Rework Bastion to get rid of bunker

He is all DPS and no shield or mobility. which is so binary its ridiculous. Couple him with all shield and no mobility (Orisa) and with someone who boosts shielding and dps (bap) then you dont need mobility, but incase you do there is a hero that can teleport you. It just seems like everything stacks too well around an otherwise bad character to suddenly get incredible value out of him.

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You know what my fantasy is?

My fantasy is running away. That is truly a fantastical ability for Bastion because right now it’s just not possible. I don’t mean, hard, I mean I’ve run the numbers it’s mathematically impossible. Too many critical damage threshold are met as a result of a series of buffs in damage creep and erosion of general abilities like armour.

I think you’d enjoy playing a flanker ambush bastion as much as I would.

If you could.

Hmm, too dependant on luck. If you’re lucky and these common scenarios don’t occur, GG.

If you’re not lucky, BG.

Uhh, other than our own experiences which are just as valid as your experiences, there’s been detailed breakdown of where Bastion is so exceptionally weak and has quite recently been made exceptionally weak. Often, seemingly, unintentionally.

There’s too much I haven’t mentioned like Roadhog’s hook, Ana’s sleep dart, I have a small simple change that changes that “no-win-situation” into giving bastion a skill-based counter that forces a downside so they get some reward for burning an ability.

It’s not so much a rework to nerf bunker comp per-se… it’s to buff Bastion in a way that effectively wouldn’t buff bunker comp.

That’s what I mean by “Buffs to bastion that nerf bastion in bunker comp” it wouldn’t really nerf bunker comp because as his declining pickrate shows, he’s not really a part of Bunker comp.

I agree, I don’t even think this should count as a “rework”.

Replacing -20% DR with +100 nonrecoverable armour (along with appropriate increase to Self-repair rate) is NOT fundamentally changing how the hero works, he can still take more hits in sentry mode before dying. But it is a buff of the right sort in a way that doesn’t make Bastion too strong in certain areas, such as when Ana/Moira are just pouring heals into him.

But “rework” is the term people want to use unless it’s a tiny tiny change and I can’t be bothered arguing with them that they should just call this a “rebalancing” or something.

So have I.

We have all gotten lucky and not had any of those many many things do more than hard-counter bastion, things that have made a no-win-situation for Bastion.

Where Bastion can do NOTHING except die.

I’m trying to eliminate the no-win-situations for Bastion, situations where it’s impossible for bastion to win with any human skill level.

Junkrat counters bunker with an Orisa. Quick damage to shield/break it fast AF and Bastion’s HP goes YEET. (Not to mention that immortality field dies fast with those bombs, too.) Sombra sometimes helps.

Based on my experiences, anyway.

Hey, go easy on Nick… I don’t think you realise how much I used to be like Nick.

I could see how good Bastion is, everything Nick has said about Bastion I said on these forums before and they were as true then as they are now.

But as time when on I realised what I think Nick will soon realise, that you’ve hit a skill ceiling. You increasingly find yourself in situations that are absolutely a no-win scenario.

You play back the footage and go frame by frame and realise “there was NOTHING I could have done to survive that”.

There was nothing I could have done when that roadhog rounded that corner to hook me.

There was nothing I could have done to survive the follow up shots when that Zen orb volley hit.

There was nothing I could have done against that ana in the distance shooting a sleep dart at me.

There was nothing I could have done against the Rein charging around that bend in a wide curve at me.

There was nothing I could have done against that Junkrat grenade spam.

Nothing except constantly hide behind an orisa shield and only stay or go wherever an Orisa wants me to go. And that really really sucks.

I’m in Wood League and Bastion isn’t played that often.

Yeah. Again I must be really unlucky because its like every game for me and its boring af. lol

I’m not sure such a situation exists. And it’s perfectly fine for Bastion to have to switch off. We don’t want him to be a must pick either.

I think right now he’s fine in his niche, defense / bunker / protect the president comps. And he’s perfectly usable outside of those comps as well, just takes a different mindset and approach to using him. He does seem kind of weak outside of his niche, which is ideally what we’d like to fix.

But the nature of his whole character is such that if we buff him too much outside his niche he’s going to completely dominate everything when he is playing in it. You’ve gotta somehow buff / change him without buffing his synergy with compositions he already does very well in.

Oh it definitely exists.

Maybe? I have my doubts though. I don’t think you’d have people able to 1-trick him into GM / Top 500 if that was the case.

Even so it’s fine if there are situations where Bastion has to swap off. That’s how the game was intended to be played.

With a team to carry you to top 500?
You can definitely get there on ANY hero.

That right there just defeated your own argument. The situation where Bastion can’t do anything at all doesn’t exist.

No no…

Even then you probably wouldn’t be doing more than a Soldier 76 standing on the payload and being surrounded by your team would be doing.

And you probably would switch mid game anyways, due to those situations as TREB mentioned.

You would definitely be doing more than a Soldier. Soldiers firepower isn’t even close to comparable to Bastions Sentry…

At what distance are we talking?

But seriously, there are many situations where Bastion simply cannot physically do more to actually survive where others can.

That’s Bastion though. That’s who he is. The trade-off for his firepower is decreased mobility. If he had that plus escape tools like some of the other dps he would be totally broken.

I don’t mean escape tools…

I mean “Oh, i was looking right at X hero who M1’d at me… but i guess i couldn’t live cos… reasons?”

I mean times when you cannot survive no matter what you do, even if you use Sentry, because you can’t run of course, OR kill the enemy.

In bronze he’s played 1.88%
In Silver he’s played 1.02%
In gold (if you count that as low) he’s played 0.64% and he drops even harder from then on.

In what world is 2% and below, 95%?

That’s bastion being countered effectively though. His team needs to back him up in those situations.

You may not understand what i mean…
I mean situations where you SHOULD come out on top.

But you… don’t.

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I think Chibi meant situations where none of his strengths matter at all. Vs Hanzo his spread makes peeking against him easy, even from relatively short range. Also times when shooting Roadhog doesn’t even matter 'cuz he’ll just hook you.

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