Revert Mercy please

I’ve stated multiple reasons as to why I’ve hated Mass Rez.

It’s clear that all you’re going to do now it attempt to be snarky and funny, hopefully that’s the effect of reality smacking you across the face. Unless you have any more pathetically bad arguments to puke out onto your keyboard, I think I’m actually done with this awful thread.

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And then proceeded to use the logical fallacy of appealing to authority when said arguments were refuted. Again, maybe think for yourself instead of running to the devs when you’re arguments get destroyed.

More like, you’ve already said you don’t want to debate about Mercy any further so why exactly should I entertain you with serious arguments? I mean, right now you’re just repeating the same nonsense about you being right and me being wrong, providing no evidence to substantiate said claim. Like, are you for real?

Coming from the one who has yet to provide rebuttals for these “bad” arguments. No surprise really. Apparently we’re bad for preferring mass Res but y’all can’t even be consistent with your arguments against it.


Do us both a favor and just type out “ur argument bad xD” next time, whats’s the point of wasting everyone’s time by typing paragraph after paragraph calling my arguments bad yet not even attempting to provide a response.

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tbh i don’t even know why ppl play mercy, is so frickin’ boring

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Mercy one-trick-ponies want mass rez back**

It’s been nearly 2 years since Mercy was changed. Can people seriously not let go of such an unbalanced ultimate? If they change an ultimate in the game to something completely different, you know damn well it means they simply could not balance it for general use. Making it an ability was such a bold step and in fact, I now think it being an ability is still insane, but needs a little buff to cast time. That’s it. Other than that, no one has really complained about it. Talk about entitled players, much. Lol.

Also, this goes for anyone who says what the devs say about any hero they changed in a way you don’t like. If you’re honestly not happy about it, why in the hell are you still playing the game?


Contradiction of OP.

Post from Nov. 25th, '19.

OP, we get that you want Mass Rez back, but you seriously gotta stop. You’re basically rewording the same posts over and over. It sucks having a hero nerfed/changed, trust me, but to repost the same thing after ever little while is ridiculous.

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how dare mercy be not mandatory? shes actually balanced now. b4 u had to pick her if enemy team had her even if you have a good healer. because she was a huge disadvantage to go against by default.

and don’t even think about mass res mercy.

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Nerf DPS and change their ults. that would be nice and balanced. don’t you think yes?

Probably, Yeah. Game is a mess rn

only bap and moira can realistically outheal her!

i wish you elaborated on this!
imho valk’s versatility helps a lot especially since current popular comps aren’t as bursty as they were a year ago so out tempoing your opponent can just win you the fight and then you guys can snowball out of control with the ult advantage you gain thru your tempo plays!

they won’t do it! the community has spoken and they don’t want mass rez back
resurrect wasn’t op but it was hated for the same reason why scatter arrow was hated there wasn’t much you could do to play around it, it wasn’t hard to pull off and it made a big impact

actually mercy had a terrible time during mercy 1.0 days! she was considered D tier and she was basically never used outside of pharmacy duo/comps
and mercy 2.0 was THE QUEEN! she owned the meta for a few months with the mercy dive comps (moth meta)
right now she’s just meeeeeh (rez has to go!)

The rework made her the most overpowered character in video game history. Fact is she still has her ultimate and 1 ability switched. Resurrect is still her ultimate, even in the fact that it takes longer to get it off cooldown than the time it takes to charge valkyrie again. Plus when the developers gave their dev update video they said they wanted to give her another ability to manage which she didnt get. A 30 second cooldown requiring people to be dead and in a good spot while also completely immobilizing you for a cast time on anotherwise extremely mobile hero that trades it off for having very low self defense/damage to pressure opponents off means that you cant even use it every 30 seconds to begin with.

Even if you count valkyrie as the ability she gets to manage, it isnt. You dont manage it, it does everything for you. Literally didnt think you could make mercy more braindead but valkyrie gives you that for 15 seconds. Nothing about valkyrie is necessary since it just removes the few weaknesses Mercy has. It increases and removes her weakness as a single target healer, which should be her weakness. The only new thing it adds is unlimited ammo which is counterintuitive to Mercy to begin with along with letting her see enemy health bars for some reason. Best use case of valkyrie a lot of the time is its increased range so you can continue to heal or damage boost farther behind some corner so you dont get one shot by a widow.
Furthermore, Id say valkyrie is probably the only ult no one looks out for. If you hear it go off, no one fighting against that Mercy is going to be like “oh damn” or have to change up what they are doing anticipating something big. And no one asks for valkyrie. People keep track of rez, they want to prevent Mercy from using Resurrect, people ask for rez. If someone gets rezzed the enemy team will notice and it will have more impact.

SHe needed the rework, but theyve ultimately failed at doing the things they wanted to do that they stated in that video.

Resurrect is not a core part of her kit. Something that gets used on average 7 times in 10 minutes isnt core imo.

Mercy is still incentivized to hide to resurrect. I understand they wanted to balance an ultimate on a cooldown, but the weakness was supposed to be its long cooldown, the problem was that valkyrie interacted with it to reset or reduce its cooldown. Of course people didnt use resurrect outside of valkyrie once that change was put through, and I can understand them wanting valkyrie and resurrect to be seperate. After trying so hard to make Resurrect survivable in many buffs to it prior to just giving flat out invulnerability that people forget, such as first allowing Mercy to move when casting it (initially she had to stand still for a short time), then reducing the time it takes a resurrected ally to return so Mercy isnt so vulnerable. The line of sight thing was annoying and couldve been removed. I’m not advocating for mass resurrect to return so ill know you didnt read this if you respond saying that somehow i do.

And lastly Mercy doesnt have a new ability to manage like I mentioned. She technically does because Valkyrie is more of an ability than an ultimate and vice-versa for resurrect but what is on her base kit does not give her something new to use in a meaningful way as part of her kit.

Mercy’s balanced though I would still argue she could use nerfs and not buffs, but ultimately in a way that rounds out the character more than she is.

I would take a rework that might make her weaker overrall but makes her gameplay more fluid and allowing avenues to optimize her. I’m not going to repeat what I said in a previous post on this thread but you can look back to that for what I was thinking there.

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No, stop buffing healers and tanks. That’s why we have this problem with powercreeped dps buffs. We need extensive nerfs right now and the tank shield nerf was a great start.

She’s better than you think she is.
But I don’t like any of her playstyle, old or new.
I’d love a Rework but I said that a lot of times already.

tbh, i feel like old mercy was best mercy. Even if you had to team fight again. But sooo many people did not like the idea of 2CP alone, THEN you had a mercy who would rez everyone and make that 2CP EVEN LONGER!

No DPS needs a complete rework. Mercy was reworked because Mass Rez could not be properly balanced.

You “call out” these people for “trolling” when they’re giving reasonable opinions and facts. You yourself, seem to be the real troll saying things like this.

LMAO go play a better game or just get good

Would you guys stop talking on this? It’s blowing up my notifications and it’s getting annoying. Thanks.