any range in only 1.2 sec, only 4 follow up arrows. But if being healed by Mercy, Hanzo needs to land all follow up Storm Arrows and it would take 1.8 seconds.

Now dig this:

If he had 400HP in sentry mode, no damage reduction, health over 300HP is “nonrecoverable armour” that no healer can heal.

It’d take Full power arrow and 5 follow up storm arrows to frag bastion.

If Bastion was being healed by Mercy, he’d be no better off at all.

Not many can. Overwhelmingly it depends on playing against teams who just don’t know Bastion’s weaknesses because he is so rare at high levels.

Not to mention way WAY too dependant on teammates where it’s less “teamwork” and more like a job.

No other hero HAS to swap off.

Other heroes CAN swap off, but this have to is the problem.

You might want to roll on my to the bastion megathread where we published testing on how Bastion’s damage is reduced by spread.

he doesn’t need a translocator!

He just needs something that is analogous to what all other heroes can do like holding down the A or D key to avoid a roadhog hook

Here’s an example, the jump key/button in sentry mode allows bastion a simple “hop” like the pixar lamp to simultaneously trigger his transformation into recon mode.

Just so that he has a ghost of a chance of avoiding a Roadhog hook or Ana’s sleep dart

And how would that be OP?

Roadhog’s or Ana’s mere presence has immediately forced the 450DPS minigun to stop firing and reposition. That is those heroes getting rewarded for their powerful CC ability and it’s rewarded way more than a soldier 76 or somebody ducking into cover as soldier can easily peek back out to shoot with safety.

Yea… he can do this from ANY range that isn’t 3 meters away. I tested that.

I got killed from 5 meters away, no matter WHAT

One slight wrinkle is there’s 6 chances for him to be picked.

So even if a hero had a 3% pickrate they’re going to be in 16% of games as for each of the 6 hero slots on the enemy team has to pass the 97% chance of that hero (with 3% pickrate) not being picked. The chance of them not being picked is the inverse of them being picked at all.

Still, on average Bastion should only be in about 10% of bronze games. Now what’s the chance that happened in all of the last few games you played? Low. But not lottery numbers low.

So yeah, they just got unlucky (or lucky) 10% odds broke one way in the past few game they have most fresh in their memory.

Why is that bad? That’s like Widows mere presence forcing Pharah to reposition. Why is that bad? Bastion gets insane value out of that 450 dps mini-gun. If you want to make his survivability stronger his sentry has to take a nerf. It’s too strong to be buffed.

And Bastion shouldn’t be in his Sentry most of the time anyway. People really underestimate how strong his Recon is.

It doesn’t just mean you have to stop firing and reposition…

What TREB really means is, the enemy having a Roadhog or an Ana means you must switch.

Same with a Hanzo, Sombra, Junkrat, Tracer, and so on.

You can’t “Out dps” anything, as their TTK is simply often faster than yours and your ability to react, or simply goes around your own.

That’s not true. I’ve come out on top against plenty of Roadhogs and Ana’s. You have to play it differently.

That’s exactly what it mean.

Well i don’t know what rank you’re playing in, but there is no “Playing it different”

I’m playing in High Plat / Low Diamond. I see you’re playing at around 1,800 according to overbuff so idk what to tell you.

There most certainly is a playing it different.

You can make any hero sound OP that way :stuck_out_tongue: The only hero who approached 95% was with Mercy accounting for both teams.

Switching is much different from repositioning. There are heroes who force Bastion to switch, no other hero actually has that issue.

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I’m in the same boat as you btw. I’ve been in diamond but I’m moving around high plat back and forth between the border to diamond.

I just haven’t really had that problem. I don’t know what else to say. :man_shrugging:

Play against Hanzo and if you’re not in pirateship/bunker he will kill you if you’re ever in sentry. And that’s pretty much at all. His arrows just about ignore armor and they still do high damage burst, so he just has to peek you or stay in the zone where your spread sucks. Also Storm Arrows is really powerful against him.

Okay…don’t go Sentry against him. Kill him with Recon…

You realize that Bastion is part of why Bunker comp is so strong right? Even if they do rework him to be stronger he’s still going to be used to sit behind an orisa shield and shoot - it would be the most value you can get out of a character who’s whole thing is “I turn into a giant railgun.” That’s just logic. Best you can do is provide ways for people to defeat it, not buff the people behind the shield.

I don’t think you read the part about “pretty much at all”. If you use sentry, at all, he will be there. Are you telling me we should just play fat Soldier who isn’t even as good as the normal Soldier the entire game because there’s a Hanzo?

Bunker includes comps with more than just bastion.

Why not learn how to counter bunker isntead?

Always this i suck against x, nerf x posts.