Revert Mercy please

Besides the SR gains being bugged (which ironically was fixed before her rework and wasn’t directly caused by the ultimate itself but rather, just poor numbers from the dev team) Mass Res was most definitely not broken.

Speak of the devil… Just refer to the above. To reiterate, this was fixed before the rework went live and this was not directly caused by the ultimate itself. Literally, everyone knew that. Additionally, the only way to actually abuse this specific SR system at the time was to “Hide n Res”. Now, I don’t need to explain why such a strategy is beyond garbage in more ways than one, right?

This would actually be relevant if the fact in question actually proved your point. It literally doesn’t. :joy:

This could’ve been fixed with a new E ability. Not the removal of mass Res. Once again, mass Res wasn’t the thing keeping her utility low - it was the devs.

The rest of this paragraph is just reiterating the same point in different ways. Look, just say your single point. Don’t drag it on and try to repeat it in different ways. That’s not going to make your argument any better.

Pfft. Nice assumption there. :rofl: Have you played Mercy before Season 5? I just have this striking feeling that you’ve just seen Mercy gameplay and haven’t actually played her yourself. To clarify anyway, I’ve been a Mercy main since Season 2 and was GM for Season 3. As of recently, I started playing Sombra more since I got to Masters with her and Mercy, right now, is pretty mundane and not impactful to me right now.

Can you elaborate on what this means? Do you mean that she could make fights considerably longer?

In summary, since I’ve already refuted this fact (not that it’s not a fact but rather that it’s not a relevant one), the only evidence you have is, as you’ve put, just your opinion.


I wish that the Revive would removed from Mercy and Valks becomes the new small skill. And as a new Ult, mercy could dazzle enemys with her wings. :slight_smile:

All i see on here is a bunch of trolls just a thought…

Id like mercy’s single target healing to be better, and have the option of overhealing providing a shield, but thats probably op for reasons i have not yet considered.

It wasn’t a bug. It was literally just hide and rezzers stat padding to boost their SR gains. They would inflate their rez numbers so the MMR system would think they were over performing in their rank no matter how poorly they played. Also, patch notes on the fix?

It proves that mass rez was literally broken. I’m not following what you’re trying to say. Then again you are defending mass rez, so maybe you don’t even know what you’re saying either.


Uhm isn’t your whole “”“argument”" here that mass rez was just bugged and not broken and unhealthy for the game? I’ve had to skip over numerous parts just because of how repetitive your “”“points”"" are. It’s actual text vomit at this point.

And now it all comes full circle. I think I’m done here.

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The SR issues was a bug. It was an unintended feature caused by the devs poor numbers when rewarding Mercy for ressing.

Yes, this is a bug in the SR system. The system for rewarding individual play was messed up for Mercy because it overrewarded Mercy SR based on how many resses she had for the entire game. It basically prioritised Res over every other thing Mercy did.

Are you seriously asking me this? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: You should be aware that individual performance is no longer factored in for SR gain anymore in Diamond and above, following the Mercy rework.

I don’t have the exact patch notes but the change was announced sometime around December 2017. Just google it lol.

No. It proves that the SR system was broken.

And how is your incompetence my fault? You don’t even keep up with important changes to competitive and here you are discussing “broken” abilities in a competitive environment…

Now you’re responding with rhetorics. If you don’t have a rebuttal, don’t say anything. :roll_eyes:

If we’re just summarising, then nope. Not surprising that reading comprehension is something you’re lacking in. To clarify anyway, I also elaborate on “Hide n Res”, Mercy’s utility, and my hero mains (ironically, you brought this up).

It’s not repetitive. I even tell you to refer to above chunks of my reply to avoid repeating the same information. Again, read my replies.

Of course you’re done. You never had an argument to begin with and are now leaving after being called out. Maybe be smarter next time?


Are we seriously getting back into the #revertmercy crap again? Just buff her healing and valk heals. She’ll be good again. Mass Rez broke her.

The last sentence is up for debate but yeah. If mass Res is genuinely never going to be on the table, the second best thing is give her 60HP again.

Actually the rework did.

MR with invulnerability didn’t break her that bad. Cause during her MR days it was barely used for the team. More often than not it was a partner-up ability.

There are vods and videos that show how infrequent it was used in higher ranks-sorta making Mercy dead weight back in since she really couldn’t do anything in the mid-fight.

Reworked Valk on the other hand made her a must pick cause she negated staggering-one of the best and easiest things to learn in this game because of how it can affect a team’s synergy and help your team just snowball through matches.


You might as well not saying anything. This whole #RevertMercy thing is just a ploy so people can start boosting back up to higher ranks and sucking the fun out of the game. I’m sorry, but close to no game sense at all was being used when hiding, then going in and taking away all of the work you’ve done. The counter play wasn’t consistent enough and a lot of times wasn’t there at all. Mercy 1.0 advocates will say absolute anything to seem like they know what they’re talking about. Rez now sucks, it’s inconsistent, but at least when we wipe 5 people and leave a mercy behind, our progress won’t be taken away from us because one player decided to run and hit a single key with little-to-no line of sight that was instantaneous and made her invulnerable.

Face the facts. Mass Rez could not be properly balanced and had to be reworked.

Also everyone talking about their heroes sucking when Bastion has literally been ignored with almost no beneficial buffs. His last ones were a joke lol.

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What is it with people and indirecting. If you really don’t want your opinion or argument to be refuted, just don’t say it. :rofl:

Don’t try to ignore replies, persist with the same garbage arguments and then tell everyone else to stop discussing in a discussion thread. Like gtfo out of here. :joy::joy:

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Mercy is worse now than she was before, yeah, but the last thing she needs is a revert. There are definitely plenty of tweaks they could make to Mercy to make her stronger as a hero, but flat out reverting her would be a bad move.

Your main issue seems to be with Valkyrie, and having gone from what it was to what it is, I can see why comparing Mass Rez to Valkyrie 1.0 to current Valkyrie makes Mercy look a lot weaker in terms of the power of her ultimate. And yes, it is probably the weakest support ultimates. But what it lacks in healing power, it makes up for in its utility with mass damage boost and tactics being able to see enemy health bars.

Like I say, Valkyrie could use some more oomph, but it has the versatility that the other support ultimates don’t have, as you can control what your ultimate does. That’s what makes it good.

Actually I did have an argument, and you can type whatever you want and I’ll still be right. Mass Rez was bad for the game and was thus removed, with the game devs agreeing about that. Go ahead, type me a book report filled with your opinions on why Mass Rez was good for the game, but guess what.

It isn’t coming back.

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Obviously. Only Mercy players want mass rez back. Isn’t that such a funny coincidence?

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I’m not a Mercy player, and I would prefer Mass Rez Mercy to what we have now. I know of numerous tank and DPS players who would say the same.

Though frankly, what I’d really like is RezBlade.


Thank you for being the outlier. Of course there will always be a couple.

I feel like there are several layers of irony here

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Mercy’s playstyle has not changed significantly throughout her rework. She has maintained the 1 target beam with all it’s flexibility and consistency. She has maintained her mobility. She has maintained pretty much everything, other than being able to GA in and mass rez 2+ people instantly.

Mass rez was a trash ult. When everyone knew what they were doing, you’d just pop mass rez to bring up your Pharah or Widow pocket, maybe you bring up another team mate or something, but that was about it. Large, 3+ sort of rez plays, were just the byproduct of gimmicking out disorganized teams.

Then you have all the problems associated with mass rez. How it encourages some dumb playstyles and etc etc within the mid brackets and such.

The ONLY reason to bring back Mass Rez, is for those that popped it and enjoyed it to get that feeling back. Outside of that, there’s really no reason for it to have a place in the game.

That’s not to say Valk is some great ult or that Mercy is “perfect” how she is. Adjustment can be made. Acting like bringing back Mass Rez would solve anything though is just stupid and selfish tbh.

Another rhetoric. Isn’t that ironic.

Am I supposed to take the devs word as gospel? Gosh, I can see why you’re so fixated on mass Res being bad without actually thinking for yourself.

Sure will dude. I mean, why else would I be on an online game forum. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Of course you feel that way. You’ve already made it clear that you don’t understand what’s being said. :joy:

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