Revert Mercy Beams?

They reverted Mercy’s healing buff after a year and a half!


No I’m talking about visuals. They wouldn’t get rid of an animation or ability’s replacement.

Now, I do realize you said it was rumored but in all honesty. People who CAN’T see the difference between the two beams in their “old” form has to be blind-blind. So blind they can’t see jack or the “poopy” he took.

Get this, I play on a 1920x1080 resolution monitor which I downscale the resolution on to 640x480 in order to play. Everything I see in game might as well be mincraft pixalated yet I can see the difference between the beams easily pre-change.

So basically, the change to the way the beams look was not needed and the one who issued, suggested and implemented has the IQ of a doorknob. Whomever it is.

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There are some very questionable people out there.

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Wait are they changing it for a second time?

See? That right there’s an upgrade.

omg yes, I also see videos of that glorious beam and cry every night cause its gone.

People wanted them changed then too.

The purpose of the animation change was to have less clutter. Yes it’s uglier but the game needs to have less clutter. Just take moira’s ult beam, the old visual was so bad I personally thought the fact that it covered half my screen and made me squint as the most OP thing about it lol.

I actually think they need to clean up more abilities in the game like zarya’s bubbles, and moira’s pee spray maybe the orbs too.

Have my setting all at low and sometimes it’s still way too much visual clutter.

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Let us have this at least Blizz XD

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The changes were made for the OWL because in the OWL the beams have the team color, and the boost beam need to look different from the heal beam so people can tell the difference when the two beams have the same color. In non OWL play the beams still have different colors, but in the OWL they do not (I think, I don’t watch the OWL but that was the initial explanation official Blizzard people gave when they introduced the change)

Oh, HUNNY, those beams look like my dog’s ruptured intestines.
Not a cute look.



(I want them reverted too, they just reminded me of spaghetti… yum :yum: )

cbf editing my post so here we go

they really really need to fix hanzo’s ulti - i can’t see through it and it makes it really hard when a friendly dragon/wolf goes through and i’m trying to heal. okami/lone wolf is worse since it’s bright white and opaque.

I liked the look of the old beams, looked more powerful and less erratic. +1 from me!


I actually like how new damage boost beams look. :disappointed_relieved:

I’m good with either or for healing, though.

I can recommend SpecSavers. Hope your eyes get better sir.

I hardly notice the difference.

Oh god you are so right on that. So painfully accurate it hurts me leg.

Noooo!! Dx

I mean, I’m good with either or. But the damage boost beams look like lightning to me at times. Which is kinda sorta a nice touch, lmao

Also, I’m a pineapple ma’am. :sweat_smile: