Rework Bastion to get rid of bunker

About 189 hours of playtime along with 19,000+ responses of discussion in a single thread.

bastion is fine, he deals alot of damage and is powerful currently, if used right he can be a beast. if your dying alot as bastion your using him wrong

i guess 19,000 people are wrong…

You’re just digging a deeper hole bud…

Bastion doesn’t even feature heavily in this iteration of Bunker… Like I’m fine with the idea of reworking him, but this isn’t the reason to do it

nah, I’m just telling you you’re wrong bud. bastion is fine in his current form he could maybe use a small buff or something but he doesn’t need a rework. if your dying alot as bastion your using him wrong that’s all i can say. its not because hes weak or under powered its because you don’t know how to play him and his limits in the game.

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And where’s the back to this claim please?

I personally have around 881 hours in total in this game, and 189 as aforementioned on Bastion.

I have proven my ability through actual gameplay, would you like for me to link some?

I would even go as far as to compare stats, but… at least my profiles aren’t hidden.

Okay… and i guess almost every Bastion main raising their flags in support of changing the hero, are wrong, and you’re the only one who’s right.

Have fun bud.

well yes, i play bastion alot on defense and hes perfectly fine, i don’t die alot and i get good damage and kills. even earlier today i tanked as bastion and steam rolled the attacking team without alot of support from my team. maybe you guys are just doing it wrong…

May i ask what rank you play in?

Didn’t people want a 2-2-2 meta? I don’t see the problem

competitive is a joke. i keep it plain and simple in quickplay

Ahh that explains a lot.

you act like comp is better, nah qp is just as good. and not only more people play it (around half of OW players) and around a quarter play comp (around 20-25% of ow players). quickplay is no difference than comp, PLAYING COMP DOESNT MEAN ANYTHING

Not much.

Ironclad only means Bastion has effectively 375HP.

If he lost damage reduction and replaced it with +100 nonrecoverable armour, he’d only have +25 extra effective health. So… what gives? What’s so important about only 25HP.

He doesn’t need enough health to SAY and fight… he just needs enough health to be able to even escape!

Bastion Caught in Crossfire of anti-GOATS buffs.

In the efforts to nerf goats, many changes have been made to the game which are seen to target GOATS due to how GOATS has lots of tanks and those tanks are generally really slow and have a lot of armour.

Sentry Bastion is really slow, in fact he’s stationary.

Also he depends on armour to a huge extent.

Armour Nerfs in General

Armour is now SO MUCH WEAKER against all attacks, so many beam attacks that once dealt half damage to armour now deal 80% damage. While damage over time effects aren’t reduced at all!


When Junkrat got his grenade damage buff, no one talked about how this would affect him Vs bastion, it was only how he was good against Tanks. Well now Junkrate does just barely enough damage to kill sentry bastion in only 3 hits, with a 0.65 sec attack interval this is DEVASTATING. And he can kill Bastion in 0.65 sec with a Grenade, mine, Grenade combo.

Is this really what was intended when they thought out 130 damage grenades would do an extra +50 damage per clip when breaking shields?

I don’t think it was.

Yet you can’t just increase ironclad’s damage reduction a little bit as that makes healing too good against everything else!

And while junkrat struggles to land grenades on moving targets, against a sentry it’s easy mode.

400HP would leave Bastion weak but barely able to survive.

Pharah’s Fire rate buff and splash damage nerf

This hugely decreased her time-to-kill on Bastion while almost every other hero had a much easier time. Importantly, after any bastion player realise they have been hit by to rockets they cannot escape, as the reconfig time is so slow and the third rocket would kill.

Wouldn’t be the same if he had 400HP in sentry mode from +100 nonrecoverable armour.

Orb Volley = certain death

Orb Volley (without warning of discord orb) used to reduce Bastion to 136HP, just about able to flee before 3 more orbs with Discord orbs follow. An orb volley leaves Bastion at 117HP, 2 orbs when discorded just enough to kill Bastion even trying to escape.

Bringing Bastion’s health up to 400HP with nonrecoverable armour means he isn’t so incredibly fragile that he can never set up as a Zen can so easily wreck him without even a chance to escape!

That’s still weak enough that he’s obliged to escape… but NOT so weak that he’s unable to escape.

I see you need some time to cool off…

I’m here to talk about the higher levels of possible play, and balancing the heroes for competitive use.

Because let me give you a rather hard to swallow pill…

EVERY HERO is balanced, if you play them loosely in QP for some random fun.

Not every hero is “Balanced” in a competitive sense.

theres no difference tho, there is no physical difference between comp and qp and how the game the game works. if something is fine in QP its fine in comp

You heard it here first folks.

Everyone plays as if something is on the line in QP and people play for “Fun” in Competitive i guess??

Yea no.

sorry i guess game mechanics differ from qp to comp, i guess heroes work different in comp!

yeah no… sorry kiddo but there’s no difference between heroes in qp and comp they still work the same. if you cant accept that its not my problem

Heroes may not physically have different mechanics between the two modes, but they might as well with how differently they can be played.

Sorry bud, but claiming a hero is balanced because you “Play them a lot in QP” Doesn’t exactly inspire much credence in your claims.

Bastion is butter under a hot knife in competitive.