Revert Mercy Beams?

I remember when they changed the beams, it looks like they just butchered it for no reason and left it. The first beam was so smooth, now it’s just… ugh.

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Alwaays owl

Damn owls

There’s a lot to address with Mercy, but I think this might be a good place to start :sweat_smile: Baby steps!

XD he owls are cute. Even with the poltergeist neck twist :stuck_out_tongue:

Why does this seem like clickbait, like if there’s this video of saying “THE BEST GUN IN CODB4” and its just them saying its the best looking gun. The aesthetics, NOTHING ELSE. Complaining on how the beam works is good, just stop… THIS, you know what you were doing.

How is this clickbait? I want the beams reverted…

(Not only did you not read the past “Clickbait”, you have the audacity to deny * DEEP BREATHING *)
Think of someone saying they want Genji’s dash CHANGED, but its just the color of the dash for a specific skin (Take Blackwatch and oni skins, changing the look of it from green to red), you used a term for the mechanics of the ability and didn’t give us any info on exactly what you wanted changed of the beam, try
“Give us better-looking mercy beams” or “Mercy’s beam looks horrible”. TL:DR Try not using terms for something that doesn’t even effect the mechanics of the ability youre talking about, but said terms are affiliated with.

I stayed up all night playing warframe so im gonna die on my bed now, brb in a few hours.

  1. This is my post, don’t tell me what I should put as my title.
  2. It is not clickbait at all. I said beams, which is obviously referring to her damage boost/healing beams.
  3. Go be petty somewhere else.

These are the real Mercy issues that need to be addressed.

Is that why the Mercy’s beam could it be reverted or the old one could be useful on them???

Sorry I’m not sure what you’re trying to ask :slight_smile: can you try to rephrase that?

Realistically, I don’t think this is an issue the devs should focus on right now.

If the devs do something, they could always make it an option or something, so you have the clearer beams for OWL or whatever, and then the “classic” beams are there if you prefer.

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I honestly do prefer the old heal beam, the new one isn’t bad but I did like the old one more. The damage one I like as it is now. The way it kinda looks scruffy makes it come off as more “powerful” for a lack of a better word. Lol

I don’t say it is a what happening on Mercy’s Caduceus Staff of a beam looks like a nerf and I lot to say it is a worse than enough healing and enough damage. Consecutively, lacking a “powerful” is better than a unusual…

Yes! Revert her beams

Since it seems to be an OWL-based decision, they should make it an option for the rest of us to go back to the old animations.

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yaaaasss please, new ones looks rlly messy, and not sturdy at all. I get it that they needed to change it for owl, but cmon, we want to have nice things too.

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That last one just looks like two strings lol😂


It’s like an octopus after a few too many drinks on a Friday night :mask:

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