Mercy's Ult Valkyrie

Her ult is not useful at all in anyway you just fly around that’s about it. nothing to it. and the healing needs buffed badly other than that she’s fine…


I would like if they rebalanced Mercy’s ultimate around a 12 second duration instead of 15 seconds. Was thinking 75 hp/s, 35% damage boost, 1 second Resurrect cast-time, and 25 self-healing per second.


If you are using it to just fly around it’s 100% a you problem.

You can try watching some tutorials on the internet to try and be a better player. There’s also educational apps available for free on iOS and Android to help with your other problems.


Personally I would like one of the following:

  1. A stronger main beam to promote and keep prioritization at the forefront of her play.

  2. A reset on Cooldowns. No special cooldown perks, just a reset on them.

  3. The ability to cancel Valk early, since a lot of fights are shorter than Valk’s duration.

Any one of those 3 I would be happy with.

As is now…it’s fine. I treat it more like a inconsistent cooldown if anything.


Really? All it does is make you fly? I could have swore it increased healing, increased her beam distance and her dash/fly to distance as well.

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It also gives your party a damage boost if I recall. Like 10% more.

Her ult is a bit underwhelming still though.

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The problem with her ult is it was designed to enhance Rez. They’ve gutted it to where it’s only uses is
A We got a pick help the push
B. Near end of push/ capture point
C. Get the annoying sniper.
There is no gameplay in Valk whatsoever and it shows even in top mercy plays. Valk is borderline braindead no grand moment. No thought beyond toggle m1/m2 fly around maybe annoy the sniper Even Sym’s ult you can get a grand DENIED moment.
The moment valk no longer did what it was designed to they should of looked into a rework for Mercy. That wasn’t headed by the feels of players who later on even admitted old Mercy wasn’t the issue. the SR abuse bug was.


It eliminates almost all her weaknesses for 15 seconds.


A niche can still be a weakness that needs to be covered or accounted for in some other way. The two are not mutually exclusive.

I feel like people are being dishonest or just not well-versed on the subject when they need to be explained what Valkyrie does.

Increases HPS by 10 and allows for AOE healing around the primary beam target. AOE DPS boosting as well, solid for pushes. Gives her NO delay on her personal regeneration. Gives her more freedom of movement, more range on her GA and beams. Gives her unlimited ammo. And that’s just at face value.


nvm your right, forgot how good valkyrie was.

I guess single target healing isn’t exactly a weakness but it removes a limitation. You get crazy mobility that is less reliant on teammates and your gun becomes a legitimately useful option.

It gives you something like 10+ different buffs in total. Sure it isn’t the most engaging ult but it charges quickly.

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Maybe when the original came out? But as of now it’s just a braindead ultimate with very few uses
Also taking a character’s strengths and saying “Welp that’s good enough to use in a ult.”
Is bad design, as is Valk is a very selfish ult that barely does anything worthwhile. Hell it should of been the IT support ult for double shield given it’s fast ult charge and Mercy’s consistant heals. But because it just does her kit with no enhanced element attached. It’s lackluster and boring.


I’ve noticed this only happens when I use valk at the wrong time. If you are using it reactively to try and save your team, yeah, you’re just going to be hovering there desperately trying to heal and it just won’t work that way. With exception to sigmas ult, that you can react to.

Valk has a lot of good uses, like getting off a res you might not otherwise. Initiating a team fight and boosting your team in. Light tanking and distracting half their team. Even using it to get back from spawn quickly can be a great help.

Try to think of it more as a throw away ult like tracer pulse bomb. It charges quickly and can be used pretty often. If you prefer a reactionary ult, Zen or Lucio are the supports for you.

It’s not useless, the damage boost is more powerful than the heal though. I also use it to just enable my survival at times too. The issue is that it feels bland and people struggle to tell what difference it made. The pure supportive ults like Transcendence are way more obvious with this, while you can track kills or kill assists more easily with Coalescens and Nano. This leaves Valk, Amp Matrix and Rally as the more dull ultimates (I especially dislike Matrix, so damn boring and situational).

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Not as impactful as Transcendence, Nano Boost, or Sound Barrier, but it has its uses.

  • Chain damage boost is really useful and powerful. Don’t underestimate it. It helps your team get their ultimates faster.
  • With extended GA range, you can use it to rez a teammate that you normally couldn’t reach outside of Valkyrie.
  • You can go for more “risky” rezzes because of uninterrupted regen.
  • Chain healing is very useful especially if the enemy team picked off your other support and you don’t have rez available or your other healer died in an unrezzable spot.
  • Go Battle Mercy! With the infinite ammo, shoot at the annoying enemy Widow or Pharah if your DPS can’t take care of them.
  • It’s a really good stalling ultimate. 15 seconds is a long time and it can be enough time for your team to get back to the point from spawn.
  • It helps get back to point faster from spawn and stall on point.
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Also connects beams, and speed of flying. It also charges pretty quickly.

I’m not saying it’s op, but it’s not bad either.

What weaknesses does it eliminate?

She has already great mobility.
So that is not her weakness.

She has great survivability thanks to the mobility and out of combat regeneration. So that is not her weakness.


Maybe he wanted to make an argument about her low healing output. Didn’t work out that well, since 60 hp/s is nothing…

Her ult isn’t terrible, but it isn’t great either. It’s pretty mediocre but it’s also easy to get as well. Sometimes instead of using your beam pull out your pistol and try to get a pick in the backline.

Try to have faith in your other support to keep your team alive without you, unless of course you’re running a Lucio or Zen then I would probably focus more on healing at that point.

You also can’t expect it to heal people through certain ultimates and at that time I find it more beneficial to pull out the pistol and start dpsing.

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It does increase healing etc. However, her heals aren’t that great. That’s why you also get a cool party hat and a red nose when you ult. They come in handy when your whole team dies right before you when in vaylk. :clown_face: :partying_face:

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