Revert Mercy please

Actually, Mercy is only beaten by Bap and Moira in terms of healing.

This is not an argument to shine a positive light on your ridiculous suggestion. This is just “me no like valk! Me want mass rez!!” Please specify in unemotional and rational sentences why you think Valk is bad and leave your opinions out of it if you want to actually make a reasonable argument that people will take seriously.

So, you selfishly want to take Mercy 2.0 from players who like current Mercy? What a hypocritical statement. There would be a LOT of people who would want Mercy 2.0 back and be put in your current situation just because of your selfish preference.

Ironically, Mercy was at her best during 2.0 she was quite literally a ‘must pick or lose’ while Mercy 1.0 was quite struggling with the utility and power other healers could bring.

A lot of players love Mercy because of her current kit and design.

Tldr: Stop selfishly requesting Mercy 1.0, there are many players who love Mercy 2.0 just as much, if not even more.


Every other hero has op ults why not mercy have hers back even it out. not excuses no if ands or buts. end of it. if not buff healing where they do really good heals. and make people stop complaining about healers not heal

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In my opinion, Valkyrie is one of the strongest ults in the game, and arguably the VERY most versatile ult in the game as well


I believe the word you are looking for is ‘impactful’ the only “OP” ult in this game that I would consider is Transcendence and even it has counters to shut it down. (Burst, anti nade, boops)

Valkyrie IS an impactful ult whether you like it or not. Chain damage boost and chain healing THROUGH shields? All while being 60HPS? And near invulnerable with constant HP regen and best mobility in the game? That sounds strong to me, especially with how fast it can charge. It doesn’t have the burst impact other ults has, but it makes up for that in duration.


Because they are already woeful and were absent completely from the meta before 222 put them on life support…

Compare their value and kits to supports and tanks and its not even close how much more tanks/supports do in comparison to DPS.


Well, what about mercy players who enjoy mercy? She seems to be in perfect spot right now.


oh hey, just read on the other thread that you fell to plat?

nah I got back up to diamond again and now I’m highest I ever been on that acct it was just a sucky lose streak I had a few weeks ago prior to the Moira change when double shield was meta

I guess I needed Moira to be not meta anymore so I could get back up lol. Another Moira makes it such a stalemate and boring af only 1 moira is fun :smiling_imp:

Or are you talking about the thread I made earlier today? if so that is my other acct lmao I got like 4 acct lol.

  1. Old Mercy could fly too. You don’t need Valkyrie to stay in the air.
  2. Hiding in a corner and using your ult to do the job simple healing could have done is a poor use of resources. Mercy players could choose to be more interactive with her previous kit and be rewarded more for it with moments like this:
  3. The commonly heard request “die on point” never meant you should try to die. It meant if you are going to die, make sure you do it together so that I can use my ult to bring you all back, which is just a bit of a mouthful to say and Mercy players wisely decided not to clutter comms with all that when the message should have just been understood.

Nothing Mercy can do now even remotely compares to the experience she offered when winning a pistol duel against the enemy Mercy could so easily decide the game. Old Mercy felt like a hero. New Mercy feels like a mechanically fluid but mediocre healer. Without those hero moments provided by mass res, Mercy is entirely dependent upon the rest of her team to do their jobs and has near-zero carry potential. And that needs to change, no matter if it’s with a revert or another rework when Blizzard finally gets around to it.


Its not that shes bad, its just that theres literally no reason to pick her over any other support. Ana’s anti-healing nade is far more useful than mercy’s entire kit combined.

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If we get mercy 1.0 back, can I get my 1.0 genji back, with his superjump bug never getting fixed pls?

Honestly posts like reverse mercy to her op state because i want a braindead hero to be op and fun without needing any skill should just be deleted because we got enough of them.


i’m always with my team to the end only time i hide was when pharah was using her ult. about it. i never abused her ult.

it’s been like what, 2 years since that nerf.

Are we seriously still gonna have threads at some point in time, like you know, in the late age of OVerwatch like 10 years from now with people asking for “revert Mercy”.

We get it’s deceiving, you lost it, but it’s been 2 years. In 2 years, the game has changed so much and personally became something of its own, very different than what it was once. We don’t need a whole team ressurection, what people need to do is learn how to prepare a plan and engage the fight in such a way that coordination is key.

Back then, you could literally, and I mean literally start a fight, poorly heal, let your whole team die and basically press Q and win the fight pretty much off the bat.

As much as it was fun for like 2 weeks, this was by all means, the most broken step of the history of game balancing for Overwatch. Ressurection is such a must-type ability in these games, that it becomes the main center of the kit and you gotta balance the whole thing out with.

Nowadays, the problem Mercy has is not ressurection, it’s the fact that despite having a sorta okay ultimate, it’s barely impactful like for instance, a transcendance, altho it does convey some advantages as an ult atm. But Mercy could really get a more engaging kit, but mass rez is not the way to go.

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nah, it meant exactly that. Cause the mercy needed people to avoid staggering deaths longer than the re-spawn timer. if you didn’t die immediately die with the team then chances were you were going to die seconds after cause your main healer is hiding someplace away from you.

It also had the issue of putting too much make or break power into her hands. if she got stunned during the rez or died mid flight than she just asked her team to die for no reason and effectively threw which led to extremely toxic moments. Or she rezzed five people and forces the other team to effectively use 4-6 ults in total to wipe for a second time.


Oh snap. I haven’t seen a revert Mercy thread in a hound’s age.


Right now she doesn’t have enough make or break power. It’s pretty hypocritical to say old res was too much power when you consider just how many apparently acceptable ways there were (and still are even now) to take out multiple enemies at the same time.

Your point about staggering deaths has truth to it… if the team was going to die, it was important to die in a timely manner and it was indeed better for Mercy to bring back the team’s main tank from death than to try to heal him back up from 1hp after resurrecting everyone else… that said…

…it was just as beneficial if not more beneficial for said tank to stay alive and at relatively high hp, protecting Mercy while she resses everyone else. The strategy for optimizing Resurrect as an ultimate was far more complicated than simply “everyone die so I can press Q”, so much so that it was more common in higher SR brackets to burn the resurrect ultimate on single targets.




just nerf bap and mei, reaper , hanzo and mcree and more high movement heros will back to the meta, and maybe mercy will see more gameplay time.

Can we just revert the weird noodle-y looking healing beam back to the original one? It looked a lot better >:/


I’m totally with you on the graphic preference, but I think the change was made so that it was easier to tell which beam is in use when OWL team colors are applied to the game… so I suspect it’s going to be ludicrously difficult to get the devs to change that.

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