Revert Genji Damage Nerf

Because Deflect can already be used incredibly offensively.

Genji players know that if they dive onto a player and they shoot into the deflect or if any of the team shoot into the deflect. It is GG. Genji basically automatically wins that fight.

Which is fair.

However, it used to have counter-play. If you managed to not take any damage from the deflecting Genji and perfectly timed your shot to land at the end of deflect, that would be how you would win the Genji duel. Which made fighting Genji’s a very high-skill match-up and purely dependent on each players skill.

Now, that is all completely irrelevant. Genji essentially is allowed a free RMB upon activating deflect at worse and at best, you are still deflecting a ton of damage back at the enemy for a free kill.

Basically it removes counter-play and the likes of Mei/reaper/dva has no inherent offensive nature to their abilities.

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So most streamers and content creators are then?


Only in low ranks anyone plat and above us it to one prtect agains widows while moving or to get away by back peddling.

No he does not most of the time the stop shooting and aim for the rest of your team while one waits for your deflect to go down and lights you up.

And reaper can just wraith then comeout and get free damage or mei will comeout and start spraying you or dva will shoot rockets while still having defence matrix up

Sure but understand a lot of people won’t give much effort to reading what you wrote. I see wall of text, sorry i don’t want to read it really.

If you’re bad at Gengi, thus want him stronger so you can be better at being bad at Gengi… support aren’t actually strong, you’re bad at Gengi!


Or maybe we aren’t bad but his kit is literally in the worst spot its even been in and hes is out classed by every hero out side sombra so yes he needs buffed and no its not becuase we are “bad at genji” that is a hacks argument and your should be ashamed for even trying to pull that crap

nah nah nah. just keep it simple at 29dmg shurikens. he doesnt need that at all lol. just one simple buff, lets not overcomplicate things here

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Most streamers who play DPS/Tanks and probably have easy mobility to never have to worry about him.

1 support streamer saying “Genji is fine” means nothing. Don’t pretend like you didn’t see Genji in 99% of your games before he got nerfed, and don’t pretend like games weren’t almost entirely the better Genji wins, because they were and Blizzard thought so too.


Right because you argument is support are actually strong implying that all support players are just bad and that’s why your hero needs his nerf reversed because even bad players are owning you… oh but you’re not bad, just Genji.


I see 99% Genji now and about half of them are a threat, the other half miss more often than not or deflect into the ground…

Yet supports only have one hero with nk mobility so its just as moble as the other roles

Yet his pick rate and win rate were dropping in all ranks because people one learned hes not for them and 2 people learned hoe to look up more

No support is the strongest role with the most game changing ability not saying a person is bad but they seem to want to buff a hero just to buff them and cant give me a reason out side queue times eitch is not an argument

Are you counting zen during his ult as mobility out of curiosity?

Support is the most important role, not the strongest. Yes, some support characters can shift the tide of a battle but they can not aim for their teammates and few supports are destroying the enemy team solo.

Genji is still good, he’s just not “I don’t need your heals good where he could ignore los and distance to wreck everyone. 1v1, he should win most fights, as opposed to 1v3 before the nerf.

I still see a lot of Genji being played and I still see good Genji’s winning fights and carrying matches, I just don’t see it every game with Genji on both teams which isn’t a bad thing!

Lol i forgot zen, okay so 2 heros my bad

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90% of Genji play is getting in close and double jumping around the enemy while spamming right click, then dash melee combo for the kill.

Give double jump a cooldown then we can talk about damage buffs.


Or we could stop nerfing the second weakest dps in the game and acualy just give him back his damage. And stop trying to dumpster a already bad hero it makes it look like you dont understand hoe to balance a game

Genji is pretty mid now and although people will never accept it when it’s ‘their,’ character in this position, but mid-tier characters are in a perfectly healthy place. Heck even low-tier characters can still get value. The difference between the worst, and the best in terms of balance is far more marginal than people want to admit.

I don’t think he’s 2nd worst. Bastion, Mei, Sombra, Cass, and a few others are considered worse (by experience, stats, etc.).

Like…I dunno. I don’t think Genji is strong. He feels close to mid right now. Certainly not busted, but I don’t agree he’s as bad as you feel he is.

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Ana and Zen have no mobility.

You have no idea what his pickrate is so this argument is completely pointless.