Rework Bastion to get rid of bunker

Bastion needs a rework, do it and bunker is gone. Stop making his entire kit rely on having all 5 other players sit there and protect him. It’s just bad design.

Edit: Yeah you all are right, there is no point in reworking any character. The devs would just screw it up anyway. Bastion and all characters involved with Bunker will either be useless like before or OPAF like now. Never an in between, always one or the other. Maybe if characters could be balanced properly whatsoever I could trust that they’d fix the game, but they never will and that’s just a fact.


Bastion needs to be fixed, and needs a net-buff.


You don’t need 5 players to keep bastion alive.

Shield and occasional heals will keep him going as long as he is prepared.

Then on big pushes maybe some additional help but not the whole game


Rework yourself instead.


Okay. How?

Bastion is one of the characters who can easily becomes too oppressive in lower ranks thanks to his turret mode, but it is this ability that makes him Bastion. Turret mode is his thing, it’s his gimmick and the main reason why he’s even being picked.

Screaming for buffs, nerfs or reworks is easy. Anyone can do that, even toddlers, but coming up with a rework that let him keeps his identity, doesn’t make him oppressive and makes him better or more viable and not weaker or less viable is hard. That’s the real challenge.

So how can you rework him and let him keep his turret ability?


This game is gonna get a ton of new characters and maps, and this will naturally change and there will be plenty more comps to come up with, worry not.

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How I would put this… No.

(Also devs have already said that theyre not gonna rework heroes & doesnt like reworking them plenty of times) Its not healthy for the game.

Just cause people whine about metas doesnt mean 1 hero should be reworked out of it & meta deleted.

People seriously should stop complain about every meta what this game has.


First off it’s called “Sentry Mode”

And secondly…

  • Iron-crap removed
  • Sentry Mode Ammo reduced to 200/150
  • Sentry Mode can now headshot
  • Sentry Mode’s spread starts at a reduced angle and keeps the reduction longer after firing ceases.
  • Health increases to 200 standard and 200 armor.

I fixed Bastion! -.-


First off

And secondly

Not bad.


My main issue with Bastion: In low ranks he is played in 95% of games, and about 50% of the time its a mirror match.

Which means most teams are running Orisa and probably a Mercy. Ugh, the only Heroes I hate seeing more is Genji since he’s in, like, 100% of my games.

EDIT: This is in my experience. I know he has a low pickrate but I encounter him all the time so I dunno. Its boring.

you think bunker will be gone if bastion is gone? lol


Tbh he might think like that.

Funny thing is that you can play bunker even w/out Bastion.


I have been thinking about that for years, so…

You could substitute Bastion with Torbjorn and have similar results as long as you have a good team…

But it’s not like this guy is a dev, who would knee-jerk nerf a hero like Torbjorn after some bad losses, right?



In gm matchs they are playing it with a Widowmaker instead.

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Bastion is not meta, he still have the lowest pickrate in the game.
It’s not because Orisa is meta than Bastion automaticaly is.


No they’re all just sitting in spawn and letting the Widow M1 through the Enemy team…

If you believe this forum. -.-

Faster transformations and extra health instead of a damage resistance.


I would rather not get rid of bunker. Its fun to watch in my opinion atleast more so than the catastrophic dive and dont really see a problem with it existing since its limited to a few maps.

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Thiiiiis!!! God, as someone who has pretty much one - tricked Bastion in past seasons to climb out of gold and plat I HATE it when people say that he needs the whole team to play around him. It’s not the case at all. Maybe if he sits in sentry mode 100% of the time like a knob but a good Bastion will utilize recon to its fullest potential. The team does NOT have to babysit a good Bastion.

Edit: a lot of the time it was detrimental to the team as a whole when they thought they had to babysit me. We were all bunched up tight in one spot and the slightest screw up or me dying and everything fell apart.